Did not mean to fall off the face of the earth for so long

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Muncie, Indiana
I had no idea how long it had been until someone got in touch with me. Five months, really??

All I can say is I am sorry, and it was not intentional. Have been and was thinking of so many of you, I just didn't get here.

Will see if I can make this long story shorter.

I have been fighting Lyme Disease for now 18 weeks. When it started it hit me rather hard as I also had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. You would of thought I had two heads because people do not get both. I was so swollen and so broke out, even I didn't know the person in the mirror. I have been to several disease specialist to help me get through, deal with both. I can say I am now testing negative for RMSF. The Lyme continues and some days are better than others. It is so exhausting to have, on most days I hope to get through work then come home and crash. I'd get on the computer and have a million emails not even realizing I hadn't checked them in over a week. After having complete over all physical, a few other things were found but I believe are under control. Right now the biggest things are my legs. I can get cramps in them that last well over an hour before I can get rid of them. My legs don't always listen to what it is I'm trying to tell them. I also have a stress fracture in my right leg and muscle separation, the answer as to why is still up for debate. It has been such a long road, I haven't talked to many, do not want to sound like I am whining, so have communicated with very few. I have dealt with this for the most part on my own. For those that know me I am sure reading I have not talked much is hard to believe.
Have also had several personal issues I have had to deal with, combine them all and yes I went into hibernation.

For the twins!! They are now 18 months old. Riley is walking, no, running every where and is doing great!! She will never let her brothers one up on her because she is already always one step a head of them. Blake had a few surgeries for his heart in March. The first few months after were rather scary and his condition was so up and down. But his body has seemed to settle down and adjust to the way they have rerouted his arteries and veins and for the most part he has pretty good days. He is still a tiny guy, 16lbs at 18 months, but, has slowly gained 2 pounds over the last few months. We will take any we can get. I am just thankful for the wonderful doctors and the strength of my daughter whom have gotten them all through this.

I have tried to attach a picture of them. Riley is on the right, Blake is in the middle, a friend on the left. We happen to think they are just about the most special babies in the world, and they prove that daily. Hopefully I will get back out to see them around Labor Day weekend.

Thank you all for your continued prayers for them, it is so appreciated and for your emails I still have not answered.

Hopefully I have come around enough I will be on here more.

I am sorry for my absence, it was for no reason than the ones listed above. Spending the weekend kicking my butt back in to gear, and I think this is at least a start.

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So wonderful to hear from you and hope you get better soon. Sounds terrible to deal with all the time. And thank you for the baby update they are beautiful!
Good to hear from you. HOpe you feel better soon. Those grandbabies are just too cute, and so is their friend.
I am SO glad to hear from you! I have been so worried about Blake since the last I had heard was right before he went into his surgery. So glad to hear he made it through and they are both doing well. They are adorable in that picture!

I am very sorry to hear about everything you have been going through healthwise. I will be praying for you that you start feeling better soon!


You need to call me young lady!

Ooh that lyme disease I swear I know a couple of kids that have it. What a darn way to get your life turned upside down. Glad you found some Dr's that are on the ball with this.

The babies are so adorable you have to take really good care of yourself cause they need you and so does the rest of the northen hemisphere!
So glad to hear from you. Have been wondering how you and the babies were doing. Take care of yourself. Love seeing the pictures of the babies. Blake will catch up - he's been through so much. Take care of yourself and stay in touch as you can.

Glad to hear from you --- I just can't believe how grown up the kids are!!! Where does the time go? Anyway, welcome back!

Welcome back, Carolyn!!! I've missed seeing you here and hope you are feeling better soon
I, too, had been wondering how things were going with you. Sorry to hear about the health problems, and I sure hope you are feeling better!!

Great to see a picture of the kids!! Blake looks amazing knowing what he's been through!!!

So glad to hear from you again Carolyn, sorry to hear things have been so rough for you.

I do want to ask you, what are the symptoms you had with the lymes?
Time does go fast, and those precious grand kids, sure have grown, seem like yesterday, they where born.

Now look after yourself and God Bless
Carolyn, I have been gone a long time too but am glad to see you here . Those babies are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Hope you feel better soon. My former guide dog Esther suffers from lime disease after math as well. Her joints are in very bad shape. Praying you get better soon.
Thank you all so much, your prayers have been the best and no doubt have gotten Blake to where he is today! We are so proud of them and the character they show. Blake still has treatments daily and is such a trooper, but also sad as he is so good when having them, but only because he is use to it. But again, we are thankful for all who have gotten him to this point. Riley is so funny! She loves to throw things, tear up things, climb as high as she can get by with and pop a brother as he walks by. She is so full of herself, acts JUST like her mom, and love love her little attitude!

Jody, because I had both, I am not sure of only Lyme symptoms. When I had both and it started I swelled and broke out every where. I was taken to the ER when my throat swelled shut. Very painful, and my knees would get so big I wanted to stick them with something to make them pop. I felt like I was walking behind myself and never really felt like I had balance. But it was due to lack of legs, if that makes sense. The tick actually embedded into a lymph node in my leg and it flooded into my body. The actual tick bite was swollen and inflamed for 13 weeks. It was very hard to eat. Hard to swollow and everything tasted like a chemical. I've got to say, the best diet I have ever been on, I am down to 112. It totally exhausted me. I was sleeping 12 hours a day, 16 hours a day on the weekend. Still am on a sulfur based antibiotic, steroids, and was given pain shots for about 8 weeks. Currently I don't get as tired, but I have days it is like starting all over again.

This will give you an idea.

This is my arm, my entire body would do this, some days worse, some not as bad.

Hope it helps to answer your question.

Thanks again to all!! Love you all!!

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Glad to hear the update. The grandkids are adorable! Sorry to hear of all the lyme disease stuff. Will keep you in my prayers!