Yes, Russ, I guess you're a good judge of rude, that's perfectly obvious.
I've been there, done that--not with Rob, but a different forum member that I ordered something from; she had to wait on the order from the manufacturer...didn't answer the e-mail I sent 6 weeks after I ordered/paid, then when I e-mailed again a month later she did reply, saying she'd sent the item out 6 weeks earlier. By this time I was quite sure the item was never going to come, but I just e-mailed a couple people privately to ask if they'd had/heard of any problems with this person--answer was no, all references were good--and sure enough, the package showed up not long after that. And yes, it was postmarked on the day the vendor claimed it went into the mail, so she had told no lie. It would seem that the holdup had been at Canada Customs. International mail isn't always too speedy. I once received something from NZ 5 days after it was mailed, but that was an exception--the box must have made all the right connections. I once had something take 4 months from Australia.
Sue, by my math, if the blades were sent June 29th, that is just....2 1/2 months, not "over 4 months" since they were sent??
Since all references on Rob seem to be good, I expect this order will show up. If anyone has bad references to give, hopefully they've been e-mailed/PM'd to the original poster here. If she hasn't received any of those, if I were her I wouldn't worry. It's annoying, yes, tell me about it & I agree it would be nice if Rob (or any vendor) would answer her queries, but a good many people have good intentions of answering calls/messages promptly, but I also understand that many people, Rob included, are very busy & it's easy for things to get set aside until "later" & then time just gets away. Ha, I've also tried to track down a missing parcel--it's not always easy or instant to find out where exactly that parcel is when it's an international delivery; in my case by the time I got the info from Canada Post the lost envelope had showed up at its destination.
A tracking # will, of course, "prove" when it was mailed.
It's unfortunate you've had to wait so long, but I really do believe that in this case patience is a virtue.