About the Frame Overo (about my past posted)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2008
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Tulsa, OK
Hi All,

Some of you might remember that I posted while back about to see if poss. to have frame overo that has brown eyes?

I got my stallion lab-tested (animal genetics) and he is pos. for frame overo w/ brown eyes..

I am so happy!!.. It is what I wanted!.. ;)

Which I already had 2 mares that tested for frame overo and they are both neg.

Also one of my new mare doesn't have any frame overo genes in her lineages.

But Rosie must to have tested for frame overo which her sire seem pos. and grandsire is pos. for frame overo.

We will get her tested in next week and hope it is neg!..

Here is Flashy (new photos at 4/26)

Love this boy!!!

Have a great week!...
Yes, it is very possible to have a Frame with brown eyes. My Frame stallion, McSperitts Rowdy Night Image has just a hint of blue in one eye. A Frame colt I got from him last year, shows no sign of any blue in either eye. Both are lab tested Frame.
Yes, it is very possible to have a Frame with brown eyes. My Frame stallion, McSperitts Rowdy Night Image has just a hint of blue in one eye. A Frame colt I got from him last year, shows no sign of any blue in either eye. Both are lab tested Frame.
Hi Songcatcher,


Yup, I seen some miniature (no blue eyes) does have hidden frame overo too.


That's why I have to test Rosie now because she does have a little hint of blue on her eyes.


(My another mare) Coco did have very LIGHT tint blue on her eyes and her dam is lwo+ too, and Coco is neg. for frame overo.


I think it is mostly important is to test for frame overo at #1 because it can be hidden (as in even soild horses) and lethal for the foals. Also knowing the lineage too as if have frame overo in their generations.


That's why I did homework before we got our new mare.

Which I had a feeling that our stallion will be pos. for frame overo.


I will try to update on Rosie's frame overo test too.


Here is Rosie's sire (This-N-That's K's Kaptain America)

I did email to the breeder and ask about his frame overo tested, they never replied..



I did look more up in his generations..

This is Rosie's grandsire, This-N-That's Kalideoscope (which they tested him for frame and he is pos.)



This is Kalideoscope's dam, and she is tested and frame pos.

Dam:CCA Tigar's Little Fancy



Which Rosie's grandsire is Lazy-N-Red-Boy.


I think it is important to test her for frame for safe side. I am hoping that she is neg... She is SUCH SWEET and BEAUTIFUL!!... On the dam doesn't have any overo's at all. Which no frame overo genes.
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I never think "Frame?" if I see blue eyes, I always think Splash.

Frame does seem to carry blue eyes, but I am not at all sure that it is proven that it is the Frame that actually causes it.

For all we know, Splash is the only pattern that causes blue eyes, as there is no test yet, for Splash, so we have no way of knowing if a horse has more than one pattern!

Rowdy had brown eyes, and was a proven Frame.
I never think "Frame?" if I see blue eyes, I always think Splash.

Frame does seem to carry blue eyes, but I am not at all sure that it is proven that it is the Frame that actually causes it.

For all we know, Splash is the only pattern that causes blue eyes, as there is no test yet, for Splash, so we have no way of knowing if a horse has more than one pattern!

Rowdy had brown eyes, and was a proven Frame.
Hi Rabibitsfizz,

-- I know it can be confused.

I did had one stallion and I tested him because blue eyes and he doesn't have no splash in his generations, just all pinto and he is pos. for frame. He is mostly soild, white socks and some white on his both side of his neck.

no blaze on his face, so he is frame overo carrier.

I found this link, http://www.mustangs4us.com/Horse%20Colors/frame.htm

This is for splash, http://www.mustangs4us.com/Horse%20Colors/splashed_white.htm

It is always interested and love to learn these genetics.

Thank you for sharing info of what you seen and learned.

Always like to hear another options.
It just is not possible to tell Splash from Frame visually.

There is no test for Splash but my experience tells me that it is very, very rare for any Pinto pattern to be on it's own.

This is not to say that it cannot happen, only that it does not often happen.

So it is not possible for you to say that your stallion does not have Splash.

My own stallion is a Splash carrier, his sire sired a mare that was solid black, not a white hair on her, and two bright blue eyes.

No Frame, this was Splash (and I suspect Splash on it's own, but, as said, it is not possible to prove this.)

IME with Welsh and Partbred Arabs, Splash and Sabino go hand in hand.

Since there is no viable test for Sabino, and no test for Splash, it is only possible to speak from 45 years of experience, none of this is, at present, provable.

The one thing I will always say is, if you have any sort of doubts whatsoever, that a horse you own and are thinking of breeding, has Frame........


If the stallion you are breeding to is supposed to be LWO-, ASK TO SEE THE PROOF!!!

At the end of the day, it is a foals life you could be messing around with, and a test costs $25.00.
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It just is not possible to tell Splash from Frame visually.

There is no test for Splash but my experience tells me that it is very, very rare for any Pinto pattern to be on it's own.

This is not to say that it cannot happen, only that it does not often happen.

So it is not possible for you to say that your stallion does not have Splash.

My own stallion is a Splash carrier, his sire sired a mare that was solid black, not a white hair on her, and two bright blue eyes.

No Frame, this was Splash (and I suspect Splash on it's own, but, as said, it is not possible to prove this.)

IME with Welsh and Partbred Arabs, Splash and Sabino go hand in hand.

Since there is no viable test for Sabino, and no test for Splash, it is only possible to speak from 45 years of experience, none of this is, at present, provable.

The one thing I will always say is, if you have any sort of doubts whatsoever, that a horse you own and are thinking of breeding, has Frame........


If the stallion you are breeding to is supposed to be LWO-, ASK TO SEE THE PROOF!!!

At the end of the day, it is a foals life you could be messing around with, and a test costs $25.00.
Yup - I always test for frame overo and I think it is important to test for frame as never know if it is lethal or pos. or neg. as would be nice to have peace in the mind and it is NOT bad at all for $25.00 and it is WORTH in every pennies!..

On Animal Genetic does test for sabino. I wish they do have splash too and maybe someday they will.

I have 2 mares so far is lwo- as one of my mare's dam is LWO+ and I want to test her to be safe and she shown as lwo-.

Also my another mare that I don't know anything about her pedigree and mostly are pintos but STILL want to test her and I did and she is lwo-.

Thank you for explaining of what is your experience with frame and splash.
Karrie do I read your post correctly and Rosie's sire AND dam both tested LWO Positive????

Boy they were really rolling the dice!!
Karrie do I read your post correctly and Rosie's sire AND dam both tested LWO Positive????

Boy they were really rolling the dice!!

I sent email and never replied from Rosie's sire (owner) to see if he is tested for lwo as pos or neg.

Here is my post (on the top) as my saying is that I need to get Rosie to be tested for frame (lwo) and edit to clear this up.

Rosie must to have tested for frame overo which her sire seem pos. for frame and Rosie's grandsire is pos. for frame overo.

We will get her tested in next week and hope it is neg!..

Rosie's grandsire is pos. for frame. (as which this is Rosie's sire's sire.)


Rosie's dam is lwo-

Hope that clear up.
Karrie, if this is the sire, there is little doubt he was a frame (lwo) stallion.

Karrie, if this is the sire, there is little doubt he was a frame (lwo) stallion.


Yes, that is Rosie's sire.

So you are saying that he is not frame overo (pos)?

He really have almost some pattern as my new stallion.

Also why Rosie has tinted blue eyes?

One of her eye are mostly 1/2 tint blue.
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Karrie, if this is the sire, there is little doubt he was a frame (lwo) stallion.


Yes, that is Rosie's sire.

So you are saying that he is not frame overo (pos)?

He really have almost some pattern as my new stallion.

Also why Rosie has tinted blue eyes?

One of her eye are mostly 1/2 tint blue.
Karrie, you are miss reading Joanne. She is saying he is obviously Frame overo.
Karrie, if this is the sire, there is little doubt he was a frame (lwo) stallion.


Yes, that is Rosie's sire.

So you are saying that he is not frame overo (pos)?

He really have almost some pattern as my new stallion.

Also why Rosie has tinted blue eyes?

One of her eye are mostly 1/2 tint blue.
Karrie, you are miss reading Joanne. She is saying he is obviously Frame overo.
Thank you for clear that up for me.

Rosie's paperwork is on the way to Animal Genetics.

Will get the result back by next week.

Thank you all for big help!..