Well-Known Member
According to my breeding dates, Diamond is somewhere between day 303 and 317 days. Last year she had her foal in March at 329 days. I worry that it is too early since she held to 329 last year (although is was a VERY tight squeeze). She's been waxing on and off for a week (had was in the pm, but not in am) but has had obvious wax for the last 24 hrs. She tests 6.8 pH, and her milk is yellowy, and gets thicker and thicker and really sticky. Here are some pictures of her. She is miserable today, not really wanting to walk much outside, picks at the hay. I supposed it is possible that I miscalculated my dates. My vet isn't too worried, since she in convinced that I messed up my dates, because Diamond is SO big. Would appreciate any input....should I insist on medical intervention??
Her udder this afternoon
Another shot of her udder
A side view with her gelding buddy in the background
Her udder this afternoon

Another shot of her udder

A side view with her gelding buddy in the background

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