What type of grass seed do you recommend?

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I know that I can't use fescue seed, but what type of seed shoud I use? Should I just get a horse seed mixture or does one do and hold up better than the other?

Will it be okay to seed this fall and let it go for the winter? I've only done this once before when I had big horses and we used fecue, but I know I can't use that for the minis.

If you are not intending to breed Fescue is fine. Whatever you use it will be two years before you can graze properly unless you are direct drilling into a laid base.
Right now it would probably be useless unless you plant winter rye. That will just come up and more or less be a green cover for winter time. Best thing to do for your area is to ask at your local extention office.

I'll be planting winter rye around Thanksgiving. It comes up fast. I use it really just to hold down the mud.
Perhaps you could contact your local ag extension agent. They know what grows well in particular areas as well as what's suited to particular animals. Or maybe talk to the folks at the store where you would buy it............not WalMart, but a local feed/seed store.

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