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  1. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    The vet visit went well. Little Chipper isn't raspy anymore and the vet gave him a clean bill of health. Moonpie is also doing well. He is such a little doll. He is being well imprinted on. The kids just want to love all over him. The first thing my fiance asked is if we could house train him...
  2. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Castle and Chanda, I have been keeping an eye on him. So far the raspy sound isn't getting any worse and he is moving around and nursing well so I think he will be ok until the vet comes out tomorrow. He is so sweet but so very shy. He hides behind momma and peeks out at you. So Sweet.
  3. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Here are some more pictures. Moonpie is a great mom. Very protective though. I have to watch how close I get or she nips or kicks at me. I like that she is a protective momma though, and she lets him nurse easily so that's great as well. It's funny I think I am obsessed now. when I found him it...
  4. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    I can't get enough of him. Thanks you guys. I am a little concerned. Is it normal for him to be breathing a little raspy? He has sounded very congested since I saw him and I have watched him cough some too? Sorry, new momma syndrome is starting up again.
  5. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    I am happy to announce that around 12pm-2pm Moonpie delivered a healthy little colt. I know you all preached to me not to leave her alone but I was expecting a middle of the night baby. Ran to town and came back to a baby on the ground. I am very blessed that there were no complications and that...
  6. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    I also did a 20 day comparison set of photos to see how far we have come.
  7. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Well ladies, we stayed up pretty late last night and still no baby. She continued with her behavior I described last night. This morning she is still more pokey behaving than usual. I put her int he corral for exercise(and so I can clean her stall) but almost had to drag her there. Took pictures...
  8. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    No pictures to update with today. I am not sure she is feeling well tonight. Instead of being more aggressive like she has been lately she wanted a lot of attention. She kept knickering at me when I tried to leave her stall. What makes me think she isn't feeling so great is she doesn't want to...
  9. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Well ladies moonpie is still holding out. Observed her laying down a lot last night, and kept hoping this is it but she fooled me again. She does look a lot thinner now, I have photos from this evening. Her poo was looking a bit softer from this evening, so if anything I can say is more forward...
  10. jstarr78

    Missy's Foaling Thread - HE'S HERE!!!!

    I am with you missy's mom. I am ready for a good nights sleep and not getting up at all hours to go check for a baby. Plus I am ready to hug and cuddle the little thing.
  11. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Caught her laying down a lot last night. She kept bobbing her head up and down and looking at her side but stood up after about 30 min of this activity. Looking really thin. Bag is about the same and still looks like she needs to elongate more. Come on moonpie momma wants a good nights sleep lol
  12. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    No baby yet. Caught her laying down a lot last night but still waiting. She is very moody today, wouldn't let me touch her at all. Threatened to bite
  13. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    I think we are getting closer. The pictures from tonight have her looking much thinner and her bag looks fuller. Her nipples look thicker as well and I could see a droplet formed at the end of one of them. We are supposed to have some major thunderstorms tonight so going to be a long one.
  14. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I have been suffering from the worst sinus infection. Moonpie hasn't foaled yet. Her bag is a bit larger and her rear is softened a lot bit no new signs that I can tell. Pics aren't great tonight my phone isn't great at pics in the dark. Will get better...
  15. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Got moonpie out this evening for some pampering. Brushed her and braided her tail.(looks terrible, not much of a braider) Maybe some promising progrss. I thought she had dropped already but she is definately looking very v-shaped. What are your thoughts? Her bag is a little more full than...
  16. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Moonpie is diong well today, still enjoying the warming weather. Still enjoying being pregnant lol.. I think she is holding it in to annoy me. Good news for my sister, her QH mare foaled yesterday, she got a beautiful little april fools colt. Looks to be a bay but she says he has gray around his...
  17. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Well I was hopeful last night that something would happen, a lot of lip twitching and tail swishing but alas, still waiting. Moonpie was happy to see breakfast coming this morning, and enjoyed a few rolls out in the paddock as soon as she got in there. she has been in the stall for two days...
  18. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    These are pictures from today, her vulva looks a little darker and there is a bulbous looking protrusion that I guess is tissue but not really sure. It was more obvious this morning than this evening but still visible. She looks the same to me still but maybe you all will see a difference.
  19. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Well we are at a stand still right now. No more forward progress for the past few days. I will take some photos this morning for you all to view, maybe you will see changes I do not but from what I see she isn't moving forward. I think she is going to keep this baby in there forever. My mom is...