Another Spruce Update

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
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Well thought it was time for another update about the life of a Spruce trainer! I still can't believe i can call myself a trainer!!!! I thought i would tell you about the show. It was so amazing. I was in classes with over 60 people :new_shocked: It was so much fun though. The first morning I was so nervous. The night befoer on the website they had put the order of go up and I found i was 6th in the ring in the first class. The night before my groom bathed Doria and I braided her up in jumper braids. In the morning we were mucking out andd Kevin came and got me and walked the course with me. HE explained eerything to me and we picked out the best lines and such. Candace(my groom) had gotten Doria ready so I threw on my white breeches and show shirt and hopped on Doria to warm her up....Kevin came and set me some jumps and I went into the ring....Man what a feelign having ym name annonced as an apprentice for Spruce. I went in and trotted for a few strides and the puched her into a canter. We headed for the first jump and what do I hear. a THUNK. But the rest of the round went without a hitch and we only had the four faults. After my round I went to help Kevin as his groom left a week before. I set jumps for kevin and braided all of his horses. Then at 1 I had another round at 1.00m which he had another rail. The rest of the week went off withut a hitch. The last day I had a mini prix and guess what i went clear and placed 13th!!!!!! There was over 40 horses. and i placed above all the other trainers from spruce! After the show we decided to retire doria from her show horse career and she is now a school horse for the grooms. I found out later that Doria hadn't had a clean round in over 2 years !! So I have also gained another few horses in the past few weeks. I now have a 7 year old Dutch warmblood named Santa Fe who the other week I jumped and ceared 4'8!!! I couldn't believe it. I was doing 3'9 on him and cleared it and I turn around to take it from the other lead and Albert had hoped down off his horse and made it higher and he just kept raising it to see what we could do. It was almost to the top s of the standards by the end and after albert had me hop off and walk up to it. You no it can't be good when the jump is at your eye balls!!!! I hope to get soem pics of me and Santa soon. I also no have Tequila who was in the puissance and the double slalome. He does 1.20m classes so I think i will have fun with him! My babies are doing great and i am taking Look Twice to her first show in just over a month and I have started to ride the 3 year olds tha just came in from the pasture. So i now have 7 horses(the most out of any trainer) and they all keep me quite busy. I was lucky enough to get home for christmas and now we are back in full swing of things. Kevin has left and is now up in Edmonton trianing as I took his other full time job. So here are a few pics and a little video of the show! Hope all is well with everybody and i will try to keep eerybody a little more up dated.

Santa Fe

Me and Daquar

me and look twice

And heres a ittle video of the show

Hope you all enjoy

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:aktion033: some great pictures and must be the thrill of a lifetime for you...l love going to spruce to watch jumping the sights the sounds so thrilling all that horse power.
That is wonderful. I feel like I am re living my teen years all over again. Enjoy every moment I learned so much in my life as a groom (and I was at a show barn but not at the level of Spruce) it taught me things no school ever could have.

I love hearing your updates and am so proud of how far you have come!

That is just AWESOME!!! Congratulations on your success, it's wonderful. :aktion033: :aktion033:

:aktion033: wow. Shannon, i have to say it again, WOW! :aktion033: :aktion033: i have jumped for fun just a few times on our fat old appy gelding before he passed away... i cannot imagine getting through the whole course without my heart pounding right out of my chest!!

your Santa Fe is GORGEOUS!!
: and i like Look Twice also... and what a wonderful videographer you had for your jumping movie... if only I could hold a camera that well <sigh>

well congratulations and keep the pics and vids coming so us old folks can live vicariously through you :lol: :lol:
Wow so awesome, you have my dream job. I so want to Grand Prix level riding.

One day, just one day, I will. Maybe we will ride together. Or when I do get my big

horses, and start riding. You can come to Texas and Train. Do you dressage too, or

just jumping? I am so excited for you.

Please keep us updated, and love all the pictures, the first horse is so beautiful. They

are all beautiful, but I so love the black horses.

It is my dream to go Grand Prix one day too. I hope that someday I can find a few sponsers to get a nice young horse and bring it through the ranks. Here at Spruce most of our day is taken by doing dressage. Our riding master is VERY big on doing dressage. I have never competed a a high level in it but would love ot study it more in depth someday.


I would love to see more pictures, and you got to keep me updated. I think this is the chance of

a life time, and you are living my dream. I do plan on getting back into the big horses, just

waiting on us to move, then I want a Spanish Andalusian Horse. I have several pick out,

but wow do they cost. I so want to ride Dressage and Jumping. So please keep me updated

on adventure. I am so happy for you. I bet being there at Spruce is something else. Do you get

to many of the Top riders, like Beezie Madden, Mclane Ward, or Debbie McDonald?


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