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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2004
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North Carolina
Our 4 yr old miniature mare, Shiloh, is running a temp of 103.5 and is acting very lethargic. She ate her grain tonight but wasnt as excited about it as normal. She had her Rabies, West Nile, Flu Rhino, and 6 Way vaccines this morning and we were wondering if that could cause her temp to go up. It says on the paper that it could cause horses to be lethargic but nothing about having a fever.

Have you ever had a mini run a fever after vaccines?

We called our vet tonight after she ate and talked to her about what we could do. She told us to give her banamine and check her temp every so often. She also said not to give her much hay tonight. Why would we give her less hay then normal? We are supposed to call her back if her temp goes over 104.5.

Wow! I am interested to see how this comes out. I haven't ever had one had a reaction like this. I hope some others jump in and p.m. you to give you some help! Sending a prayer your way.
Yes, it is very possible for vaccinations to cause a fever, especially after getting so many at one time. Vets are notorious for wanting to give everything on one visit, but I give my own and only give one at a time, waiting about a week between shots. That way, if there is a reaction, you can know what shot they are reacting to. A little late for this advice, but maybe talk to your vet about it for next time.

I hope your mare gets better. A friend of mine had her minis do the samething after giving them their shots, but their neck swelled too at the shot site. I think she said they were sick for a few days. They were very lethargic and not much interested in food.

I had one develop a runny nose and a cough after her shots.
I always separate the shots by a few days up to a week I do not give all shots in one day. And I use the rump area as there is more muscle to aim at
And be doing it this way I have never had a reaction to any vaccine including WN
I had the same thing happen to me when my vet gave all the shots at one time. Jag ran a fever of 103.5 for about a day and a half to two days. He also got a runny nose. My vet now gives him one shot and I give him the rest each about 3 to 5 days apart. I was told that it is not usually the vaccine that causes the problems but the carrier and the mercury in the carrier that they react to. Each shot has the mercury and the carrier so if you get three or four shots at one time you get three or four doses of the carrier/mercury. I really don't know this for a fact, but when my vet gave me the option of spreading out the shots, I took it. We have not had any problems since. Good luck to you.

Jag and Inti's Mom -- Noah and Buttermilk also
I would say.........Yup, it's a vaccine reaction.

Is her neck tender to the touch? Or wherever her shots were given? If so cold compresses or cold running water will help, and the cold will help the fever as well.

You can also give her some probiotic paste, that will help keep her tummy and intestines do what they are supposed to.

Ok here goes......first time I have to do this

Allthough I have worked for licensed Veterinarians, I am NOT a Veterinarian, nor do I claim to be. The above advice given by me comes from personal past experiences only. It is not intended to be used as a medical diagnosis or treatment plan.
our entire herd had reactions last year after giving an "all in one" shot. I will never give them again. We had fevers, swelling, lethargy etc. Fort dodge did pay some of the vet bill but it was a mess
Have to agree with the above posts..... It is indeed the fact that the poor little mare got ALL her shots at once!

I suspect the reason why your vet advised less hay is because hay is an internal body warmer for horses. That's why we feed additional hay to our horses in winter.

I am another person who spreads out the shots.I feel that several shots are overload on such little bodies.Good luck&hope your little one is better soon.
Thanks for all the help and advice!

Shiloh is back to her normal self! Her temp has been between 99 and 100.3 today and she has been very active. I am so thankful that it was a reaction to the shots and that she wasnt getting sick. We are definately going to talk more to our vet about having the shots seperated. I didnt like having all the shots givin to her at one time but our vet seems to think its perfectly fine. Its not fine when my poor mare has to have a fever and not feel good from getting them all together. Its not fair to her!

Thanks again!
I agree with all the's the shots.

Your vet should know...have known, not to give all those at one time
Most of the vaccine manufacturers will tell you themselves NOT to give a miniature or shetland more than one innoculation in the same day, it overloads their system. The Dr.s at Fort Dodge say....and this is also printed in their literature do not give the all in one with West Nile to miniatures or shetlands at all, nor do you give West Nile at the same time as anything else.

The above advice was given to me by my veterinarian and the Dr.'s at Fort Dodge pharmaceuticals whom I spoke with on the phone in Feb. of 2004, call them yourself and read their literature online so that you can be prepared for your next round of innoculations. I am sorry your horse is going through this.

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