Question about shipping fever?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
New Ross, Indiana
Have any of you gotten a horse that has been shipped & gotten sick. He got a 4 or 5 month old filly (big horse) & now she has a snotty nose & icky eye. She came from North Dakota & he lives in Indiana, so had a ways to travel. Will all of the animals on the farm catch shipping fever? They have her in a stall by herself, but have walked were she is at & walked were the others are at. They are getting a vet out, but wanted your opinion too.

Very commom, especially in weanlings and young horses. I usually give them a booster 4 way shot, and use SMZs. Poor babies, mostly it is a stress induced illness. Have a vet see her and be sure then treat. She'll be ok.
could just be the stress of moving or it could be strangles. I would be really careful about keeping her isolated and washing with bleach before you touch any other horses. Thinking good thoughts!


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