Well-Known Member
So I was crunched for time yesterday morning, and was rushing putting the little guys out before I had to leave. My older gelding decided to be the obstinate *&(# that he can be and tried to pull away from me. Well, in my rush I had 3 horses going out at once...the older gelding and my 2 yearlings. So when he started backing up, the 2 yearlings reacted like something was coming after them, and I couldn't hold them. Luckily I was in the pasture when this happened (it's divided into 3 fields, but I have to go through the front part to let them out in the big field), so the yearlings were running around in the side part of the pasture. Got the gelding settled down and turned out, and went back to try to catch the yearlings. The filly whom I bought last fall, I have had problems with catching since I got her. She is very nice & friendly, but doesn't like being caught in the field (especially when there is another horse out there to run around with). The yearling gelding was barrelling around the field, with the lead smacking him on the butt, which was causing him to rip around even faster, and the filly was following his lead. I finally got them corralled into a small section of the pasture and they still wouldn't let me get close. So, I started talking to the filly like I was lunging her (I started working her about a week and a half ago, since it was a good way to get her used to people doing stuff with her). I'm just talking to her really quiet, telling her steady, walk, and whoa.....and to my surprise, she starts walking....then I tell her whoa a little bit louder and she stops and looks at me like what do you want me to do next....I was in so much shock, I almost didn't grab the lead!!!! lol
I couldn't believe she actually listenend to me!!! Maybe she will turn out to be a great little girl!!
Sorry, just had to share

Sorry, just had to share
