Home at last and we survived. Yesterday I worked all day as supervisor in antiques. We always have the most entries of any department and three of us at work like busy bees to get it all entered and displayed. Our judge this year was a little hard to follow; we couldn't figure out her criteria. She was rather quirky. But, judging such things is pretty subjective so we just went with it. Probably won't call her next year though... My silly treasure cake got a blue, and I got sweepstakes with my onions.
Today I took the horses for petting. Rowdy really needed this. He was not very nice with the first batch of youngsters: sidling, butting, and tossing his head. The second batch he did a little better but resented me showing them his teeth and resting his foot on my knee so they could feel a hoof. He got better with each group, and then decided he had had enough and had a tantrum. He bit the woman who was holding him and sidled into children--not dangerously but it wasn't desirable. She put him in the pen, thinking "that's it for him". NOT. I got him out and we had a lesson in manners for a few minutes. When the next group came in he was a gentleman, and by the last group he was like an old pro. Showed his teeth, left his foot on my knee, and preened for all the petting and scratching.
I walked him in the aisles of hogs several times during the day, and by the end of the day he was going past them well. Wouldn't get close to one, but lost the white-eye look. There were several steers and we walked past them often and he was more relaxed by the end of the day. It was hot and noisy. He was a tired boy when we got home. Also took DD. He was jealous of Rowdy being the center of attention so I asked someone to hold him also when the children came through. He loves the fair and was very gentle and cooperative. But he was very tired tonight; not sure if it is the snake bite, antibiotics, or age. They had a nice pen on sand, water and hay so their day was not too stringent.
There were two alpacas, piglets, a turkey, goats, a bunny, a donkey, and an emu for petting.