ugh just one of them days.............

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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For some reason when I woke up this morning with a headache I knew it wasn’t going to be a good day. It wasn’t but a few minutes later I found myself in the bathroom puking up nothing but acid with my two year old on the bed asking me if I was ok. Now, I have been feeling great, finally getting some life back into me so thought I was in the clear. Every time I seem to think that I get this little reminder that my body is not my own nor will it be for several months, and I am not to forget that.

Then I go out to let the horses out. We got in late last night so the old guys stayed in the barn. Went out this morning to see everybody off to work and day care, then to let the horses out. Then I here this loud banging noise in the garage. Now, our garage is attached to the one end of the barn, however we don’t use it for cars or anything. Instead it’s where I store the bikes, split wood, grain, freezer and some small squares of alfalfa, as well as pretty much any other outside equipment. I proceed to open the door slowly because I don’t know what is in there (could be anything as I leave the door cracked so the cats can get in). I also don’t know where said “thing” is located (the garage is about 50+feet long). As I open the door what do I see…………a major mess, my naughty 2 year old filly and crabby 20 year old psycho mare. I yelled at them and the 2 year old was gone, but the crazy mare was apparently to afraid to go back out the door she had come in. I then had to chase the horses back to the other dry lot as the higher mud free lot was no longer in working order. So back to the mud lot they had to go. Now just a bit of background here. The back of the garage has a little service door. The horses have been there by the door for 4 years without problems. Well after inspecting the now broken door (frame and locks) I notice lots of very white hair. Apparently somebody had an itchy butt to the point of busting the door in.

Got that mess cleaned up then preceded on to let the horses out. I then find a gate that I have in place of boards on my stall (the boards prevented the ability to get in and clean the two stalls) totally off the hinges for the second feeding in a row. Luckily for me and the naughty filly that keeps doing the damage the gate is also tied up so there was no escape.

For now the horses are eating hay but have to head to town to get some boards to fix some things so no more escapes. I am in the process of redoing all the fencing as it was done previously in barbless wire that doesn’t hold up well. I have lots of temporary wire fence up to keep them in one area, but they are wanting out to get grass, and with the weather we have been having it isn’t growing but rather a wet pit that is covered in frost most mornings. I replaced some of the fence last fall, but that needs to be fixed again as the stupid deer keep busting it down. It’s not that high, maybe 3 feet and they are too lazy to jump that high. I love the deer but this fall its hunting season. At one point I counted close to 30 deer in the pasture. Last night there was between 10-15. With the way things are going, I’m almost afraid to take any more of the wire down unless I can get out their same day to get the new fence up and with it as wet as it is, and my extreme fear of standing water(even though its merely ankle deep) it won’t happen for awhile.

So today I find myself asking why I have animals. I really dislike them today and the constant work to fix things they break. The only plus side is I seemed to have caught the horses before they had got into too much grain. I also have somebody interested in the filly. I love the filly and bought her for my replacement riding horse, but she is costing me too much money in all the damage she is doing and I can’t ride before next year anyway.

We are finally on our second dry day after 7 days of rain. It stops long enough to mow the lawn in most areas, other areas it’s so wet I just sink (like the garden, hard to prep it if sink instantly). Oh and did I mention the rain is to start again tonight and last through Monday…………..grrrr
Sorry to hear you are having a bad day, actually sounds like you have been having a hard time for a while. It's raining here again today, and I'm beginning to feel like I live in the rain forest. We too have mud again, and hubby got all the oil changed in the mowers, blades sharpened and neither one will start, so now he needs to buy a battery for the rider and I don't know what is wrong with the push mower as I can't use it anyway because of my health. Some of the grass is so high my dogs get lost in it, wish I could let the little horses eat it, but better to have tall grass then founder.

Hope your day gets better!
I have mowed the grass twice now, well actually have to finish today. I dont let it get any length if at all possible as we have woodtick central and even though the dogs and cats have flea and tick stuff they still bring in the ticks.

To keep the deers out of your lots you just might want to try a radio or a spot light. That is what we do to keep them out of our gardens and it seems to work great. Hope your day gets better soon.

To keep the deers out of your lots you just might want to try a radio or a spot light. That is what we do to keep them out of our gardens and it seems to work great. Hope your day gets better soon.

That might be hard. I live on 10 acres and they come in through the very back where it is wet land.
My feed store sells a deer repellent that comes in a quart bottle and you mix it with water, spray along the fence line. It works, can't remember the cost, but well worth it instead of having to replace fences.

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