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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I have so much respect for this man. I was thrilled to see the announcement
Agreed Laura, but Mary Lou posted this also, what happened to it ?
Hmmm, I knew I was super late getting on this morning and was surprised to see no post on the subject. I wonder what happened??
I think Colin Powell is a wise and respected man who really gave thought to his choice and done what was right regardless of his political choice of being a Republican. I truly admire someone who puts a lot of thought into making choices rather than glue themselves to one party for their thinking and making choices.
To me endorsements don't mean too much. I still make my own decisions. I like Oprah, but I would not vote for Obama JUST because she endorsed him. If I got up and said I endorse a person everyone would say. Who is she? It is a name only. Doesn't mean much to most people. And I would say the same if he endorsed McCain. Same as polls. One poll this morning had Obama way ahead. Small print on the bottom. Wow, they polled less than 1000 people. Nice poll.
Didn't believe a words of it. But that is just me.
Bassett, that's how polls work. They'll talk to a sample group, it could be 10, 100, 1000 people. They do try to match the demographics of the poll to the demographics of the nation at large, though, to help the poll become an accurate reflection of the national opinion.
I have a lot of respect for Colin Powell, and wish he had run for president. I don't agree with his endorsement, but I know he has put a lot of intelligent thought into this.

I place little to no importance on Oprah's opinion, other than perhaps who makes a great talk show guest -- in other words, her background in world or national affairs hardly makes her endorsement of political candidates worth considering.

On the other hand, I place much more importance on who an expert in foreign affairs or economics endorses. The endorsements of Colin Powell, Warren Buffet and Bill Richardson all help to confirm my decision.

I don't expect that this would change anyone's mind, but since we are judging candidates by the company they keep, this is most definitely worth noting.
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Thing is Powell has to be careful as to what he says about Obama. Powell cannot talk about Palins inexperience because he won't want to bring attention to Obama's LACK of experience................... One could be the president & the other the VP. Which seat would you rather have the inexperienced person sitting in?

I wonder if that is why Powell said he didn't want to go out & stump for Obama - not enough material to talk about and too limited on what he can say about Obama's experience!
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I place little to no importance on Oprah's opinion, other than perhaps who makes a great talk show guest -- in other words, her background in world or national affairs hardly makes her endorsement of political candidates worth considering.
On the other hand, I place much more importance on who an expert in foreign affairs or economics endorses. The endorsements of Colin Powell, Warren Buffet and Bill Richardson all help to confirm my decision.

I don't expect that this would change anyone's mind, but since we are judging candidates by the company they keep, this is most definitely worth noting.
I agree completely. I expected Powell to endore McCain, I just never thought he would endorse a Democrat. I'm thrilled he has endorsed Obama.
Thing is Powell has to be careful as to what he says about Obama. Powell cannot talk about Palins inexperience because he won't want to bring attention to Obama's LACK of experience................... One could be the president & the other the VP. Which seat would you rather have the inexperienced person sitting in?
I wonder if that is why Powell said he didn't want to go out & stump for Obama - not enough material to talk about and too limited on what he can say about Obama's experience!
I thought he was quite through about his reasons for endorsing Obama and not endorsing McCain, blunt in fact about it. It left no doubt in my mind why he made this choice.


Powell spoke to reporters afterward outside NBC.

The following is a transcript of that conversation.

Reporter: Do you think that Sen. Obama will be a better transitional president than potentially Sen. McCain?

Colin Powell: I think that Sen. Obama brings a fresh set of of eyes, a fresh set of ideas to the table. I think that Sen. McCain, as gifted as he is, is essentially going to execute the Republican agenda, the orthodoxy of the Republican agenda with a new face and with a maverick approach to it. And he'd be quite good at it. But I think we need more than that. I think we need a generational change. And I think Sen. Obama has captured the feelings of the young people of America and is reaching out in a more diverse, inclusive way across our society. Watch Powell tell why he supports Obama »

Reporter: Could you talk to us about when your decision was made final? When did you finally set your heart on Sen. Obama?

Powell: I have been watching, as I said [on "Meet the Press"], for a long time, and then, within the past couple of months, I really said, you know, you just can't keep watching. You've got to kind of settle down.

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Colin Powell endorses Obama How Powell boosts Obama

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In Depth: Election Center 2008

And frankly, it was in the period leading up to the conventions, and then the decisions that came out of the conventions, and then just sort of watching the responses of the two individuals on the economic crisis. It gave me an opportunity to evaluate their judgment, to evaluate their way of approaching a problem, to evaluate the steadiness of their actions. And it was at that point that I realized that, to my mind, anyway, that Sen. Obama has demonstrated the kind of calm, patient, intellectual, steady approach to problem-solving that I think we need in this country.

Reporter: Mr. Secretary, there were a number of chinks in your own armor, actually, because of the lead-up to the Iraq war and the events. How much did that play into your decision about this? And will it be taken perhaps by some, because of your previous high-profile position, won't it be taken by some as a repudiation of the Iraq war?

Powell: I don't know why. The Iraq war is the Iraq war. We now see that things are a lot better in Iraq. Maybe if we had put a surge in at the beginning, it would have been a lot better years ago, but it's a lot better now, and we can see ahead to where U.S. forces will start to come out. And so, my concern was not my past or what happened in Iraq, but where we're going in the future. My sole concern was where are we going after January 20 of 2009, not what happened in 2003.

I'm well aware of the role I played. My role has been very, very straightforward. I wanted to avoid a war. The president agreed with me. We tried to do that. We couldn't get it through the U.N. and when the president made the decision, I supported that decision. And I've never blinked from that. I've never said I didn't support a decision to go to war.

And the war looked great until the 9th of April, when the statue fell, everybody thought it was terrific. And it was terrific. The troops had done a great job. But then we failed to understand that the war really was not over, that a new phase of the war was beginning. And we weren't ready for it and we didn't respond to it well enough, and things went very, very -- very, very south, very bad.

And now it's starting to turn around through the work of Gen. Petraeus and the troops, through the work of the Iraqi government, through our diplomatic efforts, and I hope now that this war will be brought to an end, at least as far as American involvement is concerned, and the Iraqis are going to have to be responsible for their own security and for their own political future. ...

Reporter: Sir, what part did McCain's negativity play in your decision, the negative tone of the campaign?

Powell: It troubled me. We have two wars. We have economic problems. We have health problems. We have education problems. We have infrastructure problems. We have problems around the world with our allies. So those are the problems the American people wanted to hear about, not about Mr. Ayers, not about who's a Muslim or who's not a Muslim. Those kinds of images going out on Al-Jazeera are killing us around the world.

And we have got to say to the world, it doesn't make any difference who you are or what you are, if you're an American, you're an American. And this business, for example, of the congressman from Minnesota who's going around saying, "Let's examine all congressmen to see who is pro-America or not pro-America" -- we have got to stop this kind of nonsense, pull ourselves together and remember that our great strength is in our unity and in our diversity. And so, that really was driving me.

And to focus on people like Mr. Ayers and these trivial issues, for the purpose of suggesting that somehow Mr. Obama would have some kind of terrorist inclinations, I thought that was over the top. It was beyond just good political fighting back and forth. I think it went beyond. And to sort of throw in this little Muslim connection, you know, "He's a Muslim and, my goodness, he's a terrorist" -- it was taking root. And we can't judge our people and we can't hold our elections on that kind of basis.

So, yes, that kind of negativity troubled me, And the constant shifting of the argument. I was troubled a couple of weeks ago when in the middle of the crisis, the [McCain] campaign said, "We're going to go negative," and they announced it, "We're going to go negative and attack [Obama's] character through Bill Ayers." Now I guess the message this week is, "We're going to call him a socialist, Mr. Obama is now a socialist, because he dares to suggest that maybe we ought to look at the tax structure that we have."

Taxes are always a redistribution of money. Most of the taxes that are redistributed go back to those who paid them, in roads and airports and hospitals and schools. And taxes are necessary for the common good. And there is nothing wrong with examining what our tax structure is or who should be paying more, who should be paying less. And for us to say that that makes you a socialist, I think is an unfortunate characterization that isn't accurate.

I don't want my taxes raised. I don't want anybody else's taxes raised. But I also want to see our infrastructure fixed. I don't want to have a $12 trillion national debt, and I don't want to see an annual deficit that's over $500 billion heading toward a trillion. So, how do we deal with all of this?

Reporter: Are you still a Republican?

Powell: Yes.

Reporter: Have you conveyed your decision to Sen. Obama?

Powell: Calls are being made. Thank you
I thought he was quite through about his reasons for endorsing Obama
I'm referencing EXPERIENCE. Where does he say Obama is experienced?

a fresh set of of eyes, a fresh set of ideas to the table
- Definately no experience in a fresh set of eyes.

Obama has demonstrated the kind of calm, patient, intellectual, steady approach to problem-solving that I think we need in this country
- - No experience mentioned in all of that either.

I think we need a generational change
- A younger person does not have the experience as an older person either.
Could Powell have been avoiding that word - EXPERIENCE?
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I thought he was quite through about his reasons for endorsing Obama I'm referencing EXPERIENCE. Where does he say Obama is experienced?
He says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about OBAMA'a experience because Obama has NONE!!!

As was mentioned on FOX News earlier, Powell is of the generation that went through the civil rights period. How could he NOT endorse a muslim man who is half black?
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I thought he was quite through about his reasons for endorsing Obama I'm referencing EXPERIENCE. Where does he say Obama is experienced?
He says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about OBAMA'a experience because Obama has NONE!!!

As was mentioned on FOX News earlier, Powell is of the generation that went through the civil rights period. How could he NOT endorse a muslim man who is half black?
Are you serious? Please tell me you're joking.
I think we need a generational change.
Speaking of which Obama says "we're going to change the world".

WHY are we going to change the world and in what way?

Share our wealth with the rest of the world & continue to give our jobs to them as well?

Open the doors & let his other terrorist buddies in?

Put his cronies in places of power to change our laws & take away more of our freedoms?

Some of the World does NOT WANT TO BE CHANGED! So is Obama going to force them to change? If so in what way & how is that going to change foreign relations? Another war?

Keep in mind when things change in the rest of the world sometimes it makes things worse here in AMERICA!

Shouldn't Obama be more concerned right now about America instead of the world! Change is NOT always good!

What he is NOT saying carries as much impact as what he is saying! And we have seen he is NOT saying a lot on several things!
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Some of the World does NOT WANT TO BE CHANGED!
Kind of like us being told we'd be welcomed as liberators, when we were not?

Obama's positions are online for everyone to look at. If you want to know what he plans to change you can go read up on his plans and policies. The only reason that people don't 'know' Obama is that they've chosen not to do their research, but rely instead on forwarded e-mails and fear.
Colin Powell knows more than you or I about the workings of government. I respect his opinion.

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