just wanted to share the battle i have been facing for months with bo, my 3 year old mini donkey. he cut his lip this past february, not sure on what - a chunk out of it actually, and i tried treating it with blue kote. the wound was not healing and getting wider - vet came and i she told me to use granulex spray and clean the wound every day. She also gave me some type of spray that helps with grow skin. She told me to use that along with antibiotics and bute and that if it didn't work we could suture it. Well it got even worse and to the point where i could not even get near his face ( by now half his lip is gone) So she comes back like 2 months later and says we have to suture because it is sooo bad now it won't heal on its own. THere is sooo much proud flesh. she cuts his face more to get clean skin to suture - a little deformed but who cares as long as he gets better. He wears a grazing muzzle immediatley after surgery so that he can't itch it anymore. Next day 90 degree weather - he blows his stitches out! Vet says keep muzzle on him for a month and hopefully it will keep him from itching it and it will heal. Nope - flys are terrible and the wound is HUGE now and oozing. Now we are in the process of doing a biopsy. She told me it would take 7-10 days for the results and its already been 11 business days and she has not heard from the pathologist. She is not charging me for her services just the meds i need. I just bought Equaide and am going to give it a shot - this is a last resort because my husband says we should put him down. The vet is willing to try anything at this point also. I don't want anymore surgery for him - he wont have a muzzle left! I wanted to share this with all you because i have been able to find nothing on the internet like this wound. Please share it with others - if nothing else comes of this and i have to put him down - i would like others to be aware of what can happen and hopefully someone somewhere will have an answer to fix it. I am going to continue to document his progress if any on equaide and and all the other products and treatments i do. Hopefully in the future this may help someone.