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Is showing stressful to you or just fun?

  • It's VERY me on the edge

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  • Somewhat stress

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  • More fun than stress

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  • Pure fun

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Just being nosey!
I find showing somewhat stressful, but fun at the same time.... Maybe its just stressful to me because its soo fast paced, and trying to make sure everything is done and you are in the right places at the right time... There is so much to keep track of, even with only one or two horses, Its alot of work to keep on top of everything.... I still love showing and I would show at every show if I could
For me it can be very stressful. Depends on which horse is going into the ring and what our expectations are.

And edited to say it also depends on what kind of show we are at. A simple Class A qualifier is not nearly as stressful as the US National Championships.

But at the same time nobody has more fun then we do either. So there is really no right answer up there for me to vote.

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Shows are not at all stressful to me. Exciting, yes.

The only stress is good stress -- I'm extremely goal-oriented and focused when I'm on task, so I don't want anything distracting me from preparing to go into the ring (like my well-meaning mother-in-law wanting to chit-chat
), but even the pressure of getting ready is fun. I love deadline pressure, and I much prefer high pressure that is quickly over to a dull roar of constant, steady minor pressure.

I work full time. I worry about clipping (doing a nice job and when to

clip) and the long drive the most.

Then, I'm so busy, I don't get nervous until I'm waiting to go in...

But, yes, I get nervous!

After a summer of showing, I"M TIRED LOL

I've been showing for over 15 years now...started with the big horses and now with the little ones. I enjoy it and when it stops being fun thats when I'll quit! It helps to have someone there with you to help support, help and cheer you on and hubby does that very well.
I enjoy the comeraderie with all my friends, the preps and all that goes with it.
There is a certain amount of stress in making sure the horses are clipped, trailer loaded, hauling to the show but the show itself isn't stressful. I have shown for forty years now and everything is pretty much old hat.
For the most part, my response is like wcr's. The preparation and some situations involved w/showing can be stressful, however showing itself is a lot of fun and even when I'm not winning, I enjoy it, and enjoy being out in the ring w/all the other gorgeous, well-prepared and fitted horses, and visiting w/everyone, etc!

Liz M.

Long live show season!
Showing does really stress me out, but that's only because I love it so much and care a lot about presenting my horse to his or her best advantage. If I didn't care it wouldn't be stressful, but if I didn't care I wouldn't be having any fun either!
My feelings are along the lines of Carol and Kendra's

For me it can be very stressful. Depends on which horse is going into the ring and what our expectations are. And edited to say it also depends on what kind of show we are at. A simple Class A qualifier is not nearly as stressful as the US National Championships.

But at the same time nobody has more fun then we do either. So there is really no right answer up there for me to vote.


Showing does really stress me out, but that's only because I love it so much and care a lot about presenting my horse to his or her best advantage. If I didn't care it wouldn't be stressful, but if I didn't care I wouldn't be having any fun either!

While I have a blast at the shows, so much fun, sometimes too much - I am there to do my best and just keeping up with the pace of a show can be stressful. I am there to give it my darnest and trying to achieve that "perfection" can make anyone stressful. Of course different situations have different stress levels. Levels might be really high when you are only liking that one overall grand to finish a Hall of Fame on a horse and you are hoping that the horse gives you a good show and the judges like him ext........
I don't find any of the prep work or after show work stressful.

I find the actual SHOWING to be a killer stress wise!
I sweat bullets and am TOTALLY stressed out while in the ring!

I've been told, to calm down, the judges CAN'T kill me out there. (too many witnesses) Not so sure I believe it!

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The getting ready for a show, since I work full time, and the work during and after is stressful but a different kind of stress than the kind I have when showing. I want to be able to present my horse to it's best and I am so afraid of letting the horse down (but mostly looking funny).
I sometimes think of myself as all thumbs when it comes to showing anything off. The only way I can show is to get up first thing in the morning and coat my stomach with Pepto Bismol, I can feel my stomach burning until I walk in the ring and then it doesn't bother me, it is the waiting that gets me. I get so involved after I am in the ring. I will tell a funny on myself and I probably need to turn it in to Marty, while at Nationals during the Ammy mare under class I was soooo busy showing our mare Bay-B that I didn't notice that my number had worked it's way across my shoulder and around to the front of me. When I walked out of the arena my daughter is standing there grinning at me, telling me to look down.
There it was on the front.

I LOVE to watch my duaghter show and I LOVE to groom the horses. It is still stressful but not the same kind. I am also wore smack dab out after.
But FUN FUN FUN!!!!! My whole family is totally addicted.
I feel like pretty much what has already been said.

There is definitely a different atmosphere around our place before we go to a show with higher stress etc. And then what I find is the most stressful at the shows is the this is gotta be done, that has to be done, this that needs to be done right now.

Really I think the hurry up and wait is the most stressful because I freak out right before their class making sure very little hair is in place and then we stand there for what seems like forever with them dancing around because they dont want to wait either and know that their job is fixing to start.

But I think other than the hurry up and wait, yeah its fun - exhausting but fun, to see people I only see at shows and to actually go out there in the ring. There are time, like mentioned before depending on the type of show or class, that I am a little more stressed out but I have realized about myself that I am not NEAR the stress case I use to be when I am actually in the ring.

Just my two cents.

- C.
I showed QHs and did breed shows, WP and the like. HATED it, everyone was crabby and rude and talk about CHEATING good googly moogly it was rediculous. Sooooo I turned to open shows and what a difference. LOVED it, course, there was still cheating ( such as groups changing rules the last show to cheat me from prizes etc) but i still enjoyed it. Moreover my horses enjoyed it.
This is my first year showing halter and in-hand trail. Long time ago did eventing and dressage. There's a lot of prep work to show with fitting and training the horse that takes time and finding the right day to devote to clipping is a pain! But the show itself I like. Still get the nervous butterflies which already are less than they were at the start of the season! I love seeing all the people I only get to see at the shows! We make it a real party atmosphere.
At our farm we divide it out, I stress enough for both of us and Samantha is the calm one. Thats why she is in the show ring and I am not.

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