uterine cysts

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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We have a mare that the vet said had a cyst a few years ago. He was not sure that she was in foal at that time but she was & has had a few foals since then....... He ultra sounded her recently & said she still had a cyst & said she was not in foal.......... Someone told me that there is a shot that you can give for this. I was also told that regumate might help.............................. Has anyone here dealt with a broodmare that has had a cyst? Did you treat her with anything special? Did she get in foal & have normal pregnancies/deliveries? Any other thoughts /experiences?....... I am going to seek the advice of another vet that specializes in breeding but wanted experiences from you folks. Apparently they still can get in foal & have babies as my mare has proven that.
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Hi Cathy!

A lot of my broodmares have cysts, not an uncommon thing. As far as them causing breeding problems, it depends on the size and location of the cyst.

I have an 18 year old broodmare who gets in foal and carries no problem. She has 5 cysts that we can see on ultrasound, my vet has measured them and none of them are big enough to cause problems.

I only have one mare, 21 years old, who has a cyst that is questionable in size, but she isn't getting bred for other reasons, so we aren't worried about the cyst.

I've never discussed with my vet what would be done to get rid of a cyst, if we needed to. But he is a repro specialist and he will be here Friday, so I will ask him and let you know.

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