Question on rabies shots

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2003
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There is a lady near me, new to minis who had the vet out about 8 wks ago to give rabies shots. While there he got beeped for a serious emergency and had to leave abruptly. He had already drawn the rabies shots and left them with her to do herself. WEll, 8 weeks later I get a call asking if I can give the shots. I politely declined noting I would rather not ...1. hold the responsibility for any adverse reactions and 2... after 8 weeks are the syringes still safe and secure? Meaning is the vaccine still useful after being drawn this long. Yes it has been refigerated this long. I suggested getting the vet back but would still like to know if the shots are good or will she have to pay for new ones.
I wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole.

She should get the vet back at his expense to finish the job he started and got paid for!
Yes if stored properly the vaccine is still good. Rabies is a once a year vaccine and doesn't need to be boostered with a second shot so many weeks later. But I would also get the vet to come back and do it just because of the chance of reactions. Especially if they have never had the shot before.
"Rabies is a once a year vaccine" Quote In some areas the most widely used vaccine is a modified live virus. Depending on where you live it might be a once a year shot or as long as once every three years. This is one of the shots that most vets will not provide for an owner or allow to be purchased by animal owners because of the inherant danger in the shot itself. It is a live virus and is potentially dangerous if an accidentail stick of a needle. If you are not a health care professional this one should not be given.
I give the rabies shots myself and I order it from mail order catalog. It is a IM given shot like most all shots easy to do and I have had no reaction in the many years I have given it.. At first the vet drew the rabies shot for me in a tube and told me to give biggy Now like I said I order the shot and now even on
Some states are not allowed to receive the rabies vaccines. NC is one of those, but I could have them shipped to someone in VA and give them anyway. And yes some vaccines are three year but thats usually for dogs and cats in our state. They recommend horses being done every year. That said I had mine (me) done and it was actually still in my system last time it was checked, last year. This is year four for me now. (worked for a vet, it was required that personal that handled quarantined animals also be vaccinated against rabies)
minimomNC said:
  That said I had mine (me) done and it was actually still in my system last time it was checked, last year.  This is year four for me now.  (worked for a vet, it was required that personal that handled quarantined animals also be vaccinated against rabies)

Very cool!! Was it a painful shot for you? It's good that you were able to be protected that way.

As for the lady with the Rabies shots--- holy cow, I'd get my vet back out there to finish the job he started-- and I think I'd insist on NEW syringes being drawn up, just in case! It's not HER fault he took off in the middle of a job!
As for the lady with the Rabies shots--- holy cow, I'd get my vet back out there to finish the job he started-- and I think I'd insist on NEW syringes being drawn up, just in case! It's not HER fault he took off in the middle of a job!
Well why didn't she give the shots herself? They are IM like all other types of shots I know I have even gone over to friends house and given their horses shots for them. But if she knew how to give shots she should have given them herself. after all the vet drew the shots and must have thought she would finish the job and do it herself.. Unless she didn't know how to give her own shots. But man some times I wonder?~!
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Thank you for echoing my thoughts. This is the same vet who came here to look at Rose's eye and "forgot" his optholmascope so didn't return for 10 days
. When I recieved the bill I was charged a trip charge for his 2nd trip. I have not paid that charge. I recommended she get another vet or have this one return. She does not want to give shots herself. I prefer not to give shots to others. I can do mine but if something happened...well you guys know.
OK that is cool,,, she did not want to give her own shots I can go along with that.. Because I have helped those kind of people and gave their horses shots myself. I think it is strange though that the vet has not come back and now it is 8 weeks later He must have thought she Was going to do it ...
Shots will be fine as long as they have been refridgerated and the needles are clean. As far as you doing it, Deb, do NOT risk getting banged around or pushed or pulled and hurting your back any worse. My back hurts all the time and I think of you each and every day and wonder how in the he77 you do what you do!

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