Sorry no pics or video, it was a blustery day and we just went up and down the barn driveway a couple times at a walk. All I can say so far is, holy learning curve Batman! Definitely a lot more practice is needed before I'm going to be attaching myself to him. He was very good however, happy to pull me, it's just the stopping and steering part that was a bit disrupted. Holding the pull rope in one hand and the lines in the other was a little too much for my coordination to handle. Stopping him is hard because if I have to put much pressure on the lines I pull myself right up onto his heels. Probably not such an issue on rougher ground but still, not ideal. It may be that a light shaft set will be the best solution but I will practice with the brake on the skates and see. Definitely today I could not get all my appendages to do all the things all at the same time! So I stopped myself with my hands on his bum before remembering I had brakes.