Someone explain please to me how

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004
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Straits Area Michigan
How is it I read the results page and see the same exact name, different horse, different placings in the SAME class? How do oyu do that? Can't be two places at once?

I've seen several listed , same person winning two different places in same class?


Thanks, just curious, Maxine
You have to be VERY fast in order to accomplish that!!

I believe it's under different judges..
The same person can show 2 different horses in the same class. It is classes where only one horse is in the ring at a time. Like hunter, etc.

That is what I am reading you to ask.
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Frankie said:
The same person can show 2 different horses in a class.
That is what I am reading you to ask.


Yes that is my question..I understand about having more than one judge...just how do oyu physically show more than one horse in the same class?
Many times one person will enter two horses and then have someone else show one of them. Since they probably didn't change the handler's name at the office, their name would be on both horses.

If it was an amateur class, then I would think that the second handler would also have to be an amateur and eventually the handler's name would have to be changed. Not sure how that would be handled.

Hope this helps a little.

What a mess. He certainly picked an inconvenient neurosis to come down with. I don't have any suggestions as to how to make him quit, but maybe you could stall him long enough to eat his grain, etc and then let him out to graze for the rest of the time. Will he settle down long enough to eat? Or do you have the kind of set up where you could leave his stall door open and let him come and go at will for awhile? Just some thoughts. I do agree that his circling is going to wear his weight off. Maybe some beet pulp would help with his weight? I don't know your set up or feeding program, but maybe these suggestions might help? Linda
well an ammy doesnt the horse have to be in the persons name or leased by someone to show?

I would guess it might be the owner you are looking at and has more then one person handling for them
In classes, such as Hunter, Jumper, Halter Obstacle, Obstacle Driving, an exhibitor is allowed to show multiple horses as they are individually run (one horse/exhibitor combination is being judged at a time). So, therefore, you may see the same exhibitor (different horses) winning multiple Top 10's in a class.

I believe, however, only the highest placing is taken into consideration for high point. Someone please correct me if I am wrong about the high point calculation.

On the World results, you are seeing that many of the youth have shown and placed with multiple horses in the same class, because those classes are single work classes - halter obstacle, obstacle driving, hunter and jumper. In these classes, an exhibitor, can show as many horses as they want to, whether that exhibitor is a youth in the youth classes, an amateur in the amateur classes, or a youth, amateur or pro in the open classes.

In other youth and amateur classes (driving and liberty), each exhibitor can only show one horse per class.

In open halter and driving classes, multiple horses may be shown that are owned by the same person, however, that person will have to have a different handler for each horse. Each trainer or youth/amateur exhibitor can show only one horse per class.

There are various high point awards exhibitors can compete for. The youth division has awards for youth with one horse and youth with multiple horses, but the amateur division has only the award for an amateur with one horse.

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