Well-Known Member
Don't you just love it? LOL
We haven't had much time to enjoy LB lately so tried to find time yesterday and today to post on forum and saleboard just to let folks know we are truly still alive and breathing over here (barely maybe but breathing none the less). LOL
So, within a couple hours of my new saleboard ad - - I get this - you know the feeling - you see the topic and your heart pounds and you get excited and eager because you think - really think - just maybe - there's somebody out there actually interested - you haven't done all this for nothing afterall -- maybe they are gutsy enough to actually consider making an offer - maybe this person will put me to the test to see if I really am open to negotiations and just how far I'll go down - - so the palms sweat and your smiling and you're ready to read all the good stuff about your horse they just have to have and you're gonna do everything you can NOT to loose a sale ---- but wait - maybe this is someone that makes you work your butt off to send dozens of photos and details and pedigrees and umpteen emails of info and then they disappear without even so much as a thank you or screw you reply .... no - give them the benefit of the doubt - this is a good sign just 2 hours after posting an ad - wow Lil Beginnings is the way to advertise alright - man - so here we go.............. and ..................... and ................ you freakin get this email:
I Am Valentine Benson , i saw your advert on the internet for sale.Please kindly get back to me with all this details below if still avaliable for sale such as :-, :
What is the present condition?
What is the Recent location/Features ?
Why do you want to sell ?
What is the last asking price?
Would like to see a recent picture if available okay ? Also I will be responsible for the shipping /pick-up from your location..
Kindly get back to me ASAP.
Valentine Benson
HA HA LOL OKAY, this ol' gal has been around the block a time or two and while some emails can "raise an eyebrow" and make me suspicious - those like this are truly scams because the ad clearly says pictures are from Saturday 5/1 and it is a living breathing animal. When they are replying to an animal advertisement and want to know its present condition and features - this is an animal not a piece of furniture. condition? Well, it's breathing at least. LOL In the event they also contact you - this is the header from which the email came:
Tue, May 4, 2010 3:21:39 PM
From:VALENTINA BENSON <[email protected]> Add to ContactsTo:[email protected]
Okay, thanks for letting me get all that off my chest all at once. whew! LOL Too funny!
We haven't had much time to enjoy LB lately so tried to find time yesterday and today to post on forum and saleboard just to let folks know we are truly still alive and breathing over here (barely maybe but breathing none the less). LOL
So, within a couple hours of my new saleboard ad - - I get this - you know the feeling - you see the topic and your heart pounds and you get excited and eager because you think - really think - just maybe - there's somebody out there actually interested - you haven't done all this for nothing afterall -- maybe they are gutsy enough to actually consider making an offer - maybe this person will put me to the test to see if I really am open to negotiations and just how far I'll go down - - so the palms sweat and your smiling and you're ready to read all the good stuff about your horse they just have to have and you're gonna do everything you can NOT to loose a sale ---- but wait - maybe this is someone that makes you work your butt off to send dozens of photos and details and pedigrees and umpteen emails of info and then they disappear without even so much as a thank you or screw you reply .... no - give them the benefit of the doubt - this is a good sign just 2 hours after posting an ad - wow Lil Beginnings is the way to advertise alright - man - so here we go.............. and ..................... and ................ you freakin get this email:
I Am Valentine Benson , i saw your advert on the internet for sale.Please kindly get back to me with all this details below if still avaliable for sale such as :-, :
What is the present condition?
What is the Recent location/Features ?
Why do you want to sell ?
What is the last asking price?
Would like to see a recent picture if available okay ? Also I will be responsible for the shipping /pick-up from your location..
Kindly get back to me ASAP.
Valentine Benson
HA HA LOL OKAY, this ol' gal has been around the block a time or two and while some emails can "raise an eyebrow" and make me suspicious - those like this are truly scams because the ad clearly says pictures are from Saturday 5/1 and it is a living breathing animal. When they are replying to an animal advertisement and want to know its present condition and features - this is an animal not a piece of furniture. condition? Well, it's breathing at least. LOL In the event they also contact you - this is the header from which the email came:
Tue, May 4, 2010 3:21:39 PM
From:VALENTINA BENSON <[email protected]> Add to ContactsTo:[email protected]
Okay, thanks for letting me get all that off my chest all at once. whew! LOL Too funny!