splash's mom
Well-Known Member
Ok sorry this is going to be long I think, Player ate breakfast Thursday Morning but not with his usual gusto.Running a temp 101.I knew right away he was slightly off. Got home from work Thursday night went out to feed, Player not interested at all in food. 2 small poops that were not normal.Started walking him and called the vet out( he was walking fine with occasional trotting episodes not like a colicky horse at all).Vet tubed Player,gave banamine, heart rate and pulse ok weak gut sounds running a temp.104. bed check temp down not back to himself but not horrible either. drank a little water. Friday Morning temp and vitals normal, dosed with banamine offered some grain soup as he was still not getting much in him for fluids. he sucked that down. Called in sick to work HA! Offered small and I do mean small amounts of grain soup every 2 hours which he sucked up, also added a handful of hay here and there.4 small poops throughout the day. Started to act more like him self. P.M. feeding went out, Player is in his stall head down, shaking all over, lethargic, in pain, stretching alot with head shakes thrown in for good measure. temp is back up. get the vet back out. obviously banamine has worn off and whatever it is, its back. Vitals and gut sounds are good, temp is high 104. blood drawn, switch over to liquid banamine from the paste so I can low dose him more frequently, give gastroguard to counter affect the banamine, shot of antibiotics and start smz's in the a.m.
Today, Player is ok not great, temp is 98.4 not interested in grain soup but will eat grain dry so I give him 1 cup, 3 poops in stall still not normal but at least they're coming out.2 handfuls of hay which he eats.Drank no water over night.Give him his meds then call the vet to pass on info.get permission to start giving him beet pulp again extra mushy so i can get some fluids in him. he's 6 years old never had any health problems and has not been off the property. vet said he's had some weird cases of colic not colic going on lately. Do you guys have any thoughts or advice? I'm worried for my little guy. My other mini is fine and they are nose to nose all day. the weather has been freakish this winter, very mild then cold up and down temps and of course now we just got our first snow storm which is when he started getting sick. Help
Today, Player is ok not great, temp is 98.4 not interested in grain soup but will eat grain dry so I give him 1 cup, 3 poops in stall still not normal but at least they're coming out.2 handfuls of hay which he eats.Drank no water over night.Give him his meds then call the vet to pass on info.get permission to start giving him beet pulp again extra mushy so i can get some fluids in him. he's 6 years old never had any health problems and has not been off the property. vet said he's had some weird cases of colic not colic going on lately. Do you guys have any thoughts or advice? I'm worried for my little guy. My other mini is fine and they are nose to nose all day. the weather has been freakish this winter, very mild then cold up and down temps and of course now we just got our first snow storm which is when he started getting sick. Help