I am picking up my easy entry cart in the morning.. and I am wanting to train my 7yo 37" mini mare to drive. What kind of harness do you all start out with? nylon? leather? im looking for something inexpensive to start out with and then maybe later on after she is trained get a good quality harness but for now would a nylon harness be ok? I am looking at the one that Jeffers Equine has. would someone look at that one and tell me if it is ok? This mare is already broke to ride so that is why I am going to start out with her. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I will get pics of my cart and post them tomorrow.. it needs a little work done to it.. like a paint job and some new wood and a few welds redone. but otherwise is in good shape. It is nothing fancy but it will work for driving around on the backroads here.