Biblically Hostile

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And one more-then i'll leave it
I do hope you read them.
Because this person says this or that it's gospel? I do not take others oppinions for the truth. I take what the person says or does for the truth. These articals still do not address WHY Obamaites are sooo sensitive when it comes to jokes about the man. Blonds do not get upset if you joke about them. Same diff. Also, Obama DID shoot down the keystone ppipeline. The very pipeline that would transport CRUDE OIL to Texas for refineing. WHY? You tell me.
Obama is an anti-American and a racist. No one would sit in Rev. Wright's church for 20+ years otherwise. Some heads are just in the sand to be as polite as possible. Obama's been such a divisive, vs. decisive, leader in the areas of race, class, religion and politics. He's a warlord in those areas and a puppet of the progressive agenda.

I am not sure he's a failure, because I think he's done much of what he was "supposed" to do, none of which is good for the American people. It is stunning to me to recognize how many Americans will sacrifice personal liberty and freedom in exchange for a government handout. Government cannot give to anyone something unless it first takes it from someone else. No matter how you check the math, bigger government = smaller individuals.

Obama did not inherit this mess. He campaigned for it and on his empty promises to make things better. The hopey changey spin on socialism is anti-American and it is poisonous.

More of us know these things now, than in 2007 and 2008. I'm going to do my part to make sure he gets his pink slip this November.

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Couldn't have said it better!
Unemployment is over 13% in Northern Nevada (ch. 2 news tonight). Since I live here that is THE ONLY NUMBER THAT MATTERS to me. I live in a tourist driven economy. People drive here. If gas is too high they don't come. Hotel rooms are left empty, maids don't have rooms to clean. No one stuffing EXTRA money into the machines, casinos lose money. No one in the hotels and casinos there is then no one in the restraints, waiters, cooks and bus persons are then not needed and from there it all trickles out wards into the community. Homes that once sold for $375,000 are now repossessed and the bank asking price is $60,000 - $100,000. There is house after house empty. Several houses on the same street and even next door to each other are repos and empty. This is what we are looking at every day in Northern Nevada. On top of that You want to add mandated health insurance and higher prices at the pump. Oh, I think I would welcome Obama back for another 4 years.....NOT.

He may not have single handedly done this to us...but, it is HIS policies that are digging us further down and I don't care if he is black, white or purple, he is in charge and if he wants to put this off on Bush, then what has HE been doing for the past 3 years?
Sonya and Katiean, I hear you too! I'm
for this country.

This might be slightly unrelated but I think we were almost doing better on unemployment (due to his division closing) without my DH having to commute to work 5x a week (gas). We are extremely blessed to be back in the realm of employment. I know of people who had to get emergency extensions on their unemployment because it is just so difficult to get a job, and that was not for lack of effort. We are thankful but the numbers were tight and Rog was threatened to be laid off this Winter. Thankful God has blessed him with a wonderful boss who has fought to keep him employed. He is a reliable employee. This was the first time my hard-working husband had the threat of being laid off in the past 13 years of employment! The last time he was laid off was as a young adult and he did not have any seniority.

I think that some may be a tad bit embarrassed to admit that this wasn't what they were expecting either. I know of more than a few that are changing their voting strategies because of it.

Here is a great segment to an article that I think is fitting our current situation. Again, putting it better than I can.

"Just off the top of my head, a few of these concerning issues include: a debt crisis that has us hurtling towards a Greek-style collapse, entitlement programs going bankrupt, a credit downgrade for the first time in our history, a government takeover of the health care industry that makes care more expensive and puts a rationing panel of faceless bureaucrats between you and your doctor (aka a “death panel”), $4 and $5 gas at the pump exacerbated by an anti-drilling agenda that rejects good paying energy sector jobs and makes us more dependent on dangerous foreign regimes, a war in Afghanistan that seems unfocused and unending, a global presidential apology tour that’s made us look feeble and ridiculous, a housing market in the tank, the longest streak of high unemployment since World War II, private-sector job creators and industry strangled by burdensome regulations and an out-of-control Obama EPA, an attack on the Constitutional protection of religious liberty, an attack on private industry in right-to-work states, crony capitalism run amok in an administration in bed with their favored cronies to the detriment of genuine free market capitalism, green energy pay-to-play kickbacks to Obama campaign donors, and a Justice Department still stonewalling on a bungled operation that armed violent Mexican drug lords and led to the deaths of hundreds of innocent people.

I’m sure I missed a few things, but the list is just for starters."
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Katiean-WHY do you keep bringing up the color of his skin at all? You only make it an issue when you bring it up. No one else has said anything about it.

Oh Fox-they change their opinions so quickly:!

you DO realize that Obama has not said no to Keystone right? Only that he said no to having it done without first taking the time to make sure it is done right without having it be more detrimental than good? If you know anything about where Keystone is supposed to go through, you would be grateful it is not being rushed. I believe I already posted a link to an article you could read about that-that is not biased, but you must have missed it.

Jill, now I KNOW you have more to contribute than a skewed facebook "sticker" ;)

I despise those things on facebook and in emails. People think they actually know something after seeing them instead of researching for themselves. That goes for both sides.

Now I am far from being in a "Obama cult" as some here like to put it, but I find the absolutely ridiculous accusations against the man disheartening. Does he deserve some blame? Absolutely! I have posted links to articles saying so already, but people go much too far. I only urge people to research from credible sources that are as unbiased as you can find. It is harder to find them these days, but they are still out there. Sadly, most of the ones made easily accessible to us seem to be the most biased of them all.
Thanks ohmt - so many seem to jump on rhetoric and take it as fact - all while claiming that they do not base their opinions on what anyone else says. As I noted, gas prices soared when Bush was in office and it was not all his fault, either - and yet OMG!!!! The high gas prices now MUST be all Obama's fault!! No - he cannot control it - no President can. But if you choose to listen to the rhetoric and speechifying as opposed to facts...

If Romney is elected and he cannot keep that $2.50 a gallon promise (because he can't and gas will continue to rise and fall) - then surely that will be Obama's fault as well.

DId you also not realize that the Keystone pipeline is also to aid in EXPORT of oil? It would not all stay here.

I despise those things on facebook and in emails. People think they actually know something after seeing them instead of researching for themselves. That goes for both sides.
I hate them as well - and they are rarely accurate in any way. In past political threads here, viral emails etc. would be presented as facts - and when some of us provided the links to show they were not true, we were summarily dismissed as uninformed. Because we preferred facts as opposed to that style of BS and rhetoric.

Tagalong, you really get that perscription for rose colored glasses checked. And this "poor Obama" attitude is really getting old
I do not have rose-coloured glasses, Katiean, I never have. I also do not have tunnel vision that makes me see only one point of view or one side to anything. There really is more than one side. I also have my political BS detector going at all times. I find it rather sad that if I do not loathe Obama in every way (or the "right" way) that I must have "rose-coloured" glasses on or be inferior/stupid in some way?

Where did I ever say Poor Obama? I never would. I just pointed out that facts are hard to come by and hypocrisy rules. You will excuse Bush for gas prices going up but Obama gets skewered for the same thing? Neither one of them were at fault. I have issues with many of Obama's policies and am far from his biggest fan.

You need to check out ohmt's non-partisan links to see how wrong much of that rhetoric can be.

And Katiean - YOU are the only one here mentioning race until Jill cam up with the old tired comment that Obama is racist. You are the only one who has mentioned the colour of his skin - several times now. I never even referred to it in any way. I have far more important issues with him than the colour of his skin (not even on my radar) - which seems to be something you are very concerned about...

So now I am some kind of Obama-ite becaue I do not insult the man/office? I never called Bush names either. I just find name-calling to be pointless and juvenile. There is no need for it, IMO. I prefer discussion of the facts to name-calling and rhetoric. But when it is very easy to point out the inaccurracies in comments like the column that started this thread, it seems many prefer not to be bothered with facts and will just take what they are spoon fed. That makes me me rather sad, to be honest.

Now I am far from being in a "Obama cult" as some here like to put it, but I find the absolutely ridiculous accusations against the man disheartening. Does he deserve some blame? Absolutely! I have posted links to articles saying so already, but people go much too far. I only urge people to research from credible sources that are as unbiased as you can find. It is harder to find them these days, but they are still out there. Sadly, most of the ones made easily accessible to us seem to be the most biased of them all.
Exactly right, ohmt. Well said. I am not a great Obama fan by any means - and he has many policies that I do not care for - but some of the accusations are completely ridiculous and nothing but political smoke and mirrors designed to deceive and incite paranoia and fear at times. I would say the same thing about similar accusations made about any President... and have.

No rose-coloured glasses here. Or tunnel vision.

ETA: ohmt - your last link is just to a Facebook news feed...
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Thanks Tagalong, you are able to put into words what I have a hard doing, and OHMT

This goverment is so messed up I can't see ANY President fixing things.
Here is a link of Obama blaming Bush for gas prices back in 2008 while on campaign.

Guess it was ok to blame Bush back then, at least according to Obama. Just thought it was interesting people saying on this thread that it's not the pres fault of the prices, something I somewhat agree with, but apparently Obama (and the left) thought it was ok to place blame then.
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Sonya-i already posted a video of Fox explaining why the president can not be blamed for gas prices back when Bush was in office too. It is not just the left, it is BOTH sides playing the same game.
Oh man, Sonya. There you go. Confusing liberals and lefties with facts and video footage. Don't you know they hate that stuff?
No, Jill. Sonya is actually backing up what some of us have been saying all along. That BOTH sides pull the same crap. Obama blamed Bush as most Dems probably did. The same way Republicans are now blaming Obama. Get it? Neither side is correct or factual.

Confusing liberals and lefties with facts and video footage.
It was not confusing at all - it just backed up what we have been saying in this thread.

Even the original premise of this thread - Barton's smug little "reporting" - is seriously flawed and strays from the truth. But I guess we must not confuse conservatives and righties with facts (just having some fun with what you said - it works both ways, you see?)...

And because this cannot be said enough...

It is not just the left, it is BOTH sides playing the same game.
Amen to that. And we need to call out both sides on their nonsense.
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Yes Tag you are right, they both place blame, just thought it was funny that our now pres blamed Bush back then but certainly won't take responsibility now, even when his secretary of energy hopes gas hits 8$/gal.
Mary Lou he did say he hoped gas prices reach European prices (roughly 8$ us gal) to force people to use alt means. I am not aware of electric semis or harvesters. So what do farmers do when gas prices double to triple the current prices? Food triples, who can afford a 6$ head of lettuce? It's not just about folks driving back and forth to work.
Yes Tag you are right, they both place blame, just thought it was funny that our now pres blamed Bush back then but certainly won't take responsibility now, even when his secretary of energy hopes gas hits 8$/gal.
You're right, Sonya
- it is funny in an ironic way - as most political stands are... but he - or any President - cannot really accept responsibility for gas prices. Even if they release some of the reserve, the ultimate price is nothing they are able to control... but whatever party is not in the White House hopes that voters are not bright enough to figure that out.... it is just one big game for politicians.

And then when interviews or statements are sliced and diced and edited and different meanings slapped on them by the media, the Game gets more and more twisted.
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That you tube video is not spliced, that's Obama speaking unedited (from his Telepromter I'm sure)...that is as unbiased as you can get, much more than the Huffington ...that video is actually a plug promoting Obama if you read the credits.
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