Any Australian Shepherd experts?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2006
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Eminence KY
This is Caecie, and she came here about a month ago. The vet thinks she's about 9-10 months old, and she weighs 40 pounds. I'd like to get an AKC ILP number for her, as I know she'd be a great agility/rally/obedience dog. I don't know if she would qualify though, as she has some glaring differences to registered Aussies. Could you give me your opinons on how different she is compared to "real" Aussies, and if she looks enough like one to get an ILP number?

Also, can anyone give me an idea of what color she is?




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I have a registered mini Aussie... but don't know about your little girl. She definitely does not look purebred Aussie though.

As for color, she is some sort of merle but not very traditional looking.

As for differences... she has different ears, her coat is way too short (with no mane or frill around her neck), her tail is not docked (cannot exceed four inches in length), and her head doesn't have that Aussie "look" to it with the little muzzle and domed head. I think the ears sort of throw it off, too.

I love that picture of her with the tennis ball... love those eyes!

Here is the AKC illustration of the "ideal" Aussie:


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Yeah I would have to agree with Andrea, I think there is too much cross blood in your girl. She looks to have some German Shepherd in her to me. But that is just a guess.

We have registered Miniature and Toy Australian Shepherds.
Yeah I would have to agree with Andrea, I think there is too much cross blood in your girl. She looks to have some German Shepherd in her to me. But that is just a guess.

We have registered Miniature and Toy Australian Shepherds.
Hey CLC, are Mini Aussies as overactive and nutso as full-bred Aussies? ... or maybe Harmony's just nuts...
RainSong... you have to remember that Aussies are a WORKING BREED. They need constant interaction. I find that with a job or something to do, they are quite attentive and mellow. I haven't found them to be overactive or nutso.

They can't be left alone for long periods of time or in a home with a small yard.

The breeder I got mine from calls them "Border Collies with an "OFF" button..." They like to play and work but they also like to sit around at your feet (or on your lap!) when you want to chill out.

Well, I will never own another breed of dog besides an Aussie.

Like Andrea said they are a working breed. However I have had them in an apartment and they are wonderful also.

I don't find large Aussies nutso or overactive at all.

Border Collies?? Well now that is a breed that I won't own (they are losing type too).

But not Aussies are the best.
You know, that's what I keep thinking... Harmony needs something to DO, not just hang out. Yeah, she's got a HUGE yard- but she's not able to be in with the family until after Nathan goes to bed, and even then... no one does much with her.

She's balding herself (and Muttly, too), and I think a lot of it is sheer boredom. She has Mutts to play with, but Muttly is... well... big, old, and not as into the whole play-all-the-time thing. But my mother doesn't seem to realize that Harmony's possibly suffering due to this situation!

She's a good dog. Just needs more work done with her! If Nathan were older, I'd be able to do it.

And the reason she's not allowed in while Nathan is awake isn't due to aggression or anything. She's young, gets very excited- she knocks him over, runs into him and knocks him over, will jump onto furniture to lick him and will try to steal his food out of his hand... nothing that a little bit of time & attention won't correct- even Muttly has knocked Nathan down once or twice.

Harmony got so excited once that she turned around dashed about six feet right into Nathan, knocked him over, stepped all over him with all four feet a couple times, then finally moved on.

Good dog, wrong situation. She has finally mostly stopped jumping up on me, at least -.-
Yes, RainSong... Aussies (well really ALL DOGS!) need constant attention or they are prone to bad behaviors such as you are describing. Dogs are not meant to be kenneled or left alone in a back yard for most of the day. They are meant to be with you and the family for the majority of the time. They like interaction such as helping you clean stalls and going for walks and learning things like agility courses.

When I moved to an apartment, I felt it wasn't fair for my mini Aussie to come with me and be stuck in an apartment while I was at work all day. So he stays at my parent's house... he has their mini aussie to play with, my mom is home most of the day and he follows her around as she does housework and sits at her feet while she's on the computer, and then my dad takes the dogs for a walk in the evening when he gets home. On weekends the dogs get to go to the dog beach, the dog park, or an agility class. They are not hyper or nutso.

They are not hyper or nutso.
Except when in a bad situation.

Muttly is part Aussie, part Mastiff- and the mastiff blood has GOT to have seriously mellowed her. That and age- she 4 or 5 now.

Thanks for taking the time to tell me- I always suspected that a lot of Harmony's issues were from having no job- and having so little time where her people are out and working with her. She' escapes the fence sometimes, but stays nearby- which is better then some dogs do.

I just wish I could convince my mom to try harder to find her a BETTER PLACE. :eek: Feels like I'm talking to a brick wall.
i agree..she does not look purebred at all.. coat is too coarse and short.. Working lines tend to have a shorter coat but still should have the bloomers and ruff to some degree and the coat should not be coarse or stiff.

her snout looks rather broad..and although sticking out ears wouldn't concern me..the shape of them do not look aussie-ish at all. Aussie ears are more of "sock" shaped when folded (they look like a sock with a toe and heel ect). even the more perked ears are shaped the same (though they dont' look like a sock when they stick up...only when folded). Working lines tend to have thicker ears that perk more either from 1/2 to full perk so just "perk" wouldn't deter the "aussiness" of the dog.

the tail also would be a large tip-off that it's not a purebred. Aussie tails look very much like a Border collies tail.. they are long and rather slender with long feathering. this one looks more like a GS, ACD or some such dog....
This is Caecie, and she came here about a month ago. The vet thinks she's about 9-10 months old, and she weighs 40 pounds. I'd like to get an AKC ILP number for her, as I know she'd be a great agility/rally/obedience dog. I don't know if she would qualify though, as she has some glaring differences to registered Aussies. Could you give me your opinons on how different she is compared to "real" Aussies, and if she looks enough like one to get an ILP number?

Also, can anyone give me an idea of what color she is?




Looks a bit like an Aussie/Heeler cross. Those markings look like some I've seen on other heeler crosses. Also looks a little bit like a catahoula.
Thanks for the opinions everyone

Does anyone have experience trying to get an ILP number? I've been told they are pretty lenient with the dogs they accept(as in they will accept anything, just for the money), would it be pointless to even try and get her one?
i have also heard they are very lax and as long as you have the money they will send the papers.

Rob Border Collies are also fabulous dogs! Im really suprised someone who owns a working breed would put down another breed like that
: we dont breed them anymore but still own 3 and they are the best dogs i have ever owned

And as for your comment that they are losing type?? That is the whole thing about Border collies is there is no set type. There is only "type" if you buy or breed akc border collies which is another whole debate lol. With the ABCA the whole thing is to breed a working dog not a pretty dog
LOL kay kay..your right BC's dont' have a set type.

You know though if it gets right down to it.. AUSSIES are losing type! Look at all these giant hairy show aussies..infact the one int he photo that someone posted of what an aussie should look not really what they SHOULD look like..that's only what they should look like if they are not MODERATE (in my own oppinion of course). I specialize in working lines and they look very differnt from the more modern show lines! there is a very distinct split in the breed between working and show lines!

Also not to knock mini's because i've had them in the past and bred them..but that is ALSO losing their "type" as well... it's all in how you look at something i guess.

I love my aussies.. one of the best breeds i've ever worked with and intelligent as well.

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