Does anyone use one piece hood and blanket sleazie

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2004
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New Brunswick, Canada
I recently bought a pattern for 5 sized of full body (with hood included) sleazies, and wondered if anyone uses them on minis? My pattern doesnt include mini pattern, so if anyone knows of anywhere I can buy a mini sized pattern, that would be greatly appreciated....... I have an extra small hood pattern, that I think will fit the minis, but not the full body one......
I have not used them on my horses, but a friend does that I help w/showing her horses from time to time.

I hate the darn things. They are complicated to get on, and if the horse is not 100% bombproof, seems like they struggle and run around, twisting things up.

The straps and things are a pain to get together. I like my two-piece hood/bodysuits.

That way I have a choice what I put on and in the winter or cold weather, I switch out and use an insulated hood for extra warmth.

Just my opinion on these,

Liz M.
I use them but have a huge problem with them riding back. Luckily I have horses that will just stand there, totally blind, and wait. They do tap their hooves and demand edible restitution though!!!

They where them just to travel to shows now, and I have no trouble getting them off, maybe it's a knack???
I have one (or maybe that's had... not sure where it is) and I hated it. I like the body piece and the hood to be separate.
Thanks, the one I have for the big one has a belly band, and zip on the throat, as well as removeable leg straps. and darts on the bum and shoulders

Guess though if the perferred is the 2 piece, thats fine......
I have 4 or 5 that go back to the 'original' maker of same for minis. They were individually made, by one lady, and were named "Equitard". I have made mine last for MANY years(have had them for at least 15-16 years now, I believe), by ONLY using them when the horse was just bathed, and only UNDER a sheet or blanket, depending on the temps. They were VERY well-conceived and constructed, fit VERY well, and have held up VERY well-only the head portion had suffered from the abrasion of the horses' rubbing on something while wearing them. They were pretty expensive, especially for that long ago-but as I said, have held up and lasted VERY well! I have never owned any other kind, and don't think I would like those that are in two parts....not sure if the "Equitards" are even still being made/sold, but they would still be my choice. You could choose the color(solids only-personally, I dislike those wild printed things....)-and such details as whether a tail, or ear, covers were included, and whether the seams were on the inside or the outside. I wouldn't 'take' for my "Equitards"!( Something I REALLY like, either with OR without, an Equitard, is the now-finally-becoming-popular "neck cover'-like a hood without the facial part. I got one with a horse I bought YEARS ago, have loved them ever since, wondered why they were SO hard to find, had a couple custom made,using the one I had as a pattern, because they simply weren't available!? MUCH better than a full hood, and much more comfy for the horse-I've never liked full hoods, as they ride up/down, and are quite time-consuming to put on/take off. )

BTW, I always wondered why,more recently, these stretchy things are called "sleazies"? Seems to me a tacky name, given the meaning of the word 'sleazy', for a useful object....just my old-fashioned, conservative, opinion!!
The type you describe w/the neck zipper and belly band, etc., sounds like the type my friend had. They never fit any of her horses properly, either, and I found w/the two piece, you could buy the right size hood and bodysuit in any combo. Mine are made by Supreme Equine Design and I love their blankets, etc.

I always THOUGHT I would like the one piece, til I have had these experiences w/my friend's one-pieces, and have since grown to love my two piece hood and bodysuits.

I think the word "sleazy" is a brand name of the hood/suits. It's sleazy sleepwear for horses, I think the combo of "slinky" and "eazy"...?

I think Equitards are still being made...are those the ones w/the "mickey mouse" ears?

Liz M.
I have used both 'separate' parts, and a full body slinky, and always had trouble in one form or another, usually the things rode backwards. In the end, I couldn't stand it anymore, and recently bought 2 light canvas/heavy cotton hooded combos, from Kingston Horse Supplies, in Australia.

They stay in place much better than the lycra ones, because the fabric is stiffer. They are light to wear in the hot weather, and shower proof, and could be water-proofed.
I have both the one and two-piece ones, and like the one-piece the best. I suppose it really is a "personal" thing. As for putting it over the head; either one has to take the same trip up-n-over, so don't find any difference which one I use. Also, I am lucky, as none of my horses mind them.

What I prefer about the one-piece, is when you take it off, there is not "mark" where the blanket one has been over the neck and shoulders.

I bought mine from Jolen Rugs, in Australia, and they were less than half what any of the other ones I have seen, (including shipping!!!) and are quite nice. All the sewing is done with a serger, so there is no fraying of tearing; like some of the hoods I bought from the other shops.
I have used both but also prefer the one piece ones... like Sue C stated above, I like the fact that I don't have blanket lines on horses at show time and have not had a problem with the riding up or getting twisted.

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
I also have both and like both. My one piece ones have a zipper down the length of the neck so I just slip the whole thing over the head like a closed front blanket. I get the body all covered and strapped in then put the hood over the ears and head and zip. Never had any trouble with any of my horses standing still for them. Mine are thick too, I like them in the winter if I need warmth on a clipped horse. Bought my first ones of the LB auction so I can't remember where they came from, usually buy my two piece ones from either Star Lake or Mini Express.
Sue_C. said:
What I prefer about the one-piece, is when you take it off, there is not "mark" where the blanket one has been over the neck and shoulders.


miniapp said:
I have used both but also prefer the one piece ones...  like Sue C stated above, I like the fact that I don't have blanket lines on horses at show time and have not had a problem with the riding up or getting twisted. 


I use the Sleazy Sleepwear ones for the same they can be whipped off really fast when they are calling your class to the ring...LOL

We have both the one piece and 2 piece...

Love the 1 piece "body sleeves" we got from Smooth-ez last yr!!

added: they have the neck zipper, tail guard, velcro belly, etc so very easy on and off...
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Sue_C. said:
I have both the one and two-piece ones, and like the one-piece the best. I suppose it really is a "personal" thing. As for putting it over the head; either one has to take the same trip up-n-over, so don't find any difference which one I use. Also, I am lucky, as none of my horses mind them.
What I prefer about the one-piece, is when you take it off, there is not "mark" where the blanket one has been over the neck and shoulders.

I bought mine from Jolen Rugs, in Australia, and they were less than half what any of the other ones I have seen, (including shipping!!!) and are quite nice. All the sewing is done with a serger, so there is no fraying of tearing; like some of the hoods I bought from the other shops.



Those sounded pretty neat to me and thinking back on the full body one I have or had, I'm not actually sure it was sized right. I just placed an order for three with Jolen Rugs and you are right, can't beat the price! Even though I don't know that they'll fit my horses the way I want, I ordered three (in different sizes) since the shipping and the money transfer rate are fixed fees. And, yay, she can make them in purple

Thanks for the heads up!

i guess im weird as i really like the one piece with the zippers. the one i have stays on much better then the two pcs which tend to slide around.