Who Do I Get To Meet At The World Show???

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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Ok I was gonna wait until later in the week to do this thread, but I'm just too dang excited to wait any longer

So who do I get to meet at the World show???

I will be there from the 6th to the 9th, the last 3 days.

Don't worry you won't be able to miss me.........I'll be the 5'10" curly haired girl with the camera attached to her eye, and the eye-catching, can't miss them, T-shirts
We will be there the entire show. Please if you see us yell at us to stop so we can meet. You also can't miss me LOL I have stall signs with AKS Miniatures on all of my stalls and on my green golf cart.

I am also going to put a memo board on the outside of my tack stall, that way if anyone comes by they can I hope leave me message as to how to find them. We shall see how it works.

I'll be there, probably Cattle Barn 4 with the rest of the Mid America Miniature Horse Club. I too will have a camera, especially in the arena. On the first day of the show I hear I will be wearing a special shirt that identifies me as an AMHA Board of Directors Member.

We arrive the evening of the 29th and leave October 8 or 9.
i will also be there the 6-9th!! Ill be at the rescue booth so ill be easy to find
Also Robin cole and Gini acton will be there earlier in the week

We will be there too from the 5th through the 9th. Not sure where we will be though. Our horses will be with Joel White (Joel will be with Lori Barile) and Donna Lavery (Winning Streak Training Center), but the last we talked to them they didn't know where they were going to be, so we plan to meet up with them and find out their locations once we get there.

I too will have a camera surgically implanted on my eye! Hope to meet up with you.

We'll be there!! All the way from New Zealand!

We'll be easily spotted as the ones with the funny accent, pale skin (it's early spring here!
), looking hot and bothered, taking oodles of photos and videos, and spending a lot of time shopping!!

And probably seen crying as we leave because we can't afford to bring any horses home

I can't tell you how excited we are about the whole trip!
We arrive late on 3 October, so will be at the Show from 4 October onwards.
Ya'll are just making me more excited by the minute

But why do I have the feeling that we are all going to wind up with lots of photos of other people taking pictures
Will be there for the whole show. Usually hang out at the ring mostly, with a camera of course, but will also have two little dogs in tow most of the time -- a black and white papillon and a tiny, tiny red min pin -- probably all dressed up against the freezing air conditioning at the show ring. I'm also planning on spending some time at the CMHR info table. If not at the ring, I can be found in the Moncrief building with the Conders, Kris Vegter/Lightening Ridge and Reece Family Miniatures.

Robin C
I hope to be in the Richardson Bass bldg so be sure to look for me. You will probably find me on the ground clipping horses if I'm not in the arena showing!
If any of you at the World Show get to meet up with members from the New England Miniature Horse Society, please tell them that Joyce says hello and Good Luck from Connecticut. Several from our club are going to be there. To name a few Tom & Lorraine O'Connell, Cindy Moses, Jennifer VanDEnise, Kim Lafleur, Val Carroll. I think Carol and Michael Nunes and several more. Those names came to mind as I write.

My mother, trainer, and I (and our horses) will be in the Moncreif building. We are stabled with Kris Vegter from Lightening Ridge.

Hope to meet some of y'all!

Hope y'all have a safe trip!
My mom and I will be buzzing around the arena the afternoon of the 5th, all day on the 6th, and all day on 8th. Possibly here and there on the 7th. We are going to try and make it through all the barns to meet as many people as possible, but if you stroll by Triple Heart Training Centre or Patty Clokes barn I might be around there too trying to make myself useful
Hope to meet lots of you!!!

Everyone travel safely!!!
I will be arriving the 28th and staying through the entire show. Look for the American Flags, Little America. Look forward to meeting all of you!

We (meaning my friend Christy and I) will be arriving on Tues. the 4th and leaving Thurs. morning the 6th. We are mainly going for the World Sale since we both have horses in it. We will probably be making the rounds and I am hoping to meet several forum members while there. We always have a good time and hope this year will be no exception. After sustaining quite a mess from TWO hurricanes I am ready to get away from all of this. I am hoping this trip will help me to keep my sanity! I will deal with all the clean up later!

Everybody have a safe trip and hope to see ya there!
I will be there from Sunday the 2nd through Friday 7th. Look for Wild Oak Farm in Richardson-Bass by Marystown. Please come say hi! I always have great intentions of meeting everyone but just seem to stay so busy lol, I like the idea of a message board. Putting that on my list too!

We will be there as well, with Donna Lavery of Winning Streak TC. I will be the haggered 20 something with a hankerchief on my head at All times except when showing.

Please drop by and say hi, we would love to meet other forum members!
We will be arriving this Friday and staying until the following Thursday. We are in Burnett stalls 40-44. Thats back in the little nook next to the entrance to the coliseum.

Stop by and say howdy.

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