All you puppy shippers out there...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2007
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SW Ohio
OK-This is an odd one...Shiped two puppies, seperate crates, but same flight. They went to Alanta and unfortunately made it late and neither made their connections. The airline put them up for the night in a kennel and the next day they were off to their new homes safely. Confirmed with both parties that day and a week later, everyone LOVES their new puppy. OK-FAST FORWARD, two weeks later, I get a frantic call from one owner who has realized she got the wrong puppy. She bought a female, I shipped her a female, she now has a male! Has anyone else had the wrong pups get to the wrong owners? I dont even want to go into how does one have a puppy for two weeks, and not notice it is the wrong sex...And how about the other owners who still have not figured it out, or maybe did but didnt say anything!

Guess it has made me a little shippinh shy. In the future we will not ship more than one pup per day!!
I have posted before and got a little flamed that things like this is why we no longer flew puppies out unless someone paid for me to fly with them as an escort.

Too many things can go wrong and like I said before once that puppy is on the plane you have zero control over what happens.
I personally would call the other people who got a puppy. Find out if they got the puppy they were suppose to get. The other person maybe trying to pull a fast one. I wouldn't think it as much if they told you there was a mix up from the beginning but 2 weeks later. It does not take that long to figure out a boy from a girl. First thing I would have done when having one shipped was look that puppy over from head to toe to make sure it was o.k. and healthy and the right sex. LOL.

Doesnt' sound right to me.
Nope, never had that happen. Wow. You'd think that if they took them out of the kennels they'd be absolutely sure which ones went where. They're supposed to have knowledgeable handlers on airlines aren't they? What a pain. Sorry that happened to you and the buyers.
First off how do you not notice that your pup is the wrong sex for a week??

I'm with you Kay, we don't ever ship unless they come and meet us and they escort the pup home on the plane. Stories like this and worse are why.
I would double check to make sure that what she has is really a male. I shipped a female puppy to someone and about a week later they called to say they thought they had a male. That their brother and friends said it was, even thought the vet never made a comment. She was really upset as her daughter had fallen in love with it and she did not want a boy.

Now I know I sent her a female, so I talked her through checking it out. Was there an appendage on the tummy, or between the legs. She kept insisting that she saw the penis coming out. Well, we talked it though enough for her to realize that she was seeing things and that the "appendage" was the vulva.

It just amazes me how some people just do not have a clue!!
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I would double check to make sure that what she has is really a male. I shipped a female puppy to someone and about a week later they called to say they thought they had a male. That their brother and friends said it was, even thought the vet never made a comment. She was really upset as her daughter had fallen in love with it and she did not want a boy.

Now I know I sent her a female, so I talked her through checking it out. Was there an appendage on the tummy, or between the legs. She kept insisting that she saw the penis coming out. Well, we talked it though enough for her to realize that she was seeing things and that the "appendage" was the vulva.

It just amazes me how some people just do not have a clue!!

Ha Ha! That's what I was thinking; when I was a kid -like 8 or so- I thought the same thing; that the vulva on a bitch looked like a penis -so confused
Perhaps it has an umbilical hernia and they are confusing it with um..."something else"?

Sometimes those things take a bit of time to appear..I've seen it happen to pups up to

14 weeks of age.

I would venture to guess there are a LOT of people that don't know how to tell if a pup is a boy or girl. I used to work at a vet office and it amazed me how little so many owners knew about animals. Scary and a lot of times just plain sad!
Well I contacted the other people. They said they thought it might be a girl but had not contacted me. As Riverdance said I had to walk them through how to tell the difference. They then emailed me pictures and we confirmed they had the female. The first family is quite hysterical. They blame me personally! It was not my fault! I have offered both families that if they return the dogs I will refund their full purchase price. If they chose to keep the dogs I have filed a claim with Delta and will split any and all monies refunded by Delta 50/50 between them.They of course want to keep the dog PLUS have me give them all their money back! It was not my mistake and quite honestly knowing what had happened on the trip they should have inspected their dogs at the airport to make certain they were OK and the dogs they had purchased. we did insure the dogs so I am hopeful Delta will make good on the claim. I had contacted both families during the ordeal and confirmed with Delta when the pups were on the plane. I contacted both parties after they picked up their pups and both were happy. I contacted both last week to make sure everyone was adjusting well and they both RAVED about their pups-then a week later this. I also have copies of all correspondance. They are now threatening to slander me "All over the internet". I am with Kay Kay now..we will not ship again. This has been a horrible experience for me just as well as them. I have been sick all day and my integrity and charachter has been challenged and thats what hurts the most!
No this is not the fault of the new owners and I can see their point of view. They do not have the puppy that they wanted to purchase and paid for, but have bonded with them. I feel for the pups as they may be in homes that in the long run might not work out as the new owner did not get the puppy that they wanted. It would be so hard mentally on the puppy to be shipped back so soon. Especially since these are not breeders that you sold them to, but designer dogs to pet homes (and there are probably children involved) and knowing that there is not much difference in puppies being boy or girl..after all little boy dogs don't even hike their legs yet at this not checking the sex is I think normal for pet owners...they take your word for it being right.

They may even think that you inadvertantly sent them the wrong puppy. But either way they are rightfully unhappy. The mishap is between you and the airline....for you to work out.

I take it that the buyers paid you for the cost of shipping and sounds like you now expected them to pay shipping again to return the puppy even though they have bonded. I would refund their money, let them keep the pups, and go after the airline for your loss. jmho...
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It is a mistake.

Plain and simple.

If I had bought a bitch I wouldn't want a dog and so I would want to exchange the pup.

I would have noticed IMMEDIATELY

I can see it would be upsetting but stuff happens. To be rude and threaten you is just foolish.

I would think Delta will refund them the money for the shipping and the return shipping.

Of course, an error was made but who has a pup 2 weeks before they know what gender it is??

Obviously, they hadn't even taken it to the vet for a checkup??

That must be an awful experience for you.....Yikes!

Why don't they just exchange the pups with eachother?? I thought I read that they flew into the same city?

Definately something to think about before shipping!
It was of course an accident by the sounds of it, But I would push delta for a refund or whatnot. if they are in the same town/city whatnot then I would tell the people they have two options 1. exchange the puppy with the rightful owners and they BOTH must agree on this 2.) send the pups back to you to find a new home. I think you were more than fair to tell them you'd split the money evenly and that should be good enough. What more do they want?? i mean ask them what they feel is reasonable? I mean do they want to keep the puppy's and have you send another one? Do they want to keep the puppy PLUS get the full price of the puppy and shipping back? That is unreasonable as well as they do have the "product" and even if it's not the right one, they choose to keep it, then they chose to keep that product you must get paid for it. I guess i'm not understanding what the TRUE problem is. I've bred dogs myself and I'm not sure what exactly they want.

If the pup(s) need to be shipped back or shipped to the other person I would demand that delta make it right and ship the pup(s) to the correct owner as this was their fault and even if they refund the money for that particular flight someone is going to have to pay for the pups to go where they need to go after this mistake.
They do not have the puppy that they wanted to purchase and paid for, but have bonded with them
This is why a buyer should check the puppy over as soon as they receive it, then they'd know right away that they got the wrong one & could arrange to return/exchange it before they bond with it.
I have no patience for people that don't like what they got but refuse to return it and just want their money refunded. Talk about having their cake & eating it too!

If you go to Wal-Mart & buy a big screen TV, take it home & open it & discover that it's not exactly what you had in mind because there's a certain feature it you go back to the store & tell them the TV is wrong, you're not happy with it and you want your money back, though you have no intentions of returning the TV? I don't expect so--and if you try it, do you think Wal-Mart would give you your money back??
I have told both parties I dont expect them to give the puppies back. It is their choice. Neither wants to as they have bonded. We all agree on this. They want to keep their puppy AND have me refund their entire purchase price. I dont agree with this. I did not make the mistake. I did everything in my power to get the right puppy to the right owner. (each puppy was in a crate with their names attached DUDE and CUPCAKE-come on-pretty obvious which is a BOY!)DELTA needs to refund the money and I have filed a claim with delta on their behalf. I will gladly take the puppies back and love them and treat them like my own. I will refund their money should they choose that. I dont breed for a living. I have two females. Thats it. It is a hobby and something I enjoy doing. They are in the same state but different areas. I hate to refer to a living creature as a thing-but if I bought a sweater from the Gap and it arrived and the box had clearly been opened and then resealed I would IMMEDIATELY inspect the product. If it was wrong or damaged I would send it back and get a refund...If I wore it for two weeks and decided I liked it than why would the Gap give me my money back?? I have kept in touch with them since they picked their pups out to one week ago with constant pctures, updates, checked to make sure they were happy, potty training was OK, they loved their puppy, etc. Two weeks later I cant fix it...I can only offer to make it better-return the dog for full refund or keep the dog and get the refund from Delta-The reason I paid for insurance was that the liability was not mine but Delta-thats what insurance is for!
I so feel for you!! What a mess

Delta is also the airline we had trouble with
If they have decided to keep the pups then they are happy with it.

So they should get over it!

I am sorry but they are sooooooooo attached BUT they hadn't even noticed the sex of the animal

They are either very stupid or just whiners looking for a deal!!

Stuff happens get over it.

I would give them a last chance to change their minds and then be done with them.

You made no mistake Delta did and IMO so did they not checking their pups over immediately.
I agree... I'd give them one last chance to either send the pups back and get their "Refund" or the deal is done. It is THEIR choice to keep these puppy's. Legally you have done nothing wrong and if you were to take it to court the judge would either tell them to give the dog(s) back or they get nothing. You have offered to return the insurance money from Delta so they should be happy they got a puppy plus free shipping!

I'd also tell them if they spread this around the internet and badmouth you you will press charges for slander as they only want a product and their full money back which anyone in their right mind if told the story from that point of view would understand! these two people know each other? Is it possible they are working in Kahoots? I mean i find it odd that BOTH are demanding their full money back plus want to keep the pups. Most lodgical person would either decide to keep the dog and call it good or take you up on the offer to send the pup back and refund the money. It seems pretty simple and staight forward.. PLUS they will probably end up getting free shipping due to the shipping insurance and Delta messing up.. sounds like a pretty darned good deal to me! lol

Also send a certified letter that they must sign they got that states what happend, your offer to either send the pups back by X date and get a full refund, To swap with the other purchaser by X date, Or Keep the puppy. Make sure this is all very clear and precise.

Also explain to them how much it costs to raise puppies. Many people think it's a very profitable venture but from a business perspective most people unless they are a puppymill are in the hole after a little or two. Ask them if they were to sell you something, you took it and were not satisfied after a week would they GIVE You that product for nothing? see if it gets them thinking.
Last edited by a moderator: these two people know each other? Is it possible they are working in Kahoots? I mean i find it odd that BOTH are demanding their full money back plus want to keep the pups.
I had to read this one twice. WOW! I have to say the whole thing sound fishy to me.

How can two separate people NOT KNOW THE SEX OF A PUPPY????????

How can two separate people come up with the same solution?????????

Did you ever think that the airline might not be responsible and that these people are scamming you?

Somethings not right here.
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