Here is the story. I bought a baby jack and wanted him for breeding. Long story short, after a while and no family jewels or anything close to that, I assumed he had been gelded before I got him. So we put him in with our fillies for company since my spotted donkey jack did not particularly care for him. After 2 years, well guess what?? The family jewels appeared. I have groped this donkey once a week for the longest time and wham! now beenie weenies.
He has been in the pasture with our blue roan filly as his best friend. And now, she is beginning to look "chubby". A mini mule is not what I planned but she is 4 YO so no real big deal. My question is: Does anyone have a guess what a true blue roan filly out of a leopard appy sire and blue roan mare, crossed with a dark chocolate mini donkey will produce as far as color???? The donkey has a star (small) but really dark color. Would it be possible to have an appy mini mule? The filly has some darker spotting in the summer when clipped too.
This could get interesting I think. any ideas???
Silver Belle Farms Eeyore
Blue Moon