Sugar Tree Farms

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Silver City Heritage Farmstead

Can't stop now (formerly Dragons Wish Farm)
May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Raeford (Silver City) NC
Need to pick some brains here! While trying to justify the cost difference between a well-bred recognized breeders' horses and a craigslist "gimme" to my non-horse husband, I found a horse from this farm. He's in about the same condition as Scotty on the CMHR website. I'll be going to look at him Monday.

I did a quick search and found Sugar Tree Farm was once active here. They are still active in AMHA, so I called and left a message. I also sent a facebook request to someone who appears to be the current owner in both registries. Fortunately it's the same people for both.

If anyone here is familiar with the Mellons, would you be so kind as to give them a heads up that I'm trying to contact them? You may private message me here for my contact information. You may also drop me an email to Dragons Wish Farm @ yahoo dot com. Yes, take out the spaces and replace the word dot with the symbol. (Darn scammers, spammers and phishers anyway!! LOl)

The lady that currently has him seems to be a pleasant person, he's just too much for their plate right now. I'd be happy to share his registered name and numbers as well as his craigslist photos via pm. If you have access to the studbooks and are willing to do me the favor of a look-up I'd be grateful.

Anyone who'd like to share pictures or experiences with horses of this breeding, please feel free. I always like to know what folks are doing with horses from farms that I have an interest in.

This isn't exactly the farm news update I expected to be posting, however, when my husband challenged me to put my money where my mouth is I had to accept.

I can't very well tout the benefits of geldings, retrained rescues and my personal abilities as a trainer without proving it to him in person. So, next week will prove to be something. If this little guy comes here, it sure will be different from the birthday horse I requested!! LOL

Thanks everyone!

P.S...Marty, I'll be sending you a pm and/or an email to get some advice. It's crazy spooky how similar he looks to Scotty. I expect he'll need the same course of care, so I'll be that much ahead if you'd share what all Scotty needed.
Got the message. Thanks for noticing Scotty. OMG we LOVE him to pieces. I can tell you that we definitely have money tied up in precious little Scotty but thankfully we didn't have to pay a hauler out the whazoo for once. He was labor intense mostly do to the most incredible lice infestation we have ever heard of. He saw the vet to get him up to date on everything so expect your initial bill to be a little significant. I'm sure you can call the vet to get an estimate. If the horse is emaciated I really do not advise you giving shots by yourself and not a whole lot of combination shots all at once should be given. And you can draw blood if you want but it will show anemia which is normal for an emaciated horse. The parasites were crazy so we started him on safeguard 5 days in a row. We also gave him a couple hits of probios for a jump start. Then ulcer meds. We like all our horses that come in on a regimen of ulcer meds. Would highly advise it. Then we had his feet done. Then his teeth, what was left of them. Then back to de-worming with equimax because it gets tapes. There was a lot of dressing sores under that mess of stinking fur and the rest is just trying to feed him up because his body scale under that hair was very deceiving. Emaciated, boney as all get out. But be forewarned that in NC and a few other states there has been a lot of sickness, strangles, flu, respiratory coming from there especially and I highly suggest you check this horse out for signs of snots, coughing, and also look at his gums etc. And also be sure to look at the other horses if there are any for illness also. If you saw sick horses, remove your shoes and disinfect them and everything you wore, wash your hands before you go see your horses. If you get him, keep him separated for a while just in case. Just holler if you need help. CMHR is always there to help.

PS We are going to have a BIG announcement about Scotty soon.
Thank you for the reply Marty. Unfortunately, when I called to confirm my visit I was told he was gone. :-(

I did speak to his breeder Mrs. Mellon. She had sold him as a weanling in a package deal with his dam and sire. They went from WV to OH. How he ended up here in NC and in such poor shape must be quite a story.

Please say a prayer that he is now in loving, knowledgeable hands. I did.

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