UPDATED FOR WED: Cathy and I have been at the hospital from 9-330. Cathy is still there. They are hoping all her problems with her back are due to her terrible hoof condition. She has thrush infection in 3 hooves and up into one leg. The 4th is hollow - no frog- nothing. They have their farrier coming to trim both of them who is supposed to be a miracle worker. Then she will probably have medicated boots. We hope this will help straighten the back. They may xray her back after trimming. Everyone at the U of I is in love with these two horses. Cathy is exhausted I know. Bless her heart for doing so much for these two. Her hooves were do decayed and full of thrush that the vet intern started gagging picking out her feet.
Hi everyone
We have taken in a tiny sweet little mare that has many health problems. She is going tomarrow at 9 am to the U of I for an evaluation. Please keep her in your prayers tonight. My heart says she has a chance but unfortunately my brain says its very slim. She has a pretty little filly by her side. She has some kind of trauma to her back and or pelvis and a back hoof that is we think rotted out and a problem with a front hoof. I will update everyone tomarrow.
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