About the 15 minis rescued in Oregon by HART

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Jamie Cheslock

New Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Hello everyone. I am Jamie Cheslock. I have the 15 miniature horses that were rescued from a dump in Sheridan Oregon. I want to thank you all for the support I have received via telephone calls, emails and all else for these little angels. I have only had these horses for 4 days and I already love every one of them. The Sheriff's Office gave me the final word today allowing me to place them in their new homes and every time someone comes and wants one my heart says "No, please not that one!" because they are all so special in their own way. Unfortunately, if I don't let them go to their new homes I would be yet another hoarder and of course I can't let that happen.

I have updated my blog with photos of each of the minis and their feet if they were one of the 7 that had the really bad feet. I will try to remember to take photos of each pony with their new family as they are adopted out. The weakest of the minis will remain in my care until they are healthy enough to be sent off to new homes. I'm estimating that I am faced with $2000.00 to $3000.00 in vet bills for the ones that will remain here with me and am so very grateful for all of the donations that have been comming in to help me with all of this.

I'm exhausted, my back hurts, my feet have blisters on them, my hands and arms are bruised from trimming feet on fractious ponies and my fingers are stained from cleaning rock hard balls of horse poop off ponies so I'm going to bed.

Thank you so much, all of you.

Thank you for all you are doing
Best wishes in placing these little ones.
Thank you for everything you have done for those amazing creatures.

You are truely their

Please keep us informed about how we can continue to help.

I cannot WAIT to see what that woman has coming to her

I wish we could show her the same care and consideration she has shown those horses.

NOTHING gets me as angry as seeing stories like that...........

Thank you for coming to the forum! And thank you for what you're doing!
Thank you so much for all you are doing for these horses. You are a very special person.
I have updated my blog with photos of each of the minis and their feet if they were one of the 7 that had the really bad feet. I will try to remember to take photos of each pony with their new family as they are adopted out. The weakest of the minis will remain in my care until they are healthy enough to be sent off to new homes. I'm estimating that I am faced with $2000.00 to $3000.00 in vet bills for the ones that will remain here with me and am so very grateful for all of the donations that have been comming in to help me with all of this.
Thank you so much, all of you.

Jamie, this is Gini the Treasurer of Chances Miniature Horse Rescue. We had a board meeting tonight and tomorrow I will be calling the vet you gave Kay. CMHR is contributing $1000.00 towards the vet bills for these horses. The money from the CMHR treasury comes from the members of this LB forum who have graciously donated their money and items for our auctions to help with situations just like this.

We will keep checking back with you to see if there is anything else you need.

Bless you for caring for these horses.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH GO CHANCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and congrats to you Jamie for what you are doing

If my crew is needed let me know

Thank you Jamie for helping these horses ! You are wonderful for doing this for them.
Hi Jamie

Glad you made it here! Hope you were able to get some rest last night.

Jaime, thanks so much for taking care of these poor little souls and getting them everything they need.

You are an angel.

Gini, so nice to hear Chances is giving in this instance. You guys are the BEST!!

What is the link to the updated blog? All I can seem to find is the blog page that lists what items are needed...

Jamie, you truly are an angel for these poor creatures!
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You are an Angel from heaven!! Thank you so much for helping these minis! And thank you CHANCES!!! Wow, how awesome!! Sure wish I wasn't clear across the USA from you, I would love to help with the "physical" work with these guys. I hope you have some help!
I went and saw updated pixs on Hart blog-It just HURTS me to look at those poor horses feet..

I am so grateful for Chances and Hart-people who DO care to help these innocents..
Thank you thank you thank you for all your hard work! I could barely look at the pictures of the minis. Kudos too to CMHR--you guys are awesome!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Second Chances and all of the people here at Lil'Begininngs. Your funding well be well spent on taking care of the dental and other needs of these special little horses!

I have had so many people comming out to help and bringing donations that I am completely overwhelmed with gratitude, I just can't thank everyone enough.
Jamie -

Please contact Rozee Bird at 509-365-3035. Rozee is the chairperson of the Northwest Miniature Horse Club horse welfare committee. She chould be able to help you with some things for these poor horses as well. If you can't get hold of Rozee, please contact me and I'll see what I can do for you.

Mark Bullington
I wanted to pop in and give you all an update on the 15 minis. I had several volunteers come and and help me clean them up so now every one of them is completely cleaned up and treated. Seven of them have been placed in their new homes. The remaining minis will stay with me until they are more stablized and ready for adoption.

A friend of the defendant contacted me with all of the names, registration information, breeding etc of each of the minis and I have updated my blog. You might want to go and take a look, some of them seem to have some fancy names.


Donations continue to come in. I have a vet tech comming out to look at all of them to see who needs their teeth done first. Because this is the breeding season, the vets are pretty booked up so I can only get one appointment per week for the teeth so we want to make sure that the ones that need it the most are done first.

Thank you everyone for everything and I will do my best to keep you all informed.
BLESS YOU JAMIE for everything your doing and have done for these poor minis!!!! You're a very special person

So glad to hear the update and that they are doing so well!
Bless you Jamie!!
:yeah I'm glad to hear the CMHR is also helping out!! After reading your blog and seeing those poor minis I just wanted to cry.
I'm so glad you're helping them out and they're getting to go to good homes.