What a week! Sister injured and her husband had heart surgery

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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What a week it has been!

Last weekend, my sister's husband had a heart attack, then had a cardiac catheterization and then Open Heart surgery. It was touch and go for a few days, but he rallied and is doing better now. A couple days after he had his surgery, my sister was riding her bicycle( she exercices to let off steam... wish I did!). She was almost finished her ride when a truck hit her. She was taken to a Trauma center. Her brain is fine. She was NOT wearing her helmet, she said it was too hot! But she has crushed sinuses, fractured zygomatic( cheek bones) and a fractured orbit( around the eye. She will need a lot of surgery to be put back together. I guess it could have been so much worse and we should be grateful. The trucker did stop, as did many others to help.

Surgery is scheduled for this friday. Please keep them both in your prayers?


Sending prayers for both your sister and her husband. Hope they are healing and feeling better soon and that your sister's surgery goes smoothly.
Ohhh man what a stressful week for your family. So sorry for both of them. Hope they are well soon!
Thinking of you in your time of need.

OMG sis why didn't you tell me? I'm so glad he came through all of that and is recovering. Prayers for him! And prayers for your sister, what a horrible thing to happen! I hope they fix her up & she heals quickly! My prayers to her too!

Thank God she wasn't killed or hurt worse!

And my thoughts to all of you {{{{Hugs}}}}
I'm so sorry Robin. I hope for both your sister and her husband a fast recovery.
Oh my goodness Robin, what a terrible time for the family. I'm so very sorry for you all.

Prayers being sent in the hope of a full and fast recovery for both of them, and special hugs for you as I'm sure you are beside yourself with worry.


OMG...how terrible!! Wishing both your sister and her husband full recoveries from their injuries and surgery (ies).
OMGosh what a week. Thank the Lord everyone is OK and hopefully on the mend. Sending prayers for a speedy recover for both!
Thank you all. Then on top of it all, yesterday, my husband's cousin age 55 died of colon cancer. Please every one... start getting colonoscopies at age 50!!!

Oh Robin - not more tragis news - so very sorry to read of your husband's cousin, what a shock for all concerned.

Also wanted to send good wishes to your sister for today - will be thinking of her and offering prayers for a successful outcome to her surgery. Hope that her hubby continues his recovery from his heart surgery.

Sending hugs all round.


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