Finally! I have a new foal to show off!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Alberta, Canada

After losing 4 in a row, we finally have a live healthy foal! This is Honeysuckle's first baby, and she is very proud of him! She overcooked him like crazy, his tail is down below his hocks and he was already cutting his bottom two teeth when he was born!!

We have 2 more to go, and really, really have our fingers crossed that nothing else goes wrong.
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:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

congrats on an adorable baby!!

good luck on the other ones too.
Conratulations on a nice little colt! I don't get on the forum alot anymore so must have missed your other posts, may I ask you how you lost the four in a row? Thats a bummer, but I think I have been in your shoes already, not quite but almost.
Oh my gosh hes cute and best of all by that look I would say HE knows it, lol

Congradulations he is very handsome.
Awww, he's a doll! CONGRATULATIONS! So sorry for your losses Kendra.
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Wow good thing Momma didnt wait any longer to have him! He would have been grown lol. He is just adorable.
: So sorry for your losses, we lost 4 premature fillies last year so I know how awful that feels. Best wishes on the rest
I'm very sorry, Kendra, for the losses. I'm so happy to see you have a beautiful boy to show for this one, though.

He's great!

Good luck with the next ones, sounds like you've had more than your share of losses for the next several years.

Liz M.
Congratulations on your new colt. He's very nice. Sorry to hear of the losses on your other foals. Hoping that your next 2 arrivals are safe
Congratulations!! :aktion033: :aktion033: He is adorable! I hope your remaining 2 go well for you. So sorry to hear about your 4 losses. :no:
:aktion033: Wonderful little new guy Kendra. Sorry about your off year with foaling. Hopfully the next couple babies arrive safe sound and textbook for you guys...
Thats great, finally, what a doll, congratulations!!!!
Thanks everyone for the nice comments! He's very sweet, with LONG legs, going to be a driving horse for sure!

Conratulations on a nice little colt! I don't get on the forum alot anymore so must have missed your other posts, may I ask you how you lost the four in a row? Thats a bummer, but I think I have been in your shoes already, not quite but almost.
Three of them were born dead at term, no real explanation, the one that the vet posted was normal, and he thinks was just stressed during delivery (maiden mare and slow delivery). One was early and we think the mare had placentitis. As for the others, no explanation, though the vet's have theorized that Hypthyroidism could be to blame, which is tough to prove as no one really knows what causes hypothyroidism, though the latest research talks about nitrate levels being involved. We had our hay tested and it doesn't have high levels of nitrates. Who knows, though we did switch the hay our pregnant mares were eating, just in case.
Handsome little fellow. So sorry about your earlier losses. I had a year like that last year. I know how you feel. WE are waiting on 4 more with fingers crossed and prayers lifted daily.


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