All my horses have always gotten along. No one dominates, they are all just very good friends and never fight and I mean never.
Baby Timmy has made it into the big field now for over a week and almost everyone loves him. He's been accepted gracefully by everyone, except one little brat witch!
This brat has been chasing him from day one. I've watched it daily and it's bothering the heck out of me. Jerry tells me to leave it alone, that he has to learn how to handle himself but not fair, he's too little! She is not biting or kicking at him or making contact, but she is scarring him all the time. She singles him out and then chases him and runs the heck out of him and he gets frantic trying to run from her with all the speed he can get up. Today, she ran him down the hill and he could not find Holly and he was screaming for her. Holly is no longer being protective and doesn't seem to care about this. She's too busy grazing. When he finds her, he runs under her to hide and then rears all over her as if to say "Mommy where were you?" It's so sad! I went out and soon as he heard my voice he ran right into my arms and was shaking and he didn't want me to let him go. I just squatted down and held him. That poor baby can't take this.
I couldn't stand it a minute longer and I pulled that brat from the herd and put her by herself in a paddock and she screamed her head off all day long. I do not want her back out there with him again. I am so shocked because this is such a loving filly but I am furious and right now I feel that I want to shove her up on Mona's auction and would probably take any bid I got on her I am that mad. Let me know if you want a horse!
I do have plenty of paddocks so there is not a problem of me keeping anyone separated. I just don't know why she is being so rotten, it was never in her nature before.
Not showing off here by no means but there is not one bite mark or scar or cut or anything on not one of my horses and I am not putting up with this now. I'm afriad she will run him into a gate or a fence next so I am not taking any chances.
If you have had this situation, what would you have done?
Baby Timmy has made it into the big field now for over a week and almost everyone loves him. He's been accepted gracefully by everyone, except one little brat witch!
This brat has been chasing him from day one. I've watched it daily and it's bothering the heck out of me. Jerry tells me to leave it alone, that he has to learn how to handle himself but not fair, he's too little! She is not biting or kicking at him or making contact, but she is scarring him all the time. She singles him out and then chases him and runs the heck out of him and he gets frantic trying to run from her with all the speed he can get up. Today, she ran him down the hill and he could not find Holly and he was screaming for her. Holly is no longer being protective and doesn't seem to care about this. She's too busy grazing. When he finds her, he runs under her to hide and then rears all over her as if to say "Mommy where were you?" It's so sad! I went out and soon as he heard my voice he ran right into my arms and was shaking and he didn't want me to let him go. I just squatted down and held him. That poor baby can't take this.
I couldn't stand it a minute longer and I pulled that brat from the herd and put her by herself in a paddock and she screamed her head off all day long. I do not want her back out there with him again. I am so shocked because this is such a loving filly but I am furious and right now I feel that I want to shove her up on Mona's auction and would probably take any bid I got on her I am that mad. Let me know if you want a horse!
I do have plenty of paddocks so there is not a problem of me keeping anyone separated. I just don't know why she is being so rotten, it was never in her nature before.
Not showing off here by no means but there is not one bite mark or scar or cut or anything on not one of my horses and I am not putting up with this now. I'm afriad she will run him into a gate or a fence next so I am not taking any chances.
If you have had this situation, what would you have done?
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