Some good news for a change

  • Thread starter Triggy&Blue&Daisy Too
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Triggy&Blue&Daisy Too

Just got back from the barn and am still shaking my head over my vet bill.

Daisy had a complete soundness exam, sedation, float, wolf tooth pulled, WNV booster, a prescription for SMZ for her snots and cough plus the farm call--a half hour drive to the barn in a brand new one ton Lariat, complete surgical field suite with on-board generator.

New vet, priceless
Uhh.... wow. I'm speechless.

I even utter the words "gotta get the vet out here" and my checkbook starts cringing.

Wow! That covers it!

Actually, my regular vet is cheap too compared to the vets at the equine hospital. They charge $45 to come out and $1 a minute for the time here. Thats if you can even get them out, I loaded a horse in an emergency, called, assuming I could take her in and no vet at the hospital. I finallly begged enough, they called one in from a neighboring town, that one wouldn't come into WI but would go to the hospital in Winona, MN.

I don't have to say how much I love and respect my regular vet.

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