People visiting through dreams

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2005
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I really need to know if it is or not. My grandfather past away in Febuary & I remeber having a few dreams where he is in them since then. They are very vivid but only for a short while, I remeber being so happy to see him & wondering why/how hes there and why no one else thinks its wierd. They seem more like memories then dreams. So could he actually be "visiting" me or am I just trying to comfort myself?

Please dont flame this thread.
For your sake and mine I hope he is visiting you. I get the same things still with Audie and he also passed away in Feb.
I really hope so too, I never got to say good bye.

13 years ago, just before I was married, my good older (30 yr age difference between them and me) friend passed away suddenly. A brain aneurism that destroyed his brain when it went.

Anyhow, he and his wife had been good friends/neighbors of mine for 10+ years, and they gave me the Appy gelding I had for 18 years (lived to age 29) and I visited them regularly. When I needed to board my horses he let me keep them at his barn if I fed/cared for all his horses too, so I saw them every day and visited with Bill & Kay nearly every evening, sometimes staying for dinner, sometimes just watching tv with them.

Bill was from Oklahoma and loved everything cowboy and trucking. His tackroom was decorated with old cowboy/trucking calendar pictures and my tack was kept neatly in a corner seperate from his tack.

I was 125 miles away at my fiance's when I woke up from a dream of me walking to Bill's house and his front gate stood wide open, with his favorite wolfhound standing behind me, facing out the driveway but looking back sadly at the house. Next I was in the tackroom and all of Bills tack and decorations were gone. The only thing left in the tackroom was my things in the corner.

I woke Kenny up and told him of the dream and we went back to sleep. A few hours later my mother called to say Bill had a massive brain hemorhage and I should call Kay, she wanted me to be with her. Kenny and I drove down immediately to be with Kay, who had to make the decision to halt life-support and donate organs.

I firmly believe Bill visited me in that dream to let me know he was going and I have remained great friends with his widow, Kay.

Yes. We can be visited in dreams.

Ever since that experience, whenever I dream of my past pets (cats, dog, horses) I get a peaceful feeling that the animals are okay. When I lost the Appy gelding in 2000, I had several dreams with him. I was very torn up over his loss and perhaps he felt he needed to visit me often to reassure me that he was young, healthy, cancer-free and happy to wait for me.

I firmly believe.

Thank you for that post Heidi. That was wonderful.

Yes, our loved ones do visit us in dreams. If you think about it, it is the least invasive method for them, and the least scarey for US.

I call them "visitation" dreams. They are the ones that focus on our loved one very clearly. And when you wake up, you remember them clearly and vividly and can often write down the details -- even days later.

I have had two of my own and would love to have more!


PS: There is a great book called "Hello From Heaven" that has descriptions of a number of people's visitation dreams, plus other signs from loved ones that people have experienced, which you may appreciate. Good Read.
Yes, it's true. I get visits from my grandparents that way. If I'm feeling very stressed, they come in my dreams and it makes me feel much better. I think they come to comfort me.

Cherish those dreams
Yes here also. Only the lucky have them, consider yourselves blessed.
I also very much DO believe that people and animals visit us in our dreams.

My experiences are different however.

My "visits" happen when I am in that state between wake and sleep. I am actually glad they happen then, because that way I know they are real visits not just a dream, and I can communicate better than when I'm totally asleep.

I am visited frequently by my late Great Aunt, allthough she visits during daytime too

I am also visited by our cat Murphy that we lost 4 years ago, she is my most frequent visitor. She curls up under my arm and sleeps with me, just like she did when she was alive.

Our Miniature Poodle, Kizzy visits on occasion. And so does my Trakehner gelding Barney, in fact he visited me last night.
I'm going to chime in with a yes, as well.

When I was around 10 or 11, abut 2 weeks before 6th grade started, one of our cats was rather brutally attacked. He was this amazingly sweet, big long haired orange tabby who was an "old soul", and the most peaceful and loving cat I had and have ever known.

He made it home with at least a broken shoulder and many other unknown injuries... it was too late to take him to the vet, and the strain probably would have killed him. So we made him comfortable in the bathtub. I knew in my heart he wouldn't survive the night, but my mother said he would... I wanted to stay with him till he passed on. She wouldn't let me, and after her insisting he'd live, I went to bed.

I was correct- and Pooka passed away sometime after I went to sleep. I was broken hearted, but a few nights later he visited me. It wasn't like any other dream, really- so vivid I can remember it now, years later. He didn't speak or do anything unrealistic, but there was an overwhelming peaceful feeling, and the mind-thought that he was alright, wherever he was.

Ironically, I found out later that when my step-dad (who wasn't my step-dad at that point) took Pooka to bury him, my step-dads youngest grandson found Pooka's body before he could bury Pooka. His grandson wanted his grandpa to bring Pooka back to life- and thought his grandpa could actually do it
I am not going to make a judgment as to who or what is controlling these dreams, but I will say that I believe they are very meaningful no matter what.

My grandmother told me of two that she had when she was alive, at very traumatic times in her life:

Her youngest son was killed when he was 17, and in the days and months following his death, she was very distraught. She said she felt as if she wanted to die, herself.

She was napping on her bed after one long session of crying and feeling so desperate when she came to a point in her sleep when she wasn't even sure she was awake or asleep, and she stood next to her bed and looked at her reflection in a mirror on the back of a door next to her bed.

She saw herself aging in the mirror, but she herself felt fine. She watched as this woman grew older, and older, and finally fell over on the bed, apparently dead, but only after she had aged greatly.

She felt a comforting warmth and realized the message was that she was going to live a long life, and she felt there was a real turning point in her grief, then.

The next one was after her husband passed away after a long illness.

Again she was napping, and in her "dream", she heard a knock on her door. She answered and there was Porter, her husband (incidentally, her youngest son was also named Porter). He stood there on the porch and gestured behind him to what she could see was a barb wire fence, and beyond that, she could see freshly tilled earth, like in a morning mist. She was amazed at that, because normally, out her front door was just a street. Porter said to her as he gestured, "It isn't much, but I'm happy with it." and she knew he had come to tell her he had all he desired in his current place, and she appreciated the answer he gave her in that visit.

He then turned and went down the steps and stepped through the barb wire and disappeared.

I loved these stories and listened to them often. I think my grandmother was very in tune with life forces in general, and I ascribe to her ways of thinking, for the most part. She was the person in my life that was most like my mother. She is my ideal when I think of that word, to be sure.

My grandmother passed away in July of 1995, quite suddenly, though she was 83. She was not a spiritual person in the religious sense, but she did have a belief that the spirit of a person had a greater existence than could be contained by a physical body. She imparted to me that she would give me some signal if she could, once she had gone on.

I have not really gotten anything that I could lay my finger on so distinctly, but she has visited me several times in my dreams, and she would say so much that I would expect from her, so I figured it was just me missing her and bringing her to me when I needed her. Whatever the reason, or the mechanism of these visits, I am glad they exist. I only wish I could voluntarily bring them on.

Liz M.
Thank you for all your replies. Yes even yours Nicole. Even if the arent "real" & Im only comforting myself, Im glad to have those dreams. Its also comforting knowing that others have similar experiences.
Thanks again everyone. I really do appreciate it.
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I am crying now for some reason
I have no idea why, When My grandma would baby sit me, this guy named bill, wasnt the finest looking man ever(not judgin him, just going to show the point, that a good horse(a person in this case) is never a bad color, and I am also a guy, so I am not judgin him LOL), he wore the same close everyday, and some of his ear and skin cut of for skin cancer, and he would bring the news paper over to my grandma everyday, and give me a peice of gum, he died, and I went to his funeral, and seen him
I cant really remember all this, but it is just making me sad, his is the firlst, adn only dead person I have ever seen(I might have seen my great grandma, but I cant remember it)! one night, I had a dream, and he was talking to me through the sun (like his face was the sun) I am getting major time goose bumps right now! I truly think it was him, not JUST a dream, I was probably 5, and did not think of that kind of stuff, yah dreams are made up in your head, but who do you think Made that up! I am a true beleiver of it, and I have no doubts, that O'l Bill was there by me that night, when I was around 5, I did not sleep well, I had nightmares, all the time, and would have to sleep with my parents, that night, i ended up sleeping in my bed, and he told me, ''Everything is going to be okay, Gage, Its gonna be okay'' then I woke up, and only being 5 it scared the H**l out of me, and I RAN to my mom and dads room!

It was Bill!

I don't have an answer for you, but I have had the same experiance. My grandmother passed away after a bout with cancer. Before she was sick she was really something, full of energy and VERY opinionated. And I'm not saying that in a bad way, she just knew how she wanted things. Anyway about a year after she died I had a dream with her in it and it is still very vivid to this day, that was about 22-23 years ago. Me, my mom and my grandmother were waiting in line at a ladies restroom, I have no idea where, but we were just standing there talking. Just an ordinary thing. I don't remember what we talked about but I can tell you exactly what she was wearing. I can even tell you how she was holding her hands and making gestures, her make up and everything was just like before she was sick. It was very comforting after a while, but at first it was a large feeling of loss all over again.
nootka said:
My grandmother passed away in July of 1995, quite suddenly, though she was 83.  She was not a spiritual person in the religious sense, but she did have a belief that the spirit of a person had a greater existence than could be contained by a physical body.  She imparted to me that she would give me some signal if she could, once she had gone on. 

I have not really gotten anything that I could lay my finger on so distinctly, but she has visited me several times in my dreams, and she would say so much that I would expect from her, so I figured it was just me missing her and bringing her to me when I needed her.  Whatever the reason, or the mechanism of these visits, I am glad they exist.  I only wish I could voluntarily bring them on.

Liz M.



If your dreams of your grandmother were real and vivid, I would tell you they were truly her sending you her love in the least invasive way she could.

Often our passed loved ones will give us "signs" that they are still keeping an eye on us. They can be very subtle, such as, us suddenly smelling a scent that was special to them. Or perhaps an item that belonged to them keeps popping up in your house in odd places? There are lots of ways they can let us know they are "popping in" to say HI.

I encourage folks not to close themselves to these things because it doesn't fall into the "normal scheme of things"....... We are physical beings containing a Spirit. Spirit is Energy and the world and the universe is made up of Energy. When our physical shell dies, where do you think our Energy Essence (Spirit/Soul) goes???? Even modern science now admits that once Energy is created, it never dies, just changes form! (Basic Physic Science.)

Sorry for the lecture, but this is a favorite arguement for me.

I also very much DO believe that people and animals visit us in our dreams.
My experiences are different however.

My "visits" happen when I am in that state between wake and sleep. I am actually glad they happen then, because that way I know they are real visits not just a dream, and I can communicate better than when I'm totally asleep.
I lost my first husband and a close friend of ours in a canoeing accident in 1995. I had some odd things happen shortly after he was gone and then nothing much for a very long time. Two years ago I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night to see him standing beside my bed. His back was to me but I just knew it was him. I lay there trying to wake up more and focus my eyes to be sure. Suddenly he was gone. I had talked about it with some of my family and friends, of course it was mentioned that maybe I was actually dreaming. About two weeks later I woke up in the middle of the night again and there he was again. I lay there for the longest time not moving and just trying to be sure I was awake and was really seeing him. I was absolutely sure I was awake and then I noticed that my dog was awake on the floor too and was intently staring because she could see him too!!! I only felt a sense of comfort and calm when he was there but I did wonder why he stood both times with his back to me, it was suggested to me that he was protecting me from something(that freaked me out a little). I have no idea why he was here but I am certain that he was!

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