Please, good thoughts needed for Prints

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Muncie, Indiana
Prints has taken a dramatic turn for the worst. My heart is just in my shoes and I am exhausted. Only slept for an hour, but I will be fine.

Swelling is down in her knee, no limp.

She now has a fever that is at 105 and so far can not get it down.
Found her down at bedtime check last night. A very good reason to have those checks. Has a rattle in her chest that you can hear even with 8 other girls eating away at breakfast. She is eating, but not much, it appears to just be hard for her to do.

She has been seen by a vet, tons of tests have been taken, hope to hear back on some of those later today, others will not be back until tomorrow. She is on medication for fever, pain and antibiotics. When her fever was still as high this morning, much of that medication was increased and she has now been given fluids.

If you do not know Prints's story, it's long. She was born with no sucking reflex, a long 2 week battle, then dehydrated, twice, then went through choke, then, then, then.

I know some of you have felt like you have spent as much energy on this little girl as I have, so I hope it is ok to ask again, to send all good thoughts our way. We sure could use some. We need some kind of improvement in the next 12 hours. Thanks so much and will update when I can.
Good thoughts headed your way! Hang in there.
Will be thinking healing thoughts of Prints today.

Take care of yourself, too!

frankie im sending prayers!! one of the articles i read on joint ill said it really effects foals born with problems or premature. Also said it can seem to clear up and then come back much worse. Im really praying this is not what she has. That high fever really worries me though. Did they xray it last week?

Well, my heart is just breaking for you Carolyn. Do you have a small vet hospital near you? Perhaps you could take her there? She needs some serious meds sounds like. What meds is she on if I may ask? You know I am sending all I can and prayers to boot.
Carolyn, I am so sorry. Such a tough & frustrating time I'm sure. Sending best wishes.
[SIZE=14pt]So sorry about your little girl.... I know the two of you have been thru alot..... Good thoughts coming from us.[/SIZE]

Oh Carolyn! My heart leapt into my throat when I read your update. I'm sending prayers and good thoughts for little Prints. She has been through so much and you have hung in there and fought for her all the way. We all know what a fighter this little girl is and I know she will not give up now. The two of you can beat this together. We will all be pulling for you. Please update when you can.

Carolyn---i am so sorry to hear about prints! was not on all weekend and hoped to find she was better! Best wishes and thoughts for her recovery! jennifer
Oh Carolyn, I hope it isn't joint ill. Sending prayers for baby Prints...
OHHHHHHH, Carolyn...gosh I was gone sailing for a while so, I missed a lot of whats going on. I just logged on this morning to read the first couple posts on the front page as, I am still running around here...and, I saw this.

I'm sorry to hear your sweet prints is not well. I am sending prayers and good thoughts your way!! she is a tough girl...I am sure she will be, you are a great horse mama!!!!

(((((()))))) hugs to you


p.s lets me know if I can help
Carolyn - I am so sorry to hear this and yes, you are right - those bedtime checks are so, so important.

Keeping you and Prints in my thoughts and prayers...

Liz R.
Well, anyone that wants to jump right in here and give me a big told you so, feel free and go right ahead.

I am at work, more than hate it, but am out of days. You might guess that most of my days I get off at work, have been used for horses. Another lecture I guess I should get on some other day.

Went home at lunch. Prints's temp is down to 104, but the rattle in her chest is somewhat worst, and to not a whole lot of peoples surprise, both front knees are swollen up like balloons. Made her a new fresh bedding, called vet, have changed antibiotics, and I am back at work, and hubby went home from work. The test results so far are not saying a thing.

Those who have had joint ill in babies, what was given??????

We had a ton of rain yesterday, I also found at lunch, an alligator in the girls dry/wet lot. Couldn't be too old, about 16" in length. JUST WHAT ELSE??????

Hurt me later, but it startled me, and is no longer with us.

Sometimes with the amount of things that happen and as sucky as I mean seem to you, I do protect them, and it was almost instinct to get rid of the alligator.

I do appreciate all your help.

Gotta pull myself up and get things done, sorry.
Hopefully Prints will pull through this.
You What? You actually found an alligator. This is Indiana not Florida. Someones pet escaped?

Just remember if I can do anything just call.
[SIZE=21pt]Sending lot of good thoughts and prayers for Prints!


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