Announcing my return

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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I just wanted to make my OFFICIAL announcement that after 4 years of university and having my horse stabled or leased he will be coming "home" next month!

I have finally found a barn to board at where I live and a stable job to pay for it, so Billie will be back in my life within 6 weeks! I'm over the moon excited. Many of you will remeber my storeis of Billie- his bad colic 2 years ago, the bad lease where he was neglected, and now a super lease where he was loved and cared for. Well, the newest instalment is that he is coming home to mommy!

His new barn will have his own stall and paddock connected, and they have MILES of trails. The other boarders are friendly and excited to have a mini and curious about driving. The barn owner is wonderful and so nice to be saving a stall for me for 4-6 weeks and setting him up with his own seperate turnout (the rest of the horses share paddocks so she is building me one for Billie!)

I wanted my forum family to know about this so you can share my excitement and help me count down the days!
That's Awesome!!!

:new_multi: :new_multi: :new_multi: :risa8: :risa8: :risa8: :488: :488: :488: :cheeky-smiley-006: :cheeky-smiley-006: :cheeky-smiley-006: Congratulations!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

Im soooo happy for you cant imagine ever being horseless. So glad you dont have to endure it any longer!
OH MEL...THAT IS WONDERFUL NEWS!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

I hope to see you "around" this summer at some of our events. Do you think you might make a show or two...perhaps if they are in your area?
Sue, I would hope to be out and about a few times, but I'm not sure I'll get the chance. I'm not going to have access to a trailer until I can buy one (and a car LOL) I'll have to see whats happening and try to make it out. Is there much happening in my neck of the woods this summer and fall? I'd LOVE to be at the fall fair again for sure, and if the Bowlins plan anything I'd be there even if Billie stays home! I'm hoping to do some work to the cart this winter so that I can do more events next summer... need new tires first I think before I can do anything really fun LOL. I'll probably just end up playing around on the trails this summer though, and enjoying being with my boy in the sunshine.
I'll probably just end up playing around on the trails this summer though, and enjoying being with my boy in the sunshine. just doesn't get any better than that.

I have a spare set of tires and tubes you can have...20", right? The wheels are no good, but the rest are like new.

Bowlin's are putting on a big mini show this summer, Aug 4-5. Gerald told me that there will be an AMHR judge, not sure of her name, but it sounds like it will be a great show. :aktion033:
Sue, its actually the wheels I'm hoping to replace, I'm just not sure with what yet as i'm not sure what I required. I may actually have to buy a new cart altogether to be competitive as I'm not sure my easy entry is up to par... the only wheels I've ever found designed to fit it are BMX bike wheels. I have a very nice set of wheels at home, but they are not meant to attach the same way as my cart is set up. I do use very heavy duty rims and spokes that are designed for BMX off road rough terrain biking and they are certaintly sturdy enough for what I use them for, I'm just not sure they are whats "in" in the ring now... I've been out of the loop so long now!
I am so thrilled for you! I know I was so glad to be able to take over my ponies again after my 4 years of college.
Sounds like a great plan for your mini and you. Welcome back.
:aktion033: :aktion033: Oh, I hate having to leave Ozy and Twoie for even a long weekend. I can imagine how excited you are. YAHOOOOOO for you both and congrats on finishing school :aktion033:
I have the nylon/poly BMX wheels on a few of my carts, and they've held up very well, through some pretty rough trails.

Too bad...I just sold my metal "convertable" showcart...I would have saved it for you, had I known. I really love my two wooden convertables I bought last year, from "Boinky" here on the Forum.
Thanks everyone! I'm in the middle of getting shipping quotes now, I haven't been this excited since we bought him 10 years ago!
WAIT MEL!!! When do you plan to get him home? Where is he...on the Island? Reason I ask...I have sold two horses and will be delivering them to PEI, sometime between the end of April, to mid may. I will be coming back empty, and would certainly love to bring him home for you if possible.
Sue, he is in Amherst...well just outside Amherst on Highway 6 between Amherst and Pugwash. And he is going to Hammonds Plains Road in Halifax. Oh, and Jim informs me that he has a new set of cart wheels for me at home, So I guess I'm saving up for a new cart or a trailer next!