feeding garlic

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Westport, Washington
I was at a show this weekend and the barn smelled like garlic every morning. I found out someone was feeding a garlic feed to rid off bugs. Anyone heard of this and does it really work? I have misquitos really bad right now and I have been putting a very expensive bug spray ($45) on my lil guy. Because of the price I put it only on his face. Feeding something would be easier and probably less expensive.
I did try a garlic bug product on my big horses several years ago, and it did seem to help with the biting flies, don't recall if it had much effect on the mosquitoes; it did nothing to get rid of the filth flies (those that hang around the manure, but don't bite, they are just a nuisance). You need to start it before bug season, so it can get into the system; it may or may not work in time to start it now, it takes a week or more for the garlic to permeate the whole body. And, some horses won't touch the stuff, its so strong smelling and tasting. Also, I've read that too much garlic can cause anemia; but I don't know what constitutes too much. I didn't keep up with it as it got too expensive to too hard to keep them eating it; the saddle horses weren't too bad, as they got little grain, so they'd gobble anything they got, but the minis have gotten more feed, so are pickier about mix--ins.
I think SmartPak has a supplement with garlic in it. They sent me a sample of it, but I must admit I pitched it. Just what I need, the place filled with equines with garlic breath!
We tried garlic one year in our barn... Bought a 25# tub and every horse got some daily. Although we loved the "pizza breath" it didn't make any difference for flies and Mosquitos. The only thing that's made a substantial difference is the automatic fly spray system in all the stalls.
Many years ago everyone jumped on the garlic bandwagon for themselves and horses. i did too. Didn't do a think that I could see for me or them. I put it away in my bag of FADS and there it stayed.

But I never did have any vampires........