Pelosi, if I were a Genie in a bottle

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Miss Rose,

You and I find agreement specific to how our country has mistreated and murdered even genocided entire races of people. We are still doing it today. WE, as in you and I, are NOT cut from that clothe and neither condone or participate in such heinous behavior. THAT is the destruction of personal Liberty.

Thanks for your time,

The ultimate goal in bringing in these people who by the way are OTMs (other than Mexican) is so that we run out of our food supply and have to be dependent on a government, a global government. Unbelievable to the general public? Yes. And sadly, it is so brilliantly simple. What comes after America? Well, just this week General Betray Us told us. What comes next IS North America. The brown shirts are already at work in these processing centers. Calling them detainment centers sounds so silly. Even our congressmen cannot get inside these centers to see what is going on. Border Patrol agents are already testing positive for the diseases they are being exposed to and the CDC says it does not fall within their scope to do anything about. I am to the point that I don't even care if someone tells me my tinfoil hat is on crooked. The signals are coming in clear.
I have a tin foil hat on too. I get pretty decent reception. I do believe in Haarp manipulation of weather and chemtrails. I see the chemtrails every day.. It isn't a vapor trail when it turns into a cloud and stays. Yes I do believe the timing of hurricane Sandy was rather suspicious. I do believe Benghazi was a gun running scheme gone bad and that they did try to cover it up and not rescue those folks in the hope that the truth would never come out....and I do believe we have armed the enemy. I do question the number of suicides in our military, and I question the death of all those bankers...I do question whether we are out of gold, countries who have invested in the US are pulling out and putting investments elsewhere. The collapse has already begun. shush... big brother...

I witness first hand what we are doing to our farmers and running our food supply out of business. Putting ethanol in the gas? Great idea, destroys engines, pollutes the atmosphere worse than before it was used, costs more than it saves... and puts livestock farmers out of business by driving up the cost of feed. Currently feed prices have been dropping, due to extra rain helping, but after so many years of drought, it is hardly a drop in the bucket and many have already quit. Take away the ability for folks to grow their own food and make them more dependent on government hand out. Control the food, control the people. How can a farmer that grows food have such a hard time making a profit.

Farmers are not allowed to sell raw milk without permit, but they can sell raw eggs and raw meat. what's up with that? And..importing milk product from other countries... and not changing labeling to reflect. Folks are all whooped up about non GMO, but aren't concerned that most of our imported foods receive NO fda inspection before it makes it to our shelves? And by the way... If you are buying organic and the fruit and veggies are perfect and large, it is either grown on a tiny farm or yard where somebody is working it every day and pulling weeds by hand... or it is to be questioned. If we would go world wide non GMO people will starve. There is nothing wrong with planting a corn crop that is stronger to withstand wind, or a crop where you can get rid of pests and grass that destroy the whole crop.

Look at corn tainted by blight... or all blown down just prior to harvest by a puff of wind and having to harvest it off the ground.. there is some technology crops that are good, not all, but some are just plain necessary.

Read the labels.. Look at the skies... get educated... it is not sasquatch and the loch ness monster. It is terror on our own soil. Get folks hooked on iphones and computers and make them zombies. that google glass eye thing, looks too much like a star trek episode I saw once.

And... much of which is labeled organic, is not really organic. Imported "organic" often means foreign food lying about what is in the food and not getting caught. What's up with making the American farmers jump through hoops and not inspecting imported stuff whatsoever.

Threats and intimidation to anyone who speaks out and questions.

It is not paranoia. It is education.

And if it isn't true... why is big gov. buying up so much ammunition and guns and assault vehicles and arming small police with billions of dollars worth of weapons. Since when does the postal service need armored cars and assault rifles. Buying it up and dividing it around and hoping nobody would notice?

I am a patriotic American and I love the USA and I do not condone what is being done to our country by those in charge who say they have our best interest at heart. I do think that America is being destroyed from within. God save us and our children.

Carriage Bob, love reading your posts:)
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I'm worried about the imported "organic" as well. We don't know what the producers from Mexico and elsewhere are putting on the crops then labeling them organic. That is why I stress, buy from your local farmers market. At least you may know the farmer that planted the crops. Also if you have a local butcher shop, buy there. I have one locally and pay more but I know where the product came from. Some beef farmers butcher and sell their own, most are grass fed beef that do this, and do not use pollutants. For fresh fruit, go to an orchard and pick your own. If you have the space, grow your own vegetables and fruit. If you want to try it, raise rabbits for rabbit meat, same with chickens, you have eggs and then the chicken. There are so many ways we can control what we put in our mouth. I also have a local dairy farm that sells their own milk in the old fashioned glass bottle. They make cheese and ice cream as well. Local health food stores are another source. I really am a believer in buying local whenever possible.

As for the weather, not too many years ago I used to sit in my car for my lunch and enjoy a few minutes of fresh air, not anymore, it's so hot now in the summer that my ac is on all the time, no longer can I ride around with my windows down. Maybe it's due to my advanced age but I feel the heat more. I do find it hard to believe any country can control hurricanes and where they land. We are an advanced society but I doubt that we are that advanced, yet.
Thank goodness we have the land and the knowledge to grow almost all of our own veggies. I spend alot of time freezing and canning for the winter. We also try to purchase most of our meat from the local butcher family owned shop 7 miles from our farm. As for eggs, we have had chickens for many years, we can not sell eggs unless the chickens are inspected and we have a seal, so we don't sell, if I have too many I give them away. We can sell veggies at the local farms market in town but need a sticker it cost $80. then we can sell for two days a week, Wed. and Sat. Some of us get around it though, we know a farmer that kills and butchers and will even barter which is against the law here as any thing bartered needs to be taxed. I bartered a mini mare to someone that works on my web site, but didn't pay taxes on it, so I'm bad. Also in our state and I'm not sure all that live here know this, but if you are a horse breeder and sell more then five horses per year you are supposed to be inspected and pay a fee. Of course it might just be my county, but you may want to check your county if you are in Maryland.
Preparing for the worst is smart. How bad is the worst going to be though? If the grocery stores are out of food the next place hungry panic stricken people will turn to is invading homes. By then the guns will have been confiscated so forget protecting yourself, your family, and your property with that means. It will be rob, pillage, rape, and murder.

Shorthorse, I think even if we remove our tinfoils we can see the handwriting on the wall as far as impending disaster. Anyone that does not see martial law is being planned might as well share the sand with the ostrich. I hope and pray it can be prevented. I try to go about enjoying life but in my mind I know my children and grandchildren will be witnessing a doomsday unless the plans of those that wish to destroy America are stopped. What you say about controlling the weather may seem to sound farfetched. But I remember years ago reading a fiction novel about a think tank that was controlling the weather in order to bring destruction and make the evil villains become richer and richer. I remember asking my husband "what if that could actually happen?" I was green as a gourd at the time about devious people with power. Back then I had zero, zip, nada interest in politics. My husband just looked at me and said "it is already happening." At the time I wondered how on earth? Now I realize that if THEY can do it THEY will.

So back to the wide open border: Our Congressman Louie Gohmert that actually has a set (unlike so many of our elected officials) has said this week that there is no need for Congress to attempt to do anything about it until we have a President who will follow the law. Louie is not big on pretending. With Louie what you see is what you get. One might consider him a statesman, a rare breed if you will.

When I see how our country's currency is being destroyed I think of ole Ross Perot back in the Presidential debates giving his take on NAFTA. SWOOOSHHHHHHHHHHH! (that huge sucking sound, as he put it).

Just look up. Manipulating the weather has been around for many years. Folks go about their daily business and forget to look up. Jet contrails dissipate. Chemtrails turn into cloud cover. Messing with mother nature is never a good thing. It seems so far fetched that folks say "no way"... that's exactly what they want you to say... no way.



bless all of you for reading... just injecting a little bit of awareness from one persons point of view. I have always taken the road less traveled by.


I think this about as far fetched as the border crisis... somebody hoping that if we ignore it, it will go away.
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"I do find it hard to believe any country can control hurricanes and where they land. We are an advanced society but I doubt that we are that advanced, yet. "

It is difficult to believe, however patents don't lie. Wearing another hat in life ,years ago, we knew full well that our "advancement" was a minimum of 40 years ahead of anything that could be seen. Also it is not just our country with this tech. Asian countries have been known to take out ads in various outlets offering services to modify weather to bring more rain and ect.

Now that HAARP (in Alaska) is shutting down, that research will be taken up by advancements in laser technology. Make no mistake, HAARP was primarily designed as a weapon of mass destruction. Controlling the production of food and availability of water is just one facet of this weapon's abilities. It has the immediate ability to take life with death tolls ranging into the numbers one would associate with an atomic weapon but with out the radiation complications. We never heeded the "BEWARE" part of Eisenhower's "Beware the military industrial complex" comments in his farewell speech.
Shorthorse, you know that the chess pieces are starting to move. Your link will inform low information people if they would only seek instead of being in the CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, and sadly even FOX listeners. Forget obaminoids. If his greatest fear "a nuke being detonangted in Manhattan" happens they will think that the anointed one was prophesizing. It will be just like Benghazi, no way could our leaders have planned dirty deeds. Sure are going to a lot of trouble to mess with Texas. Sleep well New York, at least for the time being Texas Rangers have everyone's best interest at heart.
I'll tell you a story. When my youngest was three, year was 1983, she thought everything she saw on tv was real. She was watching Frosty the Snowman, when he started to melt, she started to wail. It took me days to convi8nce her it wasn't real just fantasy!

I was watching World News day before yesterday and I witnessed the most ignorant person ever on tv. they were interviewing the people that were blocking the buses of immigrants from proceding to the processing center, and one women said, "President Obama went to all of these South American countries and invited all of their people to our country." This poor woman is an adult, but believes what she is told and is no better educated then my then three year old. The internet is no better. Just read some of the comments on news articles. One person receives a post, it may or may not be true, but it is read ans passed around from person to person soon it is believed, no one researches to see if the information is true, but it is of the opinion that they like. So some believe it like three year olds and it is just a rumor, but it spreads like a virus. soon it infects all of us, but some of us try to find the correct answer before spreading, while some don't. Seems like the way of America, believe what you want and not what is real.
I am wondering if the people blocking the busloads of illegals are not hearing any rumors that the illegals will accept responsibility and pay for their own health insurance.
I question everything I watch on tv. Major propaganda tool there. And I chuckle at the ignorance of folks they interview... they pick some doozies. Jay Leno used to do a segment on his show where he went around the streets and questioned folks with camera and microphone and it was always amazing what average americans "on the street" did not know and how funny strange and even sad their responses were.

If I believed everything on tv, I would believe the folks in that white house saying that Benghazi was not a terror attack, but was instead a spontaneous protest over a video. I would also have believed that the war on terror had actually worked... if I believed what was told to me by tv. I never believed that story... not from day one.

And as far as chem trails... I see them over my house almost every day... Those photos were taken by me. I have lots of them and photos of the planes spraying and how they do not dissipate and how they turn into clouds. they might think they are cooling the planet with those fake clouds, but the rain down to earth from the stuff they are spraying is bad. That seed company everybody hates... they are working on developing plants resistant to the stuff they are spraying.

You can search actual government documents on many topics and decide for yourself if they are true or not. Everybody has a choice as to what they believe and that is the beauty of living in America. Everybody has a choice and can voice their opinion... What we need to stand up for is.... folks who would seek to destroy our country and take away our rights to believe and speak what is in our hearts. Folks who make blanket decisions and cram it down the throats of everybody... The affordable health care plan nobody can afford, "you can keep your own health care" is one example. Taking away the peoples choice.

The American people did not choose to open up our borders. I have relatives in Texas and in Arizona, and I can assure you their lives are changing every day.

The presidents greatest fear is a dirty bomb in NewYork? sheesh... why not just paste a big note in the sky saying "victims here" over NewYork.

Hope all of you had a great 4th of July and thought a bit about our country while enjoying your burgers and family time. cheers.
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and one women said, "President Obama went to all of these South American countries and invited all of their people to our country." This poor woman is an adult, but believes what she is told and is no better educated then my then three year old.

It's good that you saw this Miss Rose, This is done on purpose by a "media" that is in lockstep with a notion. Never do you see the most competent and accomplished speak, it is always the verbally and at times...the mentally challenged. Another tell that the "media" is not independent but rather a propaganda tool. Why? Because with a level playing field, The argument on a WIDE range of topics disintegrates RAPIDLY. Have you noticed that when debating a point, that when you strip all of the chaff out of the way and start asking laser precision questions, that things come to a rather quick end? Despite the false reasons given, it is because the position on a point is without merit and can not tolerate this level of inquisition without showing deficiencies. You have definitely put your finger on one facet of this matrix.
People perish for lack of knowledge. The media tool is playing the clip over and over that by welcoming these people we are letting in the "best and the brightest." Prepare you to accept executive order. This keeps the general public dumbed down. That way we don't focus on the real issues of these children being used as mules to bring in drugs, sex trafficking, diseases, and crime. Enemies from the Middle East and any number of countries can sneak in. How many vaccines would we have to take if we went to El Salvador? Diseases that we don't even know how to treat will travel here. I really have enjoyed this 4th of July with celebrations, good food, fireworks, and watching my grandson and all his friends in ball tournament. I look at the sweet innocent faces of these little ones knowing that the stripping of their freedoms is taking root like a cancer that will eventually eat away at everything vital.
A friend of mine was having problems with her wifi, when she tried to get it back this message came up "NSA Survalence Van 2." We kidded her about this, but in a way it's not that funny. This was in a very small town in upstate NY.
I found out something interesting yesterday, seems that all children under the age of 18 that are illegal must appear in court for processing. This law was passed in Congress in 2008. Then what if the courts ares so busy it takes time to process all of these children. Then I read an article that stated that the UN wants the US to accept some of these immigrents as refugees because of the violence they are enduring in their home country.
I really feel sorry for these immigrents, but they all end up on public assistance. Lets face it, we are drowning in debt because we are taking care of everyone's poor, we need to take care of our own first, then the others second, but it doesn't work out that way. We have people starving, living on the street but the poor from other countries are put ahead in the poverty lines. I don't know how we can make our duly elected officials understand that we are drowning in debt because of their bleeding hearts. Those that do find good jobs, get paid under the table and send money home by western union, then pay for their food with ebt cards. It isn't fair and needs to stop.

I'm taking the rest of the summer off, so won't be on again until fall. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer. Stay safe.
Don't think that since you are no where near the border this won't affect you. I am in Michigan and we just got word that 100+ may be coming to a small town just 45 miles N of us. A small town of about 2000.
It is a crisis. 1) They are illegal. Spit in the face of every person who has legally sought asylum and/or has waited years upon years to become a citizen legally. 2) They will get away with murder and rape, etc because their is no evidence of them existing in American society. Dangerous crimes will be committed and there will be no way to stop it.
Double post. Sorry!
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