Is it possible to get all the loose hair off your shedding mini?

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Feb 25, 2019
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So I take a comb through them and pull out piles and piles of hair. Then I curry and brush. Then I vacuum. And hair still comes out. So I'm curious if anyone has ever managed to brush a shedding mini out so thoroughly that no more hair came out? 🤣 🤣 🤣
I have the secret, but you probably don't actually want to know it. It has nothing to do with sucking or pulling the hair from your wee one. You need one of those big cattle dryers and BLOW it all off of them! In the process, hair goes everywhere. You will find it for years to come. It comes off your mini and immediately embeds deep into your soul.
Well, that sounds like something I won't be trying. I got enough hair to crochet another horse again today. I had horse hair in my eggs, and I think I'll have a horse hair sandwich for lunch. My barn is covered, my car is covered, my paddocks are covered, my house is covered....Now I remember why I like clipping so much.
I wish the birds would grab it here, but they just don't seem interested. My mare's paddock looks like it got snowed on. It's buckskin on her but white on the ground. and me. and my food.
I've been using a sleekez on mine for over a month 😭 she Is only fuzzy over her barrel now, but it feels never ending. The sleekez gets a lot of it though. I tried the air compressor trick. She stood fine it just didn't do much.
This may not answer your question but I accidentally tried a new worming schedule this winter and everyone was completely shed out and in shiny summer coats by April. Including the true minis who usually shed until May! Any horse who came here after Jan/Feb took much longer. They do look funny because I haven't had time to clip and their manes are still in full floof mode. 😅
Well that's not fair if you don't tell us what you changed! 🤣 I was out worming mine today, unfortunately I've now got 2 spitters so I need to try again with another tube. I've got one shed out finally, one I got tired of and clipped, the yearling who is clipped, but never shed anyway, and my little stallion is very late shedding out this year. I'm on the dark side of the mountain at my new place. It made my sheep come into heat early, the horses got hair early, and I think they are shedding late. But it starts getting dark here a good half an hour to hour faster than it does a quarter mile down the road. We have a really long dusky time each night.
@LostandFound I will have to look at my calender to get exact details, but I think it was more like 3 months between worming and always going back and forth between Fenbendazole and Ivermectin families.
I had the same scenario in Arkansas as you do, only both morning and evening were darker. There was an overgrown pine forest directly in front to the east and a huge hill behind me to the west. So it got light very late and dark way too early! Especially in the barn which had another hill to the east, by 7pm it was dark in there, in the summer. I usually turned the lights on around 9-10am because it wasn't bright in there yet. Now I'm moved and have to get used to longer hours again! Not a bad thing at all.
Longer daylight hours are definitely good. I don't mind so much in the summer when the days are long anyway, but it was strange in winter when it was getting dark around 4pm.

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