800 school children--oh my!

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Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Southwest Oklahoma
My sister and I took our little horses to an antique tractor show and heritage days on Thursday. Luckily, the temperature happened to be in the 80's. We started about 9 am and worked till 2, with about 45 mintues to rest at lunch, and one other short break. The boys were pretty tired at the end of the day, but they did great. I was told there were at least 800 school children, as the Club ran out of candy. I would say 99% of the children, ages 4-13--just sat in the cart smiling, and saying nothing. I only had too little ruffians that wanted to make them go faster; most thought the trot was fast enough! While resting, the horses got lots of pets and rubs. Dapper Dan did a few of his little tricks. My sister has a line back dun stallion. He is such a gentleman!

Unfortunately, the person I asked to use my camera to take pictures was not camera-adept so we got no good photos. But I am sure we will be in the paper, as the reporters took photos and got our names.

There was hay baling, corn shelling, water pumping, clothes washing, a lady with a violin and harmonica, a chuck wagon that served beans and cobbler cooked over a fire in iron pots, an Indian who set up a tipi and showed Indian children's games, and two blackmith/farriers.

One nice thing I saw while the children were waiting for turns in the cart, or waiting after their ride, was one teacher had the children do stretches and little calisthenics excercises to keep them from horsing around and getting bored.

I did take out the special event insurance for the day with State Farm for $50. Fortunately, I didn't need it!
800 kids....no mishaps!!!
I bet they were real sleepy heads when you got home! Sounds like it was a fun day

Way to go!!! I bet there are a lot of kids who are thinking about the minis they met with you right now!!! 800 -- phew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd have panic attacks I think at just about 1/10th that number
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When we saw whole busloads of the little darlings parading around the grounds, and knew they were headed in our direction, it almost brought on a panic attack! But we just took them two at a time, and worked through each group. Toward the end of the day we were only doing very short rides, as the horses were tired, but the children didn't seem to care. They loved it all.

Dapper Dan and John Henry got a good night's rest, and they were ready to go again the next day.

I did clip DD last week, and I think he fared better than John Henry, who got pretty sweaty. They are getting that darn heavy coat already, and it is still very warm.

Are you talking about the one in Fletcher?? Art and I were there, for a short while. I am so sorry that we missed you.
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Well, darn! I'm sorry we missed you too! Were you there on thursday? Wasn't the chuck wagon wonderful? I was NOT quoted correctly in the Lawton paper, though! It is annoying.
wow thats a long day ! I remember the days when my friend and i used to take the horsese each year to the local city headstart school and

that was the best day to see the smiles on the childrens faces !!!!! makes the end of the day when your tired and sore so worth it

yeah one of my boys already has 2inch hair ! !!!! and its still getting warm

Im so glad that you had a good day and they were great that makes things sooooo much better and worth all the time you

send with the horses so worth while
I wish I had known you were going to be there! We live just across the intersection from the grounds! It would have been nice to see you! I'm glad you had a great time!

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