Good Day to All,
I wanted to take this time to address the concerns of Mr. Rob Crater of CLC Miniatures from Washington state regarding the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Triple A High Point Amateur awards at the 2005 AMHR Nationals. I visited with Mr. Crater by phone yesterday (Pacific Time) to let him know that I had looked into his concerns and he was pleased to hear from me.
I spent well over an hour on the phone with my committee member, Sharron Hinkle, who represented the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Triple A Amateur committee at this year's Nationals. We went over all of Rob's placings from the show and compared what was on her class sheets against what was posted on the Horse Show site that Mr. Davenport provided. First, Rob did go see the office regarding the error he saw in the show premium book. I did confirm this with Sharron as she too had a show premium book showing a young ladies name as the handler in two of the Amateur classes in which Rob's horse was entered. Our wonderful announcer, Mr. Mark Bullington did make the necessary corrections on the paperwork that he has out in the center ring, but unfortunately that correction didn't make it into the computer even after Rob visited with the office.
When we figure the Amateur awards for this show, all the committee can go by is what is printed on those class sheets. If an error is found, but not corrected immediately we (the committee) have no way of knowing if the handler is correct or not. You must remember, in the AMHR division anyone in the family that is 18 years of age or older can show in an Amateur class except in the Incentive classes, and the handler of the horse in those Incentive classes must be the same person as listed on the registration papers. So, the young lady listed as the handler in two of those Amateur classes was given the points in those two classes under her name as we had no way of knowing if she was kin to Mr. Crater.
Mr. Crater was only in the running for the Miniature Performance "Over" division. He didn't score high enough in any other divisions. Mr. Edward McCarthy II did in fact win both the Miniature Halter 'Under & Over" by a large lead over any other Amateurs that competed in the halter classes. What did happen to Rob was that there was a "Tie" for the Miniature "Over" Performance division and that tie had to be broken. His name along with the person who was the winner was placed in a hat and the name was drawn. Rob was happy with knowing that he had a chance at a shot at the Miniature Performance award in the "Over" division but only one person could be the winner.
The only solution to this scenerio that we (Sharron and I) could come up with is this: At the time of the error, when found by you the Amateur, go to the show office, fill out a change of handler form and have the office personnel make the changes while you are still there. Again, remember we can only go by what is printed and handed to us to figure these awards.
Again, Congrats to all of the winners from the 2005 AMHR Nationals including our Amateur winners. Hope to see you in the winner circle in 2006!
As a reminder: December 1st is the cut-off date for your End of the Year Awards for the Halter division "Over & Under" and the Performance division 'Over and Under" for both the Miniatures & Shetlands along with the Supreme Amateur award overall. If you need the End of the Year paperwork and don't have any, please send me an email with your mailing address along with your Amateur number and I will be happy to get that out to you.
For any questions concerning the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Triple A Amateur program please don't hesitate to drop me an email or give me a call after 6 pm CST. Thanks.
Karen Shaw
ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Triple A Amateur Committee
I wanted to take this time to address the concerns of Mr. Rob Crater of CLC Miniatures from Washington state regarding the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Triple A High Point Amateur awards at the 2005 AMHR Nationals. I visited with Mr. Crater by phone yesterday (Pacific Time) to let him know that I had looked into his concerns and he was pleased to hear from me.
I spent well over an hour on the phone with my committee member, Sharron Hinkle, who represented the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Triple A Amateur committee at this year's Nationals. We went over all of Rob's placings from the show and compared what was on her class sheets against what was posted on the Horse Show site that Mr. Davenport provided. First, Rob did go see the office regarding the error he saw in the show premium book. I did confirm this with Sharron as she too had a show premium book showing a young ladies name as the handler in two of the Amateur classes in which Rob's horse was entered. Our wonderful announcer, Mr. Mark Bullington did make the necessary corrections on the paperwork that he has out in the center ring, but unfortunately that correction didn't make it into the computer even after Rob visited with the office.
When we figure the Amateur awards for this show, all the committee can go by is what is printed on those class sheets. If an error is found, but not corrected immediately we (the committee) have no way of knowing if the handler is correct or not. You must remember, in the AMHR division anyone in the family that is 18 years of age or older can show in an Amateur class except in the Incentive classes, and the handler of the horse in those Incentive classes must be the same person as listed on the registration papers. So, the young lady listed as the handler in two of those Amateur classes was given the points in those two classes under her name as we had no way of knowing if she was kin to Mr. Crater.
Mr. Crater was only in the running for the Miniature Performance "Over" division. He didn't score high enough in any other divisions. Mr. Edward McCarthy II did in fact win both the Miniature Halter 'Under & Over" by a large lead over any other Amateurs that competed in the halter classes. What did happen to Rob was that there was a "Tie" for the Miniature "Over" Performance division and that tie had to be broken. His name along with the person who was the winner was placed in a hat and the name was drawn. Rob was happy with knowing that he had a chance at a shot at the Miniature Performance award in the "Over" division but only one person could be the winner.
The only solution to this scenerio that we (Sharron and I) could come up with is this: At the time of the error, when found by you the Amateur, go to the show office, fill out a change of handler form and have the office personnel make the changes while you are still there. Again, remember we can only go by what is printed and handed to us to figure these awards.
Again, Congrats to all of the winners from the 2005 AMHR Nationals including our Amateur winners. Hope to see you in the winner circle in 2006!
As a reminder: December 1st is the cut-off date for your End of the Year Awards for the Halter division "Over & Under" and the Performance division 'Over and Under" for both the Miniatures & Shetlands along with the Supreme Amateur award overall. If you need the End of the Year paperwork and don't have any, please send me an email with your mailing address along with your Amateur number and I will be happy to get that out to you.
For any questions concerning the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Triple A Amateur program please don't hesitate to drop me an email or give me a call after 6 pm CST. Thanks.
Karen Shaw
ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Triple A Amateur Committee
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