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I hate to see a thread go unanswered, but it is really hard to answer your question without knowing something about the horses. Soooo I would have to say it would depend on how much money I had at the time and how bad I wanted the horse at the time.
I'd have to agree with minih. Your question is really hard to answer without any personal information on a horse. So yeah, it would just depend on what kind of "draw" each particular horse had on me and how much money I had at the time.
I also hate to see a thread go unanswered. I almost did when I first saw it but there are so many variables. Stallion, gelding, mare, filly, weanling, suckling?

Me. I don't need a champion anything as I do not have that kind of money and I do not show.

I have quality miniatures with well known and loved bloodlines, nice colors and good conformation. I like to think that while I do not show one of mine "could" become one in your question but trust me it wouldn't cost anyone $1000s.
Would depend compleatly on how much I was deawn to a horse. I might not be willing to pay a dollar for a champion if I didn't like it past what it looked like.
Ok,I'll make some examples so you can answer them better......

Ok, for an example a 10yr old gelding, AMHA shown at nationals ,and won reserve champion in pleasure driving.

A 3yr old mare that's won in open halter classes.

A 8yr old gelding trained in halter,showmanship,and country driving shown in 4-h and locally,always in the top 5.

Weanling filly with futurity[sp?] contract that is 26'' at 4 months.
Well, it very much depends on the horses themselves, since there are some horses that win locally or even nationally that just don't appeal to me, personally, so I wouldn't be interested in buying them. But let's suppose that these are horses that I really liked and would want to buy...

"Ok, for an example a 10yr old gelding, AMHA shown at nationals ,and won reserve champion in pleasure driving." This one could go for anywhere from $2000 to $6000, IMO. I know of an A sized gelding that does it all, he was sold for $4500, he's a multiple national champion in different things, and he was well worth the price.

"A 3yr old mare that's won in open halter classes." If I loved the look of the mare, and her temperament, I would say I'd pay from $2500 on up

"A 8yr old gelding trained in halter,showmanship,and country driving shown in 4-h and locally,always in the top 5. " If this would be a good horse for a youth, then he shouldn't go for less than $1200, and that would be a bargain IMO. A great kids horse can be worth its weight in gold, so could be worth far more, especially if it could compete at sanctioned shows

"Weanling filly with futurity[sp?] contract that is 26'' at 4 months. " Being eligible for the National Futurities isn't a huge accomplishment-- all one has to do is nominate the mare and stallion and pay a small fee. Now if the filly looks like she could WIN...
I've bought unshown weanling fillies for $2500 to $3500 and been very happy with them, and one did place in the National Futurity. It would really depend on the individual horse though, as it would with all of these scenarios. It's interesting to think about though..
Whoever got that gelding got a good deal.I've seen some that weren't champion or reserve for $10,000!That's not a whole lot of difference between the 4-h and champion,and you could work with it some and it could have potential to be a champion to.
Just like everyone is saying, it depends on the horse and also would depend on what my aspirations for him / her are. I don't want to say what I've paid but I've gotten what I feel are some very good, amazing actually, deals on my horses over the years. Of course, if the horses weren't worth more to me than the price, I would have kept the money instead!
Also, I don't know if this is financially smart, but I've not ever thought of a purchase in terms of "what could I sell him / her for" if I decided to bail out of the horse. I've always thought of it in terms of if the horse would give me $______ amount of fun / happiness.
OK just for kicks......I have a pinto gelding amah/amhr registered with amhr national top 10 titles as a yearling ....great temperment awesome kids/youth horse.....was futurity nominated, came from a well known xyz farm, someone originally paid $5000 for.......any guesses what I paid for him??

Nada zilch nothing ...guarantee of a good home for life and return to person I bought from should crap hit the fan so to speak.......

he isn't going anywhere he is a total doll and fits in with our horse family perfectly......

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