Do you have a FUN job?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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East Central Wisconsin
Just wondering if anyone actually, truly, LIKES their job...wakes up in the morning ready to get to work?

And i'm not talking to those of you who get to stay home all day and play with the mean a real full-time job getting paid!

Please tell me what your title is, and what you do? I am currently scanning the papers and internet for other possibilities, i'm bored to death of my office job...I can run this office while sleeping and it just bores me. I want a job where I am on the ball all the time, can work with others but I do not like to be micro-managed, I like to be able to work on my own without having someone else point out my mistakes. Any fun jobs out there?
I love my job! I'd rather not work for a living, but what I do is fun. I own a financial planning practice with my father. We've been partners since 1994. I am licensed to sell investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, unit investment trusts, annuities, etc.) and to charge a fee for investment advice.

My clients are primarily retired or almost retired affluent couples ($1M + investable assets). I LOVE what I do, and have employees that do a great job doing the parts of the job I do not like (paper work, etc.).

My title, it depends on who asks! Vice President, Registered Representative, Registered Principal, Investment Advisor, Stock Broker, Insurance Agent, Financial Planner...

And, I'm not at all a big math brain or anything! I just know about investments (especially those that are good for my type of client), and love to talk with people

PS I'd say it pays good :bgrin
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=) Sorry I was going to have this post deleted but Jill you already replied LOL!

Well now i'm looking for possibilities for ME to look at...I don't have the finances nor the brain to start my own business LOL! I really do have an issue with remembering things, and math...I think i'm dyslexic because I remember things backwards, and I can remember things when someone tells me but I can never recall the information myself! So...I need an easy, repetative job that isn't complicated or full of numbers...LOL! But, I do like challanges, and like to keep busy and prefer not to sit behind a desk all day!

Any other FUN jobs out there?
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i don't know if you'd really call my job fun but i do love it. i work for the public defender in the second (i believe) largest county in illinois, pike county. my only fun times are when one of our clients successfully graduates from drug court and STAYS CLEAN. :aktion033: it doesn't happen often *sigh* but it DOES happen. i can say, there's never a dull moment around here!

i guess i'd have to say the least favorite part of my job is when i have to visit clients in jail. ugh.
I love my job! I am a professional Canine Stylist and have a grooming parlour in our home. The pay and hours are great, but I am always working on ways to grow the business. Eventually I plan to offer training, daycare and retail.

I know many people who clean houses for a living and enjoy what they do. My boyfriend manages a bar, and I think the bartenders are happy with their jobs (although I quickly found out it's not a job for me).

Have you tried making a list of all the things you would like in a job in addition to those you wouldn't?
I love my job BUT it isn't a 9-5er, it begins when I awaken and ends (maybe) when I go to sleep. Took me years to find a job I love and be able to stay home too. It's been almost 2 yrs, I'm in the black, can pay for my own small bills, pay for the horses 100% and still buy needed things to replenish my can do it..find something you love and grow it from there. The only drawback some days is that 8am call from someone needing something or that 11pm call as some folks don't realize time changes but I smile thru's my job. What with my grandson 16 days a month, my home, my horses, 76 acres that thankfully won't need mowing much longer, and my business creating the custom stuff and the Reiki customers, I'm pretty busy.

Sit quietly and really think what would make you happy and earn a'll take time to build but it is possible.
Well I LOVE my job! Unfortunately, I'll be leaving in a month, but it's been great. I work at an eBay store researching items and writing listings. I see something new every day, learn something new every day, work comfortable hours (10-7 weekdays, 10-5 weekends, Sundays off) and get plenty of downtime to sneak on here. The pay is fair, plus incentives, and I am just missing out on a profit-sharing plan. I'm returning to college in January to pursue another degree, but I've enjoyed this so much, my family and I have been talking about starting our own eBay store.
I love my job BUT it isn't a 9-5er, it begins when I awaken and ends (maybe) when I go to sleep. Took me years to find a job I love and be able to stay home too. It's been almost 2 yrs, I'm in the black, can pay for my own small bills, pay for the horses 100% and still buy needed things to replenish my can do it..find something you love and grow it from there. The only drawback some days is that 8am call from someone needing something or that 11pm call as some folks don't realize time changes but I smile thru's my job. What with my grandson 16 days a month, my home, my horses, 76 acres that thankfully won't need mowing much longer, and my business creating the custom stuff and the Reiki customers, I'm pretty busy.

Sit quietly and really think what would make you happy and earn a'll take time to build but it is possible.
You know what they say about when you own your own business :bgrin Lots of days, you only have to work half the time, and you get to pick which 12 hours of the day
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I have the coolest job I have ever had and LOVE going to work! I work part time 3-4 hours at a time, usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday at an alpaca farm. The pay is outstanding, the woman I work for is the greatest and the critters are pretty neat (she has 20!). I ride around the farm in a gator, pick alpaca poop, help with care and assist with vetting. Currently we are training two weanlings to halter. One of them I will be showing at a big alpaca show in March and am pretty excited about that. I am also learning about their fiber and the neat things people make with it. Did I say I love it?
Our family owns a trucking business Hackworth Trucking, well my father owned it and then passed it on to my brothers. I do paperwork and pay roll and i personally its really good money for only one or two days of work a week. I just started about a little over a month ago and at first we had to work out some kinks but after a long talk and things got a rolling and we worked out a solid work schedule things are going great. Wensdays i work 9am-5:30pm and do paperwork, which basically is taking bills and putting everything off the load reciepts onto the computer and printing out invoices and one goes in a pile that he keeps and the other two goes off to the home Whirlpool corporation in St Louis MO which is overnighted. Thursday morning i go in and normally it only takes a few hours to go through all the info saved on the computer from the day before and get a total for each driver and add it up and then divide out taxes and add on tolls and field surcharges and get down to how much goes to the driver and how much we keep. I enjoy it because you dont have to answer to anyone and its a pretty easy desk job plus i know my brother wont fire me lol.

My brother also pulled some strings and got my a part time job working at the actual Whirlpool corporation (which he does 99% of his pulls out of), i just started there a few weeks ago.

I like my job(s), i really do. Its a deskjob

Plus it leaves me with plenty of time to spend with the horses

Here is our familys trucking businesses website.

Im also trying to get a part time job at Pegasis Arabians which is a HUGE Arabian farm nearby.
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Wow neat =) I would love a job at an alpaca farm! I have thought about offering my services at a local boarding stable but I wonder if I will really like going there every day to work their boarded horses, and then come home tired and try to work with mine...I can't ride, and am really sort of scared of big horses so i'm not sure that would work too well anyhow but the thought did cross my mind!

I currently have a cushy desk job with my family business...lots of benefits, on the internet all day, can leave for appointments anytime I need, pretty laid back but well it's getting me down...I am told almost every day why I should be fired (like, leaving the coffee pot on even though there's still a cup of coffee in it that I still want to drink)....stupid little piddly things but it really gets me down. I am to the point where I dread getting up and going to work. Been there 6 years and i'm tired of no one appreciating me. I manage the office there, phones, paperwork, etc. and I know if I left, everyone would feel it! But no one has even a clue that I am not happy...if I try to say i'm not happy, I get called into a meeting with my parents and emotionally battered on, told I need to smile and suck it up, etc.

I so need a new that I will want to wake up for, one that I will like! I thought of a 2nd shift because I am totally not a morning person but that is usually 2pm-10pm and that leaves a late late dinner for the horses, I wont have that. I just...I want a really fun job but it needs to pay really good, and still leave time for me to be home around 5-6pm!
I love my job. Usually I will change jobs after avout 4 years because I get bored. I have been at my current job for 8.5 years.

I am an Ophthalmic scribe. When the doctor goes in to see the patient, he dictates his findings to me, I then write them in the chart. I determine the diagnosis from what he has told me, and I also determine the fees. I get enough people contact without having too much. I work for 7 different doctors, and I get along with them all. Working with that many doctors keeps it interesting. I really don't have someone looking over my shoulder managing me, so I love that. The hours are great. I usually am home by 5:15 each day, never any weekends. I get alot of vacation time to go to horse shows.

Good luck in your search.
It's not my "ideal" job but I am having fun at my new job. It's completely different from anything I've ever done before. I spent the last 17 years as a Manufacturing Tech at Intel. I was responsible for making sure certain tools were running their best and for troubleshooting, repairing, maintaining them. The pay was incredible, the time off was great (3 days one week 4 the next).

My job now is at a Sporting goods store. I work in the footwear dept. (I hate feet!) BUT I'm learning a new trade and only being there 3 months I've all ready been promoted to Lead with a raise (nothing like my previous job but....) I work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. I get to meet people (even though I'm not really a people person by choice, just works out that way) I also get a discount on all my favorite toys!

One of the perks is you get to meet yesterday I met Huey Lewis. I sold him a pair of boots and got to hang out with him a while. Neat guy! There's been other celebrity types and "movie folks". Always something to do too.
I LOVE my job! I work in my pyjamas most of the time, I meet fun people and I still get to look after my daughter full time. I HATE the idea of daycare, so I started this business so that I'd never have to go back to having a "real" job ever again.

I'm a professional photographer.
I have thought about trying to find a job as a photographer...I love taking photo's and I am a nut about making sure things are perfectly in place or, capturing the image just as I see it, things like that. I have an eye for picking out great pictures as well, ones that are proportionate instead of distorted, etc. But what gets me down is if I start on my own, that's hundreds of dollars worth of photography stuff that I need to buy and then I need to promote myself, etc.....eek!
I love my job (I despise my boss though)...I am an Air Traffic Controller. My schedule is kinda crappy but since we don't have kids it hasn't been an issue. I start my work week out at 3pm and everyday it gets earlier until my last day, my friday, I start at 5:30am..I also have what most would call crappy days off (tues, wed), but we actually like it..we go boating and such and don't have to deal with crowds. My husband is also an Air Traffic Controller at a different airport though. The pay is good (Over $100,000) and descent benefits. It can be stressful at times. Your job is always on the line...for instance...aircraft need to be seperated by 3 miles or 1,000 ft in our airspace. Suppose you only have 2.8 miles or 900ft...that's called a "deal"...planes were never going to hit and no one was in danger, but if you do that 3 times in a two year period...kiss your butt get fired! You can't make mistakes...end of story. My hubby and I have been doing it for 10 years, mandatory retiredment is 56yrs old. We will both be able to retire at 50 since we will have in over 20 years.

Last year the FAA forced a contract on us and work conditions are very poor right now...the government is trying to royally screw us and morale is super low with the controllers, equipment is old and outdated...not good. They have cut the pay for new hires in way I'd do this job for half of what I'm making right now. It is stressful and you are responsible for thousands of lives daily. Many are going to be retiring in the next couple years and the government does not have enough to replace them. Even if they hire a whole bunch right now, training to become a controller is 2-3 years. That doesn't count the college or military you must have to even get hired. In the next couple years the US airspace system is really going to be hurting...there will not be enough people to handle the planes...delays and accidents will increase due to's not going to be pretty.