[SIZE=14pt]Well my cousin came over today and took some pics of my sister riding roy!!He was being VERY bad!!!But it is so cute because she can gallope and canter and stuff and his lil legs move and she smiles. Its to cute!!Here they are!![/SIZE]
Turn And Smile At The Camer (lol kriss)
Warming Up
[SIZE=14pt]Preparing For The Charge[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]This pic is sooo funny!!She is just starting out cantering and it looks like she is a lil warrior or sumthin!!![/SIZE]

Turn And Smile At The Camer (lol kriss)

Warming Up

[SIZE=14pt]Preparing For The Charge[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]This pic is sooo funny!!She is just starting out cantering and it looks like she is a lil warrior or sumthin!!![/SIZE]