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Wow, I love your tattoo and I don't think I've ever felt that way about a tattoo before. It looks like a piece of art.
Thank you!
I absolutely love it. My daughter keeps telling me that I have the coolest tattoo ever! LOL
I am 55 and wanted to get a butterfly tattoo, but can't because I have a bleeding disorder, low platelets and they wouldn't tattoo me.
I have one on my back.

It is very special to me, as it is a portrait of my first mini.

I plan to get one of my minis name on one shoulder too. She recently passed, just about a year ago, and I miss her terribly. And a small breast cancer ribbon on my other shoulder, in honor of my mother who has breast cancer.

Being as I plan to get married within the next few years, I decided that I am not going to have my tattoo covered with makeup. My family and boyfriend know how much it means to me, and I want it uncovered.
That is just me though.


The picture makes it look kind of ugly. I promise, it looks beautiful in person!
I dont think it looks ugly at all! It does look huge and if it is as big as it looks I give you a lot of credit, I have a smaller one back there and it hurt like crazy.
I'm with Ashley SammyL, I think it's beautiful, the artists did a great job!
I dont think it looks ugly at all! It does look huge and if it is as big as it looks I give you a lot of credit, I have a smaller one back there and it hurt like crazy.
I'm with Ashley SammyL, I think it's beautiful, the artists did a great job!
Thank you very much!
I really love it. And it is rather big! It took 3 hours to complete. And let me tell you, the worst part had to be the initial pain before you are used it, and when it went over my spine.

I'm excited to get my next one, just need the funds.
Real nice SammyL! Lots of great tattoos here.

I have 5 now. In my younger days I was a "biker" LOL!

I have never regretted any of my tats. Still love them, I even want another, but my skin is getting old and wrinkely

Here is my latest and biggest one (1991). My design, altho the tattooist took some liberty with it. Got this before I ever thought I'd have a horse of my own.


And yes over the spine was the worst part!
I dont mean to offend anyone here at all, but I have never understood why people feel the need to mutilate themselves with permanent ink, body piercings, etc.... What someone thinks looks cool at 25 years old is certainly not going to look the same way at 65 years old. I have known a few people in the past who got a tattoo (or more) at a young age and HATED them years later. It is very time consuming and expensive to have them removed- not to mention the scars they leave, or the chance of infection.
At 70 I will have more scars and more wrinkles then I do now at 23(10 days from 24), and hopefully way more ink. It's art, and our bodies is the easiest way to show off our art, and what it means.

I already look at the one on my wrist and laugh. Every tattoo means something to me, and I truly love them. I don't care what people think or say about them. I'm at a stable job, as long as I don't have tattoos all over my arms or face I don't think they will care.

Tattoos are usually regretted after a drunk night with no though behind, or just no real thought into them.
Here are mine, I'm going to have a hoof print added to my back that is half the size with Jet under it for a stallion we lost a year ago in a couple weeks.


My right arm


Left side of my back


My left arm


My left forearm


I have a family crest (calf), a crest with the swiss flag in it framed by Edelweiss (calf), a celtic motherhood knot (right side of my back) and an Ankh (right forearm) that I want to get done yet.
im not a big fan. I actually have one that i got when i was 17 and now im 38 i HATE it and wish i never got it. I do agree when your younger its cool but later on its not so cool. I also know MANY people that feel the same way and wish they didnt get them. Then i have friends that seem to be addicted to them also. The thing with tattoos is yes you can say body art but you cant just take it off when you get tired of it. Its there FOREVER. I guess if it had meaning then it would be onething but mine is a stupid kids stunt. Ready for a laugh. Its on my lower belly is a cowgirl boot with a rose wrapped around it.Not sure what i was thinking at the time. It also doesnt help that i have also had 5 pregnancys and one pregnancy was twins. You want to talk about strtched out looking boot.LOL sorry its just funny. I keep telling my hubby im going to get tummy tuck and have them cut that tattoo off.
I have 6, going to get a full shoulder in a couple of weeks, it won't be seen unless I'm wearing a tank top, or a bathing suit. Both of my feet were done, either side of my hips, and one on my wrist. All have meaning.

BUT when I turn your age, why do I care what they look like, or who looks at me? Who is going to think I'm a super model when I am 70? I'm not going to care if I have wrinkles, scars, or I don't look like I do now. I think 90% of people around my age group has a tattoo. I'm 24 btw.

I think people are getting more lax about tattoos, not all but some. I think the reason to have a tattoo be seen by others if it's not in a hiden area. They know it'll be seen.

No offense but how you wrote this sounds pretty rude. I can also say that 90% of the people i know dont have tattoos.Its only just a few. The ones that do have the same feelings i do. Why did i get this! I guess if they have meaning its different and everyone has different tastes and opinions. I just think your comment sounded alittle disrespectful. Thats just my opinion.
No I don't want, nor will I ever get a tattoo and these are the reasons below. Just my own personal opinions, so please don't take offense to them. We have a grand daughter who has her whole body almost done with tattoo's. Do we love her any less, no, but we are concerned.


Also your tatto's look great now, but what will they look like and what will you think of them when you get older and they are all wrinkled? Mel has 3 which he did himself when he was young and thought they looked cool, but he regrets them now and they don't look the same at all. They are wrinkled and hard to make out. He would like to remove them, but the thought of all that pain is not pleasing to him now. He is praying about it because of his belief's that he didn't have when he was a kid!



"The main scripture verse that people use against tattoos is in Leviticus:


Leviticus 19:28 – “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.” (KJV)


While some believe the scripture is clear that the verse tells us not to cut on our bodies, which is what tattooing is, there is much more to interpreting this statement. In context this verse is discussing preparation for death in which many bodies were tattooed with pagan religious symbols. Since God’s commandments prohibit Jews and Christians from worshiping other gods, it would be logical that God would prohibit these death preparation tattoos.


However, it is also clear that many dictates of that particular time in history no longer apply. There are scriptures in the Old Testament that tell women to keep their heads covered at all time. Others tell people they cannot eat certain types of meat. Still others prohibit certain types of haircuts. They all had their purposes at the time. Yet, many of those rules no longer apply in the New Testament.


Yet, just clinging to the New Testament not directly prohibiting tattoos is not necessarily a clear approach, either. The New Testament does not directly prohibit things like bestiality or prostitution of a daughter, but Christian believe those things are sins. How do we know the fine line? Just saying that “Well, the New Testament doesn’t directly tell me it’s a sin, so I can do it,” is often looking for an easy out in a difficult decision.


Others use the reference to the dead as justification for getting tattoos while alive. There is debate today regarding this reference. Many biblical scholars believe that there are two distinct acts being discussed in this scripture. There is the tattooing of the dead and then there is the marking of the living. Other scholars see it only as reference to the dead.


There is little question that the Bible states clearly how our bodies are the Temple of God making it important that we care for our bodies with the same love we give to God. Christians against tattooing believe that this scripture from 1 Corinthians is another reason a person should not get a tattoo:


1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” (NIV)


This scripture does not ban tattoos, but it does bring up the question as to why a person wants to get a tattoo and which tattoos to get. As with some sin it is not the act but the intent that matters. If the act of getting tattoo is rebellion against parents, authority, etc. – then it is a sin. For instance, if your parents tell you not to get a tattoo and you do it to spite them, then getting a tattoo is sinful, because God’s commandment calls for you to “honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12).


The other question to ask yourself is if your tattoo is edifying God. Since tattooing is very much debated by biblical scholars, do you really want to take a chance on getting a tattoo that does not honor God? Are you getting a tattoo just to fit in or are you getting a tattoo to glorify the Lord? Remember, you are supposed to be in the world, not of the world. While many tattoos are beautiful, they tend to honor the world rather than God.


Getting a tattoo is something that should not be taken lightly. It is a well-debated issue in the Christian community, and there are differing opinions as to whether a tattoo is sinful or not. As a Christian, decisions need to be made with your eyes on God. So, if you do choose to get a tattoo, remember that, while man looks at the outside appearance, God looks at the heart."


I have to say that most tattoo's in general are very beautiful!


God Bless,



JennyB, I commend you for presenting your post with conviction while being very fair-minded... Well done!

I myself have no interest in getting tattoo(s). I feel no need to commemorate any event or memory by having it permanently 'writ' upon my person; that's what my memory and my 'mind's eye' are for, IMO. As a trained and able artist, if I want art, I can create it MYSELF, on paper or canvas!!

One of my adult daughter's got two small tattoos...Winnie the Pooh, and (I think?) a small heart or unobtrusive places on her body. I have no issue with think that if someone feels they 'must' get tattooed, this would be the way to go...but have no need or desire to do so myself.

BTW...I don't believe that stating that one does NOT like or want to be tattooed is being 'judgemental'; it is simply stating one's own opinion, as those who are 'pro' tattoo are also allowed, by our US Constitution, to do.

I agree stating you don't like tattoos is not being judgmental...but statements like 'I feel sorry for those who feel the need to get tattoos' is judgmental IMO. I don't think anyone asked for pity. I personal like them, all 5 of mine have a special meaning and I designed them. All of mine are strategically placed so wrinkling/weight gain (or loss...don't think that will be happening though) will not affect them in anyway. I do suggest to the younger people to wait until they are older...if I would of gotten a too in my late teens/early twenties I know I would not like now what I would of chose then. My first tattoo was in my late twenties.
I personally do not want one myself, but like seeing pictures of those here and I love watching the tatoo shows like LA Ink and NY Ink. I wouldn't mind having my eyeliner tatooed on... would save me time getting ready
But wouldn't ever actually persue that thought...
Jill's post made me recall...I 're-connected' with my wonderful first college roommate(of Japanese, Hawaiian, Irish, and English extraction, truly typical of the melting pot that is Hawai'i!), whom I shared a dorm room with at the U.of Hawai'i, O'ahu, in my freshman year(the same year Hawai'i got statehood...what a celebration THAT was!!)

Anyway...I found her via the internet, turned out that last August, she and her daughter were going to come to a NM town only about 2 1/2 hrs. away to 'deliver' her grandson who was to attend the military institute there for a couple of years! I got my daughter to come to take care of things here, drove down to see them. BOTH of them had had their eyebrows AND eyeliner permanently tattooed on!! It was a good job, but did appear just a tad too harsh and 'sharp-edged' to my eye. However, they both stated they were thrilled with having had it done!


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