Your home business

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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For those of you that have a home business I'd love to hear what you do..if you are interested in posting it.
I am doing bookkeeping from my home. Working about 38 hours a week right now. I negotiated to be paid as an employee on their payroll but do all my work from my home office. Previously I have done payroll and bookkeeping from home.
I have a small sewing business that I run from home, we sew cria sized and adult sized coats for alpacas. Similar to dog and horse blankets. It came to life after getting into the alpaca livestock business. I needed cria coats............and mom needed a job! Mom and I worked as a team to come up with our patterns, which took a good year and a half to perfect them. She had the business for a year and a half, did the sewing, I did the website and marketing, and then decided she didn't want to do it anymore.

I had just quit a very stressful time consuming job that I had worked at for over 10 years! I couldn't take the stress anymore, or the hour one way commute after working 12 hour mandatory shifts. I was enjoying my new found freedom when hubby came to me one day, after finding out mom wanted to drop the business, and said he'd like to take it over. At first I told him he was crazy! I had never idea of sewing was with a hot glue gun! And knowing that one of the reasons mom wanted to give it up was because it was so time consuming didn't thrill me either. We figured out a way to do it where it could be less time consuming. He cuts and pins for me, and I do all the paperwork, phone calls, taking orders, ordering supplies, marketing, and sewing. I love it! I get to work from home at something I enjoy doing, and our customers are fabulous!!!

Our business has grown leaps and bounds since we took it over! We are in our 3rd season right now, and we have doubled the orders that we had last year at this time. I do show orders in spring, and just closed the schedule to any more of those orders because I'm full. Most of my orders are word of mouth, so I really haven't had to do much marketing this year, which is good, and we have just this season, officially taken on a new market...........we have just gone international! In the last month we've taken in orders from Canada, Australia, and Holland!

The bad thing is that this is a 24/7 thing, when you have a business at home, sometimes it's really hard to get away from it. My mind is constantly working and thinking about what I need to get done. It is stressful, and the holidays are hard because we don't always have time to spend with family being so busy.......and now so far away. The good thing is that it is very rewarding. My customers are so good to us, and it makes all the hard work we put into this so worth it! The other good thing for me is summers off!!!!! And this business allows me to express my creative urges when I feel the need. I am in control of the products we carry, and inventing new ones, so I'm always thinking of new ideas to try.
Ooops! I don't really have a home business, posted by mistake!
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I have a very small landscaping plant grow operation. Last season we did farmers markets. I am hoping to expand to either more markets or eventually to onsite sales.
I have a business I run from home. I have a medical transcription service with clients all over the U.S. I researched it for 3 years before jumping into it full force. I also had a lawyer draw up Articles of Incorporation and got advice from my local small business administration. It is a huge responsibility but allows me to control my life more. It is a 24/7 365 days a year deal, no paid vacations, etc but I love it. I have been doing this for 10 years now and make a good living at it. It is NOT for everyone but if you are a self-starter, it can be wonderful.
does being a farrier count as a home business?

if not then :DOH! just ignore me

I've had mine about 2 yrs. It is true that it begins when you get up and continues all day and you lay abed thinking about it but I love what I do and wouldn't go back out into the world of business for anything. I create healing helping bundles of stones & crystals, do Reiki sessions for pain and stress, and make custom one of a kind jewelry.

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