Driving Random

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2012
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I took the leap and attempted random today! It was very challenging as none of us have done it before. The horse at wheel was my Husband's mare that loves him and challenges me every chance she gets. (Except when she is part of The Six, then she is near perfect!) My leopard stallion was in swing and his daughter was leader. It took a few minutes for lead and swing to understand their jobs, but once they did, they did very well. The wheel mare, Hubby's horse, was being here normal, challenging self.

It was challenging but a lot of fun! It looks like I will be juggling horses around till I get a random team together.

Yes, Al, it was very challenging to drive, especially the first five minutes or so while the horses were trying to figure out what the crazy lady wanted. Once they figured it out we had a blast!

Thanks Marsha! I love trying the different configurations.
And this is why random driving can be dangerous!

Everyone was fine, in fact this, even though it could have ended badly, ended just fine. It is extremely important to remain calm and quiet so that the horses stay calm.

This was this randoms first drive together. The tangle was at the beginning, and once we got untangled they did pretty good. We had a few hiccups during the drive but nothing like the first knot! This group is going to be really nice once I can get some time on them. That will be a while because we are in the middle of an intense heat wave.

All Good.jpg
Thank you.

We had 120 at our house sunday. Monday was 118. The rest of this week is suppose to ne 110 - 113. At lease it is a dry heat so that the neck coolers and the cooling vests work very well to keep the body cool. When the humidity of monsoon hits is when it will get ugly because then the cooling vest and neck coolers just make it wetter.

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