The only way to drink!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba
One of our fillies likes her water nice & fresh; she waits at the fence for the hose to show up in the mornings, and she has perfected the technique of drinking from the hose. Mom always puts a kink in the hose to slow the flow down for her, but she sure can drink her fill this way now.


She's going to be disappointed once it's winter and water comes only in buckets!
Just like a kid..more fun to drink from a faucet then a glass. She is so cute. Mary
She's so cute! I have a few that like to drink out of the hose too
She knows a good thing when she sees it!

Ozzy won't let me give him a bath or hose him down without a drink from the hose. We used to have a big horse whose face was temporarily paralyzed from EPM, and that was the only way she could drink. We had to make very frequent trips out to the barn to give her water.
awwwwww.... she adorable

wats her registered name? wonderin cause she looks just like the gelding i work with..

and sire and dam plz!
Hey, Stephanie, now that you mention it about your horse with EPM being unable to drink any other way--Secret started drinking like this when she was sick 3 weeks ago. We thought it was WNV but the test results came back--not WNV after all, but WEE--she could drink normally at the time, but maybe doing it like this made her feel more special??

Kiddorox--this filly is Cedar Plains Best Kept Secret, out of Jandt's Flaming Lace & by Scarlet's Little Sun.
LOL, Holly! She knows she's a beautiful filly deserving of some extra TLC above and beyond what the others get!
[SIZE=14pt]That horse has the same face marking as Roy!!Almost the same color 2!!Scary!Thats cute roy does that to!![/SIZE]
Love the photo, and just LOVE the hair!!! What a sweetheart! Did you send this picture over to Equusite?

How funny! Just wait, one of these days she will start grabbing the hose to play with. We have a big horse that grabs the hose out of the tank while its filling and bucks and shakes her head. The hose bangs her around the shoulders and water flies everywhere. I about died laughing the first time she did it and caught my husband unprepared. He was soaked, darting around like a chicken trying to get the hose from her, the whole time being sprayed! It was great! Of course it isn't quite as funny when she catches me with it, all dressed for work!

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